" Someone had to finally snap and no one could do that better than you. Too bad that some people are simply dumb and don't understand or don't want to understand that this thread isn't for people to whine about their problems that they could solve easily by themselves or by using help from actual creators of the mods that are causing said problems. I hoped your post would make people realize that this thread is becoming a trash but guess not."
K.Leoric thank you for your work and to everybody that contributes here.
I usually just read a blog an do no interact, but I'm tired of the people that just make complains and think that your work and dedication is an obligation.
They just ask, ask, ask, ... and ask and do nothing.
There is no magic thing in tuning a game like the SIMS 4. There are lots and lots of interactions between scripts. In each new version of the game and of the scripts "Shits Happens".
You need to be patient and test . I usually put new versions of scripts in a TEMP folder inside MODS folder and test it, but as I said "Shits Happens". For this new version of the game, I spended two nights remaking my configuration, from the scratch.
Before ask and complain test and contribute with something like: the configuration that work for me was .....
My humble contribution. No Last exception no problem until now:
Version - 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac - Sims 4 Island Living’s
MCCC - 6.3.1
WhooWhoo - 6.3.1
TURBODRIVER WW InappropriateUnlock
Nisa WP - 2_1_0s plus Nisa Hotptach
Attention : My last exception problem (persistent) until I stabilize this configuration yesterday was with AEP. I don't try to put AEP again.
Place where you will find information:
Documents/Electronic Arts/ The Sims 4/ Last Exception.log and WickedWhims.log (this one, gives you what packges are duplicated and with some problems. D'ont worry if you see, with respect animation packages, " Invalid sex animation ... loop duration - this is not a great problem)
Documents/Electronic Arts/ The Sims 4/MODS /mc_cmd_center.log
The above LOGS are some times huge, but as I and a hundred other people before me said a hundred of times: There is no magic solution, just observation, patience and test. Remove all mods and put just 10 or 20 of them back again and TEST.
When you are done, contribute divulging what config work.
Best Tools
Sims 4 Studio, and
Sims 4 Tray Importer ( Do not use the conflict tool if you do not know EXACTLY what are you doing)
And use the links in the first page of this BLOG, Lovers Lab and Google before ask.
This is my tentative of contribution and thank again K.Leoric and all the people that work hard here.
And the lechers -- Shame yourself.
Sorry my English.
Thank you again don't give up your work are great.