Walls are not objects so they cannot be used to play sex animationsis there any wickedwhims animation about having sex leaning against a wall?
is there any wickedwhims animation about having sex leaning against a wall?
For sex animations on walls you can use the wicked wall sex invisible from wickedwhimsWalls are not objects so they cannot be used to play sex animations
Where can I download that mod to have sex on the walls?For sex animations on walls you can use the wicked wall sex invisible from wickedwhims
You don't need to download it as it comes inside wickedwhims just make sure you have wickedwhims downloadedWhere can I download that mod to have sex on the walls?
hereany sexy police costume? thanks in advance
Where can I find that object you mentioned? I can't find it anywhere.You don't need to download it as it comes inside wickedwhims just make sure you have wickedwhims downloaded
try searching as wicked wall sex. It is also found in the decoration and floor decorationsWhere can I find that object you mentioned? I can't find it anywhere.
If it's not too much trouble, could you recommend an animator who creates animations for Wicked Wall Sex?try searching as wicked wall sex. It is also found in the decoration and floor decorations
savaccini has some animations for the wallIf it's not too much trouble, could you recommend an animator who creates animations for Wicked Wall Sex?
There is a work around for that. Go to build mode and add the wall sex marker for any wall that you want to use.Walls are not objects so they cannot be used to play sex animations
its not that it cant be done. its that he will not allow allow for it and added code if i remember to prevent rape, bestiality, loli and so on.why not, if that can be done in sims 3?