Vanna is missing in your save, to trigger the next main step. The hint is not explicit.
You just have to go in your bedroom during evening. The Vanna storyline will trigger.
PapaPhat Thanks for your comment, you're all right, except for one thing: If the game is giving you a hint, the next step of the girl is available. In this case, the hint to unlock Vanna is bad and I will change it.
To make the game more playable, I plan 2 new things:
-Hints for Shared Events. (Planned v0.11 or v0.12)
-An icon to show the location of a girl on the travel screens. (Planned v0.10 or v0.11)
I already did a lot of technical feature for v0.10, I'm currently focused on news scene, dunno if I have the time to add it before the next release.