VN - Ren'Py - The Singer [v0.75 Part 2] [IntensiveCareGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    + Renders O.K
    + Nice Sex Scenes
    + Animation is Nice

    - Some Spelling Errors

    Story is getting better and better, the animation scenes where good,
    the Story is starting to make sense, here and there you will find speeling errors,but these are just minor errors.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Review based on v0.4.5B:

    I don't get the hate this game is getting... Characters might not be original and seen before in some other games but they are good looking. Story is a bit rushed but not to the extent that it breaks immersion too much, besides people here always complains about games being to slow to get to the sexy scenes, guess you cant please everyone. Talking about the sexy scenes, they look rather good and are hot.

    Only thing keeping this game down somewhat is the english.. It is easy to see that english is not the devs first language, but i managed to gloss over it and could mostly ignore it.

    Game is good for what it is, and could the dev get a proofreader then it would be golden, 4/5 from me!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I came to this game following a new approach, and getting myself into this NTR stuff, and i played it, played the corruption route, but besides a couple of kisses, i dont see the big deal with the "unavoidable NTR" disclaimer.

    I mean Lily is just a whore, i dont see her as a love interest, and Ria, besied some fantasy doesnt really do anything, maybe a kiss and a couple of lines of dialogue, so its pretty ame right now.

    It exists inside dreams, and as the dev warns, its unavoidable, but they are dreams so far, so they have little conection to the plot. The worst dream is actually a nightmare of the Mc and the closest to NTR daydreaming fanservice.

    Its was kind of a dissapontment, really. I gotta give a decent rating because of the camera work, and scenes are decently hot. Writing could be improved, maybe some tunning in the dialogues in the different routes, cause if you makelove decisions in the corrution route she will callyou love and that stuff, and also insult you, and send you to hell, its realistic, cause many women are like that, but i guess you know what i mean.

    Lets see if the future is better, so far there is not enough, the game is not settled yet.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    for v0.4
    The models are cute.
    Story makes sense.
    The dialogue just needs some proofreading.
    The renders could probably be a little better, but are adequate for the game tbh.
    Overall decent quality.
    One star reviews are people mad about ntr as usual. Do play the game.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Personally, I am not a fan of NTR and find the plot strange. But at the same time, it is not becoming less interesting.

    There is a normal and adequate MC (which is very important to me), good characters and dialogues.

    The only frustrating thing is the lack of choice.
    But this is exactly the story that the author wants to tell, and I have no right to demand anything.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried to give it a chance, because I am not offended by NTR and was curious why it seems to be such a big deal for some people in this game.
    English is not my native language either but sadly the english in The Singer is so bad that I could not stand it after the first several minutes. Perhaps the developer should focus on doing it in his own language and hire someone who is worth the time and effort to translate it.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Garbage game no matter what you're looking for. No option to not be a cheating, douchy cunt of a boyfriend and on the NTR path fe male is obessed with every other male npc and you have to see fantasies of said scens even if you decide to keep her faithful. All garbage. No good story progression or anything, obviously, with as well watch an amateur porn
  8. 3.00 star(s)



    So for starters I honestly expected the english to be a lot worse after reading the very poorly worded OP summary, and of course given some comments made here by people I'm guessing now didn't actually play much of the game and are just piling that complaint on to the other aspect that really has them hot and bothered. But with that said...the consistently short sentence structure used isn't exactly doing a bang up job at making me forget that I'm playing a non native language developed game either.

    Models are subjectively good imo, and the game's strong point as the story is mostly of the thrown in variety that essentially is just forgettable filler driving you from one hastily progressed corruption sex scene to the next. Which on that note there is already a fair amount of advanced payout sexy time in the game. Animations aren't of stand out quality, but they still add a positive aspect to the payoffs.

    Basically the game achieves a nothing special presentation but nothing "avoid it bad" job of what it's trying to do here. Which to the people crying about "avoidable content" or lack of choices...kinda should of already been fairly obvious in that this wasn't looking like a game aiming to cater to any "pure" or "love" path playthroughs before you even hit that download button lol (regardless if that meant you otherwise had to go a night without downloading that always endless new game need if nothing else on the latest update page had models you liked :) )

    So yeah. Downloaded and got a fap out of it. Likely will play it one more time when once I see a sex scene update on the main female character...and that will likely be it. One of those games.

    Would of had more lasting potential as female only MC project.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Ok I tried it.
    The mc is kind of meh, but the girls are gorgeous, especially Ria and Lily. As mentioned in the first post of the thread, the game is relatively hardcore and has unavoidable ntr. If you're ok with that, it's actually very well-made (except maybe some dialogues). The sex scenes are the highlight of this game, the dev really knows how to make hardcore scenes hot, especially the latest ones in that update. I really like how depraved and hot Lily is, and I look forward making Ria sluttier. Yeah the point of the game is straightforward, it's really pure corruption, if you're into it it's very enjoyable.
    Looking forward to the continuation.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Don't bother to play that if you aren't NTR fans.
    • Mediocre quality speckled renders,
    • mediocre models,
    • primitive short sex scenes.
    • Primitive dialogues with poor Engrish grammar,
    • primitive story.
    • Females (including the girlfriend) are sluts,
    • no choice would prevent NTR (regardless of what the overview says).
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Game gets far too much hate. Some of the reviews I feel are a tad bit too subjective. Ill try my best to give some objectivity

