I'm a student in law but really you don't even need to be one to understand that the CC you create is not yours but EA properties.
In fact, you can share anything from others modders and you have the right to do it. If you think I'm wrong, then you can always read EA's code of conduct, something you have to accept when using EA products.
EA will not do anything against paywall content tho, at least if it's not a danger or if it's not reported. But it's illegal. Sharing, on the other hand, is legal even if unfair for some creators.
Some creators try to protect their creation with "TOU" or "EULA" but these have 0 values since you already signed EA e-contract, thus make them totally irrelevant. You sign this kind of contract just when you start to buy, download or use EA product/assets, really. So it's impossible to create mods without it.
If you disagree with it and you don't want to see your content shared, then don't share them, or don't use EA products.
It's not the case for every games, but The Sims 4 is not one of them.
However, you can ask for donation and support. It's how Patreon should be used anyway, with early release of your work between 2 and 3 weeks maximum before you have to release everything publicly and free.
I insist with the everything because some animators don't do that, and the issue is here. But keep in mind that even if you do it, people can share your work and they have the right to do so, unless they ask money for it.