Well, it was more about MC knowing she was trans and seeming super familiar with her behavior and obsession with the MC when we'd really only had the one scene, where she may have revealed being pretty slutty, but that was it. The only other interaction we'd had with her was when she spoke to MC about a massage briefly (which was never actually done, because we were with Brenda I assume).
Karishma has a female and trans path, I'm not certain what exactly seems to be written that makes you believe he knows she is trans or not, but I am going to look at the early script myself and see if I understand what you are saying. Their relationship from the get-go was built on lust. Karishma loved the fact that the MC was still a virgin, and was insta-love. To further explain, and hopefully help you understand why sometimes things need to be as they are... Initially, Karishma was intended to be trans only, like Brenda. However, seeing as a lot of people can't stand having anything but females in the vanilla version, and those who did play with trans on wanted her to have a female version, I made it happen. The same goes for Vanessa. In other words, if you want a female version of a character that was intended to be "trans only" you need to understand that I can't create two different personalities of the same person. Nor can I have them both in the same scene. So, at times they carry on as if something has happened the night before if you are on the trans path, for example (when the story continues the next day with vanilla as the default). Vanilla is the canon story, they were intended to belong to two different worlds. They are now in the same universe. All-trans and female versions have been linked to the story, but the character remains singular. All that changes is the extra stick shift for trans, and some dialogue/sex scenes. I can't afford to write and render two entirely different paths. I'd die of old age working on the endings alone. For real too.