It's actually kinky that causes the time to freeze, because as soon as I disable it in options the time flows normally, but if I enable it back it stops, any idea why or maybe theres an option in the mod that may cause that?
Kinky is another heavy script mod, like the ones I already posted above. The more script mods you install, the more it will eat at your CPU, likewise, the more object and CAS mods installed, the more it will eat your RAM. Sims 3 isn't very well optimised, it runs terrible and doesn't utilise RAM or CPU very well, so if you have a low end system, you will experience freezes as your game progresses; the older and larger your world becomes, the worse it will get.
If you are getting a permanent freeze, where you can't do anything at all in the game, and only hear sound, then your game has crashed, and either you have a broken mod, or you have broken your game save and fixing either can be very time consuming.
With sims 3 it's pretty much essential to run mods like Awesome, Overwatch and such to clean up your game as much as possible, fix EA bugs and keep it running smoothly, but even this won't keep you running forever.