sorry im a bit confused. lets say i want kari or mallory as the senior receptionist, i have to take cassie at first, but then she leaves and you get to choose again? and your suggesting aria as the secondary? does it actually matter who you choose as the secondary?
Yes it matters. There is a system to the receptionists.
If you have Aria as head...when she leaves, Cassie will always...always replace her. If you do not want Cassie as head receptionist, then make sure to not include her in the round one picks and do not hire Aria as the head receptionist. That way, you can then decide on the second picks (after London) whether you want her as your receptionist...or she will be mainly at the main reception and just help out near your office (and while not implemented yet, IIRC, second pick of the second round after calling Kiki,
should be Lois new assistant/reception cover).
Cassie never leaves, only Aria leaves. However, if you ensure that Aria is the secondary, when she leaves, your head receptionist isn't replaced. Whatever you do, Cassie will always end up working for you, exactly when and have a little more control over.
As for Kari/Mallory, in all my saves, even the sillier ones, I've never picked either of them because honestly, the arguments against are just too rational and logical so can't attest to if you can/what happens, though pretty sure you can't force the Mallory choice...not 100% though.
However, to add as a final word, there are still many bugs with the reception system (just another thing that needs adressing), people disappear yet dialogue says they are there...wrong person speaking to wrong character shown etc...however, what I explained above, will always either happen, or you can work around, depending on your initial picks are.
Remember, theoretically, in the second round picks, iirc...*thinks* call Kiki...then you are onto the receptionists. Lois will favour Cassie (if not already picked) or Chloe (from london office). Remember, read the text...she also needs a replacement PA for herself. IIRC, the first pick is to replace Aria (if you chose her originally, if chose her as head, Cassie auto replaces her), second pick
should be for Lois P.A./Reception cover and the next two, one is extra for you, outside your office and the last will primarily work at the main reception away from your office.
Oh...and if anyone wondering, yeah...don't ask how Im know all that