I really dig the approach to just slowly introduce new characters. Whether they are LIs or just regular npcs, but nothing makes a game lose meaning and interest faster than a parade of characterless faces to be thrown the player's way. Even the sexiest harem game feels boring if it's just 'pair of boobs #230'.
Will be really interesting to see where the game goes. I like the little choices and how they could shape up Atlas and Ley in the long run - and last but not least - while I'm not squirmish about it, I also like how respectful you built the game in regards to sex scenes. Given the player more choices on how to enjoy the game (or what content exactly to enjoy) is always a good idea.
However, you're aware of course that by setting Atlas up as old Spartan, you're now required by law to have a 'THIS IS SPARTA!'-kick-a-baddie-down-somewhere scene as goofy over the top reference, right?