VN - Ren'Py - The Singer [v0.75 Part 2] [IntensiveCareGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Graphically it has made some leaps in quality, for audio nothing great, I still haven't understood the plot, and it's really very difficult, I give one star because after all this time the story has become really boring and monotonous, now it's not the story of the singer, but of a nymphomaniac slut, the title of the game should be changed from, THE Singer, to The Whore. now a game that only fell on how many dicks Ria collects, then TED, another disappointment as a character.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of reading games, but even though I don't read the writing, the plot is understandable to me... So I rate everything but the writing...
    For me, the pros of this game are thinly spread over the whole game... So for me it's neither bad nor good... There is anal, but there is very little of it... There is NTR, but it's all so-so... The protagonist is a male, but you have to control a female, so you are neither male nor female, but who knows who... and this breaks the immersion!!! Your decisions affect the plot, but not radically...
    It's good that there's not much of a puke romance, but I would have liked more hardcore fucking... BBC gangbang, DAP, gokkun, bukkake, rape, sleep sex, drunk sex... Uh... whatever happens...​
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    You play as an iranian looking dude and also have a constant rapist smirk, his face is never neutral/not smirking creepily. It's pretty uncomfortable but makes sense once you see the all so typical attitude to the women during sex.

    The game opens with reallllly cringy flirting with the girlfriends friend, to which the girlfriend comically overreacts - this is ridculous becasue in two scenes time she's fine for having the same friend in underwear while they eat.

    After the opening scene, the dev has our iranian unherocially fighting off two other creeps who somehow directly allude to raping the girls, as if thats how attacks on the street usually go (as opposed to realistically starting with fake charm or asking the time etc). Ok, so that does happen in other VNs, but here it's all a bit ridiculously done.

    Naturally the best friend keeps throwing herself at mc, getting naked even though she supposedly has a good relationship with the girlfriend. Not to matter because girlfriend also immediately cheats. Every interaction up to this point shrieks of hating women.

    It's all downhill from there. Which is a shame, because the female models chosen are good and not warped unrealistically.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played with a female protagonist.Not lesbian or anything but a lot of sex with a lot of men.beautiful girl with perfect body proportions,and realistic story that wants women to do anything for their money and career.
    A game that deserves to be called an absolute porn game.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    A game that initially had a lot of potential, but today everything has changed in the worst way, the graphics have improved, even the audio has been revised, but the plot is a story of 2 friends with benefits, not a couple, and Ria thinks about her career using her body perfectly. a real shame
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The story goes you are a boyfriend with her girlfriend Ria who looks to become a promising singer, looking to make her break in the music industry. However, she is tempted by the temptations and challenges in hey journey to become a famous singer. Ultimately as this is an NTR game, she fails and succumbs to the lust of devious men. Honestly, the writing is average. It’s not amazing at all, but it's not terrible. It’s passable and you can enjoy the ride of the couple. The dialogue at times is tough and has some errors. Overall the story is very basic.

    The boyfriend in this game is not appealing. I have no idea how women find him charming and want him in bed. He just lacks this confidence and just feels like a dumbass. On the other hand, the Ria is okay, much better than the boyfriend. She’s cute and charming, whom all the men in the game are swooning over her. What kinda irks me about this game is the boyfriend not able to have a pure/non-cheating route. I understand the cheating/NTR route of the Ria, because she needs to make it as a singer. But as the boyfriend, there were scenes in the game where you were unable to make a choice to not have sex with other women. It felt forced and you had no agency of choice. The NTR doesn't feel that impactful, because sometimes it feels like these two are just terrible for each other. They bicker and moan about each other, where eventually both of them cheat on each other whether you like it or not.

    There’s a good chunk of content. I do like that there is content for each of the boyfriend and Ria perspectives. So it’s just not solely NTR content. Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed the boyfriend content more than the girlfriend. The kinks and fetish in the game are quite vanilla, wished there was more variety of kinks in the game.

    The gameplay is AVN where you get to decide really how faithful you are to each other. Each choice will increase your love or corruption point which will determine what kind of path you are on. Pretty standard and does it job.

