Well, the game is good, but i am seeing some problems. One is the fact that while making believable characters are great, you end up with making choices that wont end well. Well yes that is the point, i worry about having to witness a crew member leave do to my choice. 2. The story, its fine so far. But as my last point stands, if my choices have consequences, how will that affect the ending, will there be multiple endings? 3. No fetishes, me personally, i count cheating as a fetish really, and a not so favorable one at that. What is there, its good.... but too early to give a full point on. 4. dating other girls, If your gonna lock me to one girl, please don't give me the illusion of choice. Just have the girls say no in a polite way after you select a good girl. Thats what i feel like is gonna happen anyway, I can hang out with them, but i can't truly have them all. After having to reject the blue hair girl, my heart sank cause i liked her. (Plus it seemed like the only way to progress with her)
Sorry for the wall of text, these are my nitpicks, if you like the game, good. For me, i just see a game going from good to generic. I could be wrong, and i hope i am in the future, but i just cant play the game, not the way i want to or how its meant to be played. The art is really good, i enjoy it so much, but its not enough for me to keep playing for long