I didnt put a repetable oil event for Aidra. It was planned but it's not finished.
Oil event give 25Rel/50lust so it will help a lot.
Ran through everything and only found one item in the hints I was unable to solve... Increase relationship with Alina... went from Relationship: 120, Lust: 94 when I started this update to Relationship: 227, Lust 130 when I stopped having completed everything else in the update. Alina's hint started out "Raise Alina's Lust." Only earning 3 lust per day, I managed to get her over 120 and triggered the next hint... "Increase relationship with Alina" so I started spending 3/4 of most days with Alina earning 3 lust in the bathroom each morning, then 5 relationship for yoga on the beach and another 2 relationship for conversing in the kitchen. Those are the only options I have to increase lust/relationship points with Alina at present... By the time I did the grind up from 120-227 relationship... Phat was burnt! I had to drop a save and stop!
So, I only have one question with two parts... What are the actual relationship and/or lust numbers required to clear that hint to move on OR is that actually a bug??? Thanks, my friend

Great game! Just that one clue is beginning to resemble a wild goose chase... a red herring... or, a faux pas! IDK... So, I ask.
Adventure ever on, Phat