    The visuals are great! At times they do look pretty meh, but most of the time it's good. I really love the character model of Ria. She looks super hot from her body, eyes, hair and especially her tanlines. The sex scenes and animations are ordinary, nothing special.

    The sound design is poor. There’s no background music, which makes reading throughout the game feel dull. Sometimes the sex scenes have moaning and music that helped add to the spiciness, but it wasn’t very common. I wish that there were moaning and sex noises in all the sex scenes.

    In all, this game is very average and ordinary. But it doesn’t mean its a game you shouldn’t play. It’s definitely enjoyable! I enjoyed the NTR content and story. If you’re looking for a quick average NTR game to read with content from both the boyfriend and girlfriend, then you should have a crack at this!
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is average for this genre, but I noticed that with the passage of time the two characters now have a life of their own, not a couple, graphically it has made many improvements, and the updates are at the right times, I just find a lot of confusion in the characters' stories, and I have doubts about how many endings there will be and what kind, if the game shows improvements, I will be inclined to revise my rating
  8. 3.00 star(s)

    Sean Poon

    Typos and grammar issues are nothing compared to the insane relationship choices this game presents.
    Do you want to be loyal? Too bad, forced blowjob from friend
    Do you want to be a sub? Too bad, you will facefuck the next girl
    Do you want to share your wife? Too bad, you need to corrupt her and make her sleep with everyone behind your back.
    Oh but don't worry, you can sleep with Lilly and Fiona and still be on the loyal love path. What even?
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game because it has great story and awsome animations. Also the progress is reasonable.

    You can make relevant choices and decide to see cheating content or to stay invested in your relationship.
    I like to play both, the female and male protagonist, so that you experience both sides of the story.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Yes, there's spelling mistakes and the story is looney and the characters act all over the place and there's a million other things I could criticize, but this has become a guilty pleasure for me.

    There's something about it that's oddly endearing and I do like how it doesn't give two fucks about anything.

    It's not a good game really, but it's a great game as well.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an ok game but it suffers from a few issues that stop it from really being anything more.

    The premise is interesting, couple are together, the lassie is a singer. Gets a job with an Epstein wannabe and away we go but the game suffers from issues related to the plot.

    The game makes a big point of stating that it contains NTR and it's unavoidable. That's fine and all (I mean shit, the lad in OP griding up against your girlfriend ain't you pal) but the plot makes it all feel a bit meh.

    So you and Ria are in a relationship but you've only been together for a month so there is like..... no stakes here. If you're with someone for a month and either of you starts to get thoughts about someone else you'd just break it off. Sorry I'm just not feeling it. Done. So the game suddenly becomes less about NTR and more about a couple who obviously don't want to be together.... but can't be bothered to break up.

    The game gets bonus points for allowing both parties to stray and it's not simply a cuck simulator but in all honesty the MC is a complete wet blanket. He's got some issues up stairs and you spend half the game not only getting why Ria would go down the route she is, but at times you actively support it simply because you think she can do better. The MC is helluva jealous, dictating what Ria can and can't wear and that's such a red flag. If you were in a relationship for a month and the dude starts to dictate that sort of thing you'd yeet his ass to the curb.

    So the game suffers from a MC who's not fun and a NTR premise that doesn't make sense because the relationship is hollow. Like... funnily enough by giving the MC something to do while the girlfriend is away diddling it takes any heat out of the NTR because it's less a spouse being cucked and more two people just doing their own things.
  12. 5.00 star(s)



    That's one fine game!
    - the hottest girls
    - nice animations
    - good enough story so that I didn't need to fast forward

    The lewd scenes were really hot!
    All I can say more is that I trully enjoyed this game. Praise the dev for the excellent job!
    5 enthusiastic stars!!!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the games that has best managed to implement the "unfaithful couple" dynamic, let me explain, it is not a cuckfest as such, although it is true that the female MC has sex with every man she encounters, the male MC He also does it with every woman he meets, both have options to cheat or not and the content is quite balanced, also it does not focus on the male MC spying and getting excited when he sees his girl with another, but rather on the fact that both of them cheat on each other. each other's backs.

