Do you mean in CAS? I've seen something similar for skin details in CAS....
Sorry, I should have been more specific.
It's about the 'package' files. I'm trying to figure out whats inside them, because half of the time, a mod author will package their whole stuff in 1 'zip' file, and name them something awkward like "AngelAngel_PlatformsTop". Platforms in this case is shoes, and not an actual platform + has nothing to do with tops.
I'm trying to find a tool that is able to move the mods package files that fall under the same category in mass. I know with SimsStudio you can look at them internally, same with SimsModConflict, and there is even LoversLabs ModOrganizer tool (which only sorts by name of file, not category) but none of them sort the whole thing in batches or take a while to load (especially SimsStudio, if the file is big enough, it can take a while for the preview window to pop).
The reason I would like to do this, is so I can merge the files by category and author, otherwise, one day, it's going to take Sims 4 20 minutes to boot with all the mods in it, especially if there are duplicates (which happens more often then I would like).