it's grinding af, i don't like the slow progression, after each death you're loosing like 80% of your stuff, tho i liked the gallery scenes, they're hot, the gameplay sucks i can't believe they still can't finish it, there's literally nothing more to do
Not really, you don't lose all of your stuff if you go back to base with the bell, an important thing to learn in thiss game is not to push when you genuinely have nothing to risk it for, the next area is the same as the previous, full of mechanics to fuck you over.
And most meta upgrades which are actually important and make a difference should be easy enough to get with the souls you saved up from the runs you've went on, since you're obvioussly not making it across 2 areas with an increasing number of floors in the first try.
Game is grindy, plus the fact that your weapons and accs break easily. But kinda used to grind in games (like LobotomyCorp with hundreds of hours...)
Finished 3rd boss, so was exploring next area. And it became quite vicious... Chapters before were manageable, but this becomes "come and die". But that's what some people appreciate greatly. And challenge themselves with something like not going down even once, let them have fun.
Game isn't finished yet, devs mention some kind of IRL problems. Or maybe they just milk Patreon, we never know.
They're meant to break, if it's a good weapon you'll be ablee to kill fodder enemies in 1-2 hits, while that stupid fucking silver hair bitch will prob take a dozen, you gotta learn to maximize into magic, since that's where the highest damage is, especially if you use elemental gems, then hope for a high enhnacement limit where you then use the high mass materials. You get a light weight weapon with good damage, you can make alot more than making weight 6 weapons which deal mediocre damage, and slowly enhance a particularly good weapon over several runs to then use on the boss.
I don't think these devs in particular are milking us, since my standards for such have become so low that they could genuinenly shit on my face and as long as an actual update comes out I wouldn't mind. This site is littered with both garbage games and garbage devs, this being a japanese game, is naturally somewhat different. I can forgive a long development time as long as it's actually a good update, and realistically, it has not been that long since the last update anyways.
Uh, this is slightly difficult
This is why teleportation potions are always a must