    ---Disclaimer, If NTR is not your kink then do not fear. The one scene that conatins NTR could be removed in a single patch although its not that bad.---

    - Decent fap. The two main girls are very sexy ESPECIALLY Ria and the story does a fantastic job focusing mainly on them. Its definitely a strong point.
    - Cheesy charm. Yes the graphics are mediocre at best. Yes the scenes and settings need work. Yes the plot is terrible but it all comes off campy. Games not taking it self seriously.
    - Sex scenes galore. They are Hot. Good but not great
    - NTR done well in the sense its not a cucksimulator but if you treat the girl like a SIMP or a douce than it will make her leave. Just like most of the time in real life. Its sad that this is even considered NTR.
    - Adequate dialogue, for the most part.
    - Slim thicc girls. The way petite should be done in my opinion. Cute models with mature womanly features.
    - Story is bare bones and simple. Its a VN with no sandbox or stupid supernatural elements. No drugging or creepy rape sex.

    - Dialogue escalates too quickly although its true for Ria's friend
    - Needs more sneaky sex scenes
    - The one NTR scene should be avoidable in an update and then there would literaly be no NTR, just competition.
    - I LOVE scenes where you have to defend the girls via the old ultraviolence and fisticuffs old chap! But I got the biggest Unintentional laugh I ever had playing these games when two guy who looked like Backstreet Boys rejects were supposed to be the scumbags stealing the girls.
    - Nothing about the game is believeable or truly immersive because of the scenery. If the Dev improves this the game would drastically increase although as it stands its still a good game.
    - MC looks like a tool and a complete wimp. I get there may be an option to cuck him later and so far that would be deservedly so.
    - Game has to overcome its short comings with more variety and kinks. More threesomes and cheating situation. The option for a boob job, the option to share and the option to make her completely slutty will make this a 5 Star in my book.

    IGNORE ALL the whiners complaining about NTR, the NTR in this game is avoidable except for technically one scene the game is not a masterpiece but its fairly decent.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Your choices will affect Ria's future behavior. Will she be loyal to you? or will you stay loyal to her?
    Makes it sound like choices have consequences except you aren't given any choice in what goes on.

    The boyfriend will cheat so that alone makes the overview a lie.

    The girlfriend thinks about cheating practically straight away.

    They have an argument over the most ridiculous thing to set the scene for future cheating.

    All the while the only "choice" is whether or not to warn the girl you cheat on the girlfriend with that you are cumming.

    The overview made it sound like we'd have carefully crafted scenes that would involve us trying to keep the girlfriend happy or not while we decided on whether to keep the boyfriend faithful.

    The game completely shits on the overview and does whatever it wants regardless of your input.

    I would normally have skipped over this game and ignored it but the overview and tags (until they were updated) made it sound like a story focused tale of romance or betrayal.

    It's your basic cheating/corruption game with the overview being nothing like the game,

    Make the games you want devs but don't blatantly lie about what that game is.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the rating from me `***Update*** V0.5.4:

    + Renders Great
    + Hot Sex Scenes
    + Animation is Great

    - Some Spelling Errors

    Story is getting better and better, the animation scenes where good,
    the Story is starting to make sense, here and there you will find spelling errors, but these are just minor errors.

    It`s worth the download starting with Version 0.3.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Average renders at best.
    Poor writing story.
    Choices doesn't really matter.

    In a blink of a eye in the history girlfriend already imagining sucking the cock of a dude she barely talked 5m and its unavoidable, then proceeds to get mad with mc for being jealous and right after that goes to the shower finger herself while thinking about sucking the other dude cock, all of this is unavoidable.
    The only choice you get is to keep fingering and imagine the dude is fucking her too or stop.

    Mc is forced to get a bj from gf suppose best friend the same one that talks shit about the mc.

    So its more like a kinect novel than anything since choices doesn't matter and you are already being forced in things.

    Really bad game right now, can't recommend it.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I hate to give bad scores for something so early, but in this case it can't be helped.

    Story -- Both the girlfriend and the boyfriend think about cheating the first time they meet the opposite sex. Why would you walk home in a dangerous area with 2 girls?? You have no choice in not cheating on each other... WTF is the NTR tag?? 0/5

    Renders -- About average compared to others these days. 3/5

    Animations -- See above 3/5

    Other -- I hate creators that leave off tags...

    Overall -- 1/5

    -- Rannell
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Alex Lem

    For those who do not know whether to play in this game or not. MC will cheat on his girlfriend in any case, we will not have a choice to do "it" or not. While the girlfriend is already thinking about the other guy's dick. Dev himself doesn't know what he wants to do with the game. So don't even try to play, it'll save you time
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game it's self is really good the render are ok and can be improved as time goes the story is good and I really liked the duel protagonist approach not a lot of games have it hope the dev have an amazing future ahead of him cuz it would be shame to see him fade way and I'm pretty sure most ppl will like this game try it peeps