    If you don't mind the girl's deceit and corruption, but you don't like a weak, pathetic, and cuckolded MC, then you'll probably like this game.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a game where you shouldn't think too much. It isn't deep.

    And I have to say, some of the face f*cking anims are pretty good.

    The dialogue is a bit Engrish-like.

    The MC shags different chicks, the girlfriend shags different guys. They both know each other cheat (or suspect, or at least know either one is lying) but are madly in love with each other despite being together for a month prior to the start of the 'story'.

    Like I say, not deep. Porn logic all the way. Porn dicks. But, the chicks are generally pretty good to look at. Be nice if the H-scenes where a bit longer, though.

    There are corruption points, but really, you the player have the choice whether the girlfriend acts a 304 or not. This is not corruption.

    So, if you like having your MC and partner shag everything that moves, regardless of relationship status, then this maybe for you.

    Fun, fappable and shallow.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    IMO this could have been at least a 4 star game. It has decent renders the women are pretty hot and the animations aren't to bad. But that's it. Starts out with your GF trying to make it big and while getting there she runs into temptations. But then it goes downhill from there she just becomes a slut and it becomes an all out fuck fest the story disappears about half way through. To me the Dev is shooting his self in the foot by not making the NTR avoidable and here's why. If it can't be avoided then this becomes a Kinetic novel. There's no fight to keep your woman. At the end of the story you already know you lose her. And even if the Dev put's a twist at the end and they stay together. Who would want her after she's pretty much turned into a whore? To me it takes more than decent renders and animations to make a good VN. Even if i liked NTR i wouldn't like this. If your here to just fap then this is for you but if you come here for a story then you will be disappointed.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I am enjoying this game a lot. The girls are hot and there are multiple paths to choose from. I like games where the FMC's moral are questionable because then there are a lot of sex scenes. Writing and proofing can improve but it's a porn game and it fun and light hearted.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Game contain different fetishes, players who like those fetishes will love this game and peoples who don't like these fetish will give 1 star to this game! specially NTR-Haters
    my jaw dropped from quality of renders and animation
    wish dev is consistent on updates...
    Graphic: 9/10
    Characters: 8/10
    Story: 7/10
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Its really more of a 3* game, but I'm convinced many have voted this down because of the NTR. Yes there's NTR. Its the focus of the game. I have no idea why people play a game with NTR in the tags if they hate it so, and then vote down a game for having NTR. Just makes no sense. But on to the review - The girls are gorgeous. They really are. Beautiful girls. And are pretty sharply rendered. Everything is nice an clear.

    There's apparently a sub cuck type of path, but that has no appeal to me, so no idea if its well done. Didn't play it. I played the more cheating path where both main characters cheat on each other. There is also a semi-faithful path that seems out of place. I'll give that a go at some point, but I understand there is NTR in that path too.

    The animations are... well they exist, but don't add anything. Not great. The story is fine, and makes sense for an NTR type of game. The story progression makes sense. The writing though... whew. There are parts that have been proofed. There are other parts that appear to have been google translated. There's no problem following whats going on, but its rough in parts. Real rough. Sound exists, but I turned it off for the most part and listen to my music, so dunno how good it is.

    This could be so very much better with a good proofreader. Beyond that, the girls are gorgeous. There are plentiful lewds with a pretty good variety. If you are into watching cute girls take dicks not the MCs, this game will do it for ya. If you hate NTR, don't play it. If you do, don't complain about it.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the better games that I have played. Story is quite good, even though sometimes the characters make unjustifiable decisions, which breaks their character and just feels alien, but the renders and animations are really good! There is variety of characters, different perspectives, but not a lot of control and branching how the game could have different paths to take, as most decisions acts like a switch if you will one or the other scene, but the progression will always be the same. With some work I think this game could become excellent.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    First and foremost this is a porn game. Forget about long ass talks about fee fees. Also don't expect years of slow burn nonsense to kiss your love interest. Perfect game if you don't want to waste time reading about angsty teenagers or the such.
    You take control of a young couple trying to make their relationship work while the girl tries to become a singer. Temptation is everywhere and many hot scenes and corruption are waiting you.