I kinda wanna go there now I think I could handle the guards being dicks if I could get all that it sounds like a great place to buy a dog and take care of it. Like is it even a dystopia anymore? Or is it just a slightly worse utopia?

Also I don't want all that to be locked off so only the people who enabled the pet play content can use it as I wanna play it myself as it sounds like loads of fun.
Hi Pooploser ^_^
Yeah, that's part of the fun of it for me. The facility can be rather dystopian at times, especially with the corruption and infighting between staff (and various businesses), but also is a place of incredible scientific progress where you could live in comfort and luxury your whole life. Especially when you compare it to the world as described in the various backgrounds you get a better picture of why so many of the characters are happy to live there despite the risks
As for the park, don't worry that won't be shut behind the pet-play content tag, just pony-play and pet-play elements of it
Sorry if this is asking too much but I would really like it so you could get the prizes that the non trainees get it would probably be a bit overpowered if you just got a slip and you could just wish for anything as well as being literally impossible to program so I think it would be better if the prize was changed to tickets instead or something like that so you could buy exclusive prizes not available in the regular stores like clothes or maybe even furniture and you would have to wait a few days for the prizes to arrive (Unless that’s too hard to program in which case I would be fine with the prizes getting sent to your characters apartment right away.) and you would get more tickets the harder the opponent is I think it would be really cool doing that as well as making the diaper racing prizes just as cool as the ones from the adventures if not even more so.
Whilst that would be really cool, giving the player a long list of options they could pick up, it'd be a lot of work on something I've already put a lot of work into. I'm not saying a hard no here, just that this would be the kind of thing that would need commissioning due to the amount of content and how specialized it is.
That said, I do have a plan as mentioned before for the championship match, where the player might get themselves a special choice of rewards at the end
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I think I found a extremely minor glitch the AI told me to get a keycard but there’s no option to get Mari to steal it I remember you being able to convice her to steal it even after she finds out that you are in the ABDL tv show but I don’t have the option anymore. Sorry about the shitty quality btw I don’t have my laptop with me right now as I really should be asleep.
There was previously a bug where Mari would get for the player the keycard without them finishing the quest, which I've since corrected. Have you finished her personal quest yet? If you have (having done so with one of the best solutions) and you still can't get it then let me know and I'll look into it more.
Ok cool so who’s Mary and how do I help her find freedom?
To get Mari's freedom you need to;
I played a bit of this last night and thought the setting is interesting.
So far I haven't meet anyone who I can have under me.
Haven't found a way to interact with Jess or something like her.
Hi Elona ^_^
Glad to hear that you like the setting
The game currently is more geared towards submissive players, though more options to top/dominate other characters are planned in the future. If you're okay with futa content, then Villin the bunny-girl herm is a submissive dating option that lets you take charge, and you can find her at Restaurant Alfonsi over in the Recreational Hub (it's listed as an unnamed restaurant before you visit it the first time).
As for Jess, she's attached to a quest which triggers after a few in-game days, one of the outcomes of which is that you can enslave her (though the slave interaction content is still relatively unfinished).
Hope that helps ^_^
I think that’s it unless of course getting Alice a robotic body is also time sensitive don’t know I always got her robotic body as soon as possible.
Yep, Alice's quest isn't time sensitive, you just need to go through various of the chat options with Alice that you can access through your room's tablet