I am really loving the game. The cursed armor is not that hard when you learn. I just saved a few souls drops and faced it with 2 oni weapons, each one dealing around 70 per strike, I killed the crystals with 1-2 hit each, then faced the armor, after first death, cursed sword cleaned the few summons, and it was 1x1, cursed armor could not keep up, since my damage was just to big, it was stunned all the time.
Basically, the secret of this game is know the weapons you will need. Flame/frost strike, all out strike, focus, wind armor, haste, hit and run. Almost all skills are useful, you just need to know the right time to use them, so abuse the wepom scraps, learn the tactic of every enemy, it will help you to know witch weapon you will need before going into the Dungeon.