kinky world is script heavy, its not compatible with nrass story progression/other recommended known world changing mods.
I rarely had issues between KW and Nraas. I know Oniki warns against them, and KW steps on some Nraas mods, since it loads itself last, but, I run Nraas MC with modules, SP with modules, error trap, traveler, register, overwatch, and several more. Also, the newer versions at LL are smoother, with some code fixed. I personally prefer 426, the last from Denton. JVSmith began adding things that I'm not crazy about in his versions.
In the end, it's up to the individual, KW v Passion.
I'll admit I wasn't aware of that.
Knowledge is POWER!!!
BUUUWAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes, the newer versions are better, in that they fixed stuff, and run smoother.
That's a dubious argument, TS3 being a x86/32bits game.
I find that if your machine is able to run TS3 fairly well, with all it's flaws, with all EP's, you can most likely run newer KW's. Might be worth to ask, how long ago and which KW build were you using? And again, I run Nraas with no real issues other than a bunch of script error xmls, that don't seem to affect my game.
but let's not compare e-peens here please
Well, I'd probably lose, unless my hubby was allowed to stand in for me.
Still, I only have an ASUS TUF, budget gamer from Walmart. Hardly top of the line... and I had to do... things... for my beloved to let me buy that. Terrible, unspeakable... things...