No, you're not forbidden, but that wasn't a reasoned, balanced review, it was more like a rant.
If you think presenting both sides, good and bad, isn't balanced then you are lacking comprehension of what "balanced" actually means.
Why should I "engage in conversation" before leaving a review? Will it change the game as it is? WILL YOU GO BACK AND REWRITE THE GAME? NO, you won't, it's a done deal, talking wouldn't have done aynthing. Actually, it would've soured my experience even more, as you're clearly angry and not shying from making it known. I was reviewing the game, not your public relations skills (which after your last 2 petulant messages are not the best, tbh.). After engaging with you I probably would've left you 1 star for your approach alone even with Kari's best attempts to fix it.
I played your game from start to finish, invested many hours into it before I wrote the review and thought well what I would put into it. I didn't go rushing willy-nilly into it after like just one hour, without really thinking about it. The game and impressions were still very fresh.
I love your original idea for the game, Kari was a true sweetheart that could've carried the game on her own.This game could've stood on it's own with just Kari and MC developing their relationship as he struggles to take on the burden of a new job and later becoming the CEO. Kari was THAT strong of a potential support pillar and story subject.
BUT you didn't let her, that was your biggest mistake and then other mistakes that I would've ignored otherwise, just kept stacking on.
The harem idea got out of control which, according to other's posts in this thread, many agree with me.
Lois herself gets more screentime and attention than Kari and her sisters put together, even though the story revolves mostly around them.
Feminism and anti-man rants really have no place in an adult game directed at men, I would like to be spared from constant rants about how men ruin everything while I'm trying to get in mood for smut with those exact women.
Constant flow of new females into an alredy over-saturated group should've been stopped a while ago as there's just too many of them and you can't handle them all anymore.
Mechanics like arousal, phone, etc. should either have a point or not be used.
MC is a spineless pussy who buckles down under slightest pushback from guests who are asking for HELP FROM him when it should be the other way around, them buckling from demands from the person they are dependent on for survival. The waitress really has no leg to stand on making demands of the guy that is gonna be saving her bar and keeping her afloat.
From reading responses, for many Kiki is the jumping-the-shark point and some are giving up. That should be a wake up call. The game is called Roommates, which was MC + Kari, that was made perfectly clear by you in the first 5 minutes of the game. It's either false advertising or you decided at some point it's too constraining and those roommates actually include 20 other women (with number growing as everyone seems fated to move into that building at some point).
And this is just naming a FEW of the issues that have built up along the way, that didn't exist during the first hour or two, some appearing towards the end.
I stand by everything I said still.
I may not have programmed games, but I've been doing creative work FOR FREE for 30 years now, never even asking or allowing donations. I never opened a Patreon page or Gofundme or anything like that, yet I regularly weekly produced work for dozens of steady "clients". I haven't gotten paid even a dollar for the thousands of hours I put into my work, so spare me the guilt trip attempt. I'm not the only one on this thread who hasn't paid for the game, but at least I gave your work more than a fair chance instead of giving up on it before I got to the current end.
One of the first things I had to learn when I started making my work publicly accessible is how to deal with not just praise but criticism. If your reaction is this angry for substantiated criticism of your work alone, I shudder to imagine how you will react with such thin skin to someone flaming you personally and going for direct personal attacks and insults or, something I experienced at one point, stalkers and death threats. And maybe one day you'll realize that well-meaning criticism is more helpful to growing as an artist or producer of something than mindless, effusive praise that sees through coloured glasses.