So that mean if we follow domination lession with other we like we don't gonna det the weird action from the sisters whe we have chosen domination class as well, they act like we didin't picked domination class. It weird even if we pick domination class only the sisters keep acting like we didin't piked domination class only and it weird.Hello! Thanks for the feedback, in the future I'll definitely look into making the domination stat combine with others better, making you a dom femboy for example. Currently yeah there's only strict routes, but at the start of the game I even comment that you shouldn't pick domination lectures together with others, it makes things weird I will also try to implement a choice during the chastity work event, so if you don't want to wear one, you won't be forced to
I hope to see reacion on domination class, like we didn't know you piked domination class. It strange that domination class didin't got itno acount with the MC sisters. I don't evengot sommoned into dimostration one I got domination class along side with faminization, I atted all 3 together but got asked o go with dom student since I follow that path as well to give some dimostartion as dom, weird it didin't happen.
I prefer famminzation only if I dom class student and don't even like follow orders. You must fix sisters on dom class rute becous I play 3 of them becom better dominant MC.