VN - Ren'Py - The Two Sides of Love [v0.3.1] [Night Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely excellent game - the art work is fantastic, the characters are well fleshed out and believable and theres an excellent sense of togue in check humour that runs throughtout. Really looking forward to more updates.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A five out of five!

    The Two Sides of Love: a Father/Daughter(s) tale with a twist.

    This game is an exceptional production. The few hilarious negative reviews notwithstanding.

    The story has a standard Father daughter theme, but, the dev has added a suspenseful element. A dark mystery group is active in the background the nature of which is currently unknown.

    Aside from the mystery aspect the general tenor of the game is similar to Radiant(hopefully without that games interminably long wait between updates). Cast: MC, three beautiful young daughters(age customizable) and a(currently) absent wife. The daughters are playful and loving. The father observant and to his own distraction clearly has a perverts viewpoint. Haha.

    The images are beautifully rendered. Facial expressions and camera perspective well chosen to intensify the mood. The dialogue is playful and witty. Sound effects accentuate the humorous elements.

    I enjoyed this game immensely and see great potential for the dev. It has all the elements of popular F/D games with the bonus of having wittier dialogue, more imaginative camera perspectives and higher render quality.

    Where has this dev been hiding? This isn't a firstlings work.

    Good luck to Night Games. Anyone who loves the F/D genre should try this out and if you like it as much as I do support the dev on SubscribeStar.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Vivat Imperatoris


    First of all: Where is the kinetic tag? You are not the Protagonist! Your daughters tell you what to do! There is no build-up, there is no internal conflict, guilt, or regret of the father. There is NO way to exclude girls from your harem. You want to stick with your daughter(s)? You don't like Femdom? You don't like spoiled brats? Well shit because you get them ALL! Or to be more precise they use you and make you their dog (line in game: "Just be obedient dad and be my dog")! The girls jump on you for no other reason than "I am a slut and horny". And they are all bi for some reason... I guess the reason here is as well: " I am a nympho I will take everyone"...


    Story: Absolutely AWFUL, you have NO control over the story. And I dont even mean that it is kinetic, but I mean the story itself. You are pushed around you dont control shit! It is absolutely unbelievable, There are absolutely NO conflicts, regrets or hesitations expressed by the MC. Instead the MC constantly drools (this is even referenced in game) over every girl in-game , its pathetic!

    Girls: A lot of them are really weird. They treat you like shit or manipulate you or are just plain sluts. You cant reject any of them so you are bound to end up with at least some girls you really dont like!

    MC: 1/5

    Graphics: Good, but sadly wasted...
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It's good, it's got potential, but it suffers from a few slip ups that stop it from being great.

    Visuals are interesting, no problem there. Each girl looks distinct and it's hardly a chore to look at them.

    Story is......light....

    The game suffers from the age old issue with storytelling, it tells rathan than show. So dialogue will be broken up with the introduction of "the narrator" who'll say stuff like "at that moment Anna is lost in thought, she imagines what you feel like squeezing her breasts". Ok first of it I'm pretty sure it should be something like "what it feels like having you squeeze" but who is this narrator? There's also a bit where the narrator says "meanwhile, on the other side of the door" before showing you the other side of the door. The comment isn't necessary if you're going to show it.

    It's also one of those games where the setup is almost an after thought. You're a boxer, or were and you had a family but not anymore as something happened and your wife took them away but now she's missing and ... something. Like it's not the worst plot but all in all the game's a bit light on depth. It's hinted everything said against you is all lies but there's nothing really offered up to suggest either way.

    I mean it could be good. There's certainly nothing shown which is a turn off, I think the story and the dialogue just needs to be tightened up a bit. It comes off a bit too cliche at times
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    (My first contribution in terms of game rating, this game really deserves it)

    The art and animation is really amazing => 10/10

    The story is well written and goes directly to the heart, humor and different approach for the different protagonists. The key scenes are excellently edited, if it's to your taste you will quickly be hooked and conquered by the game.
    The developer has an excellent vision of what this kind of game should be, on top of that he looks very serious he deserves to be supported.

    Really, really can't wait to see the next updates !!! :love:
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I had a great time with this game, hence the 5 star rating, but this game is not for everyone.

    Obviously you will want to have a fetish for smols to play this game because there is plenty of that. Also the game is very over the top absurd, if you want a game with a setting that is remotely realistic or even plausible, you will not find it here. If you want serious relationships, deep and interesting characters, long romantic buildups or an interesting story you will not find those here either.

    But if you just want to turn off your brain and enjoy a completely exeggerated fuckfest, where Gigachad boxer MC fucks himself through a plethora of extremely corrupt and horny girls who eagearly throw themselves at him, where every scene is either sex, highly sexual, or just some absurd joke, then this game 100% delivers on that. While currently there isn't quite that much sex there is plenty of highly sexual flirting and teasing stuff. The dirty talk in this game is great. I love the whacky humor the dev has too.

    If you like smols and don't mind/enjoy playing games that don't even begin to try to take themselves serious I can definitely recommend this to you.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Models are cute and the story is pretty standard.
    The plot is moveing WAY to fast. It is to much to fast. might aswell just watch a porn. Everything is open from minute one. sad
    game is decent, paceing is off
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot girls, hot scenes and some genuine laughs to be had here. It has a silly story but it works for the premise and pacing and even references a few other big hits on the site (and the site itself). Honestly it is great for how much it also offers already in this early stage of development (no blue balls here) and only critique i have is there is no gallery but other things make up for it like an abundance of animations so the sex scenes really pop.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Graphics dont look too bad, one of the girls looks hot, the rest look average and this is my opinion.
    The story is about a dad with a Harem of daughteres , pretty straightforward, all the girls wan't to fuck you and are horny all the time, and every girl is bisexual until proven otherwise. Thats pretty much the story.
    It has some animations that are decent-ish so maybe in the future it can carry the "rating"

    I dont know what else to say, maybe in the distant future it will become better after some polishing and after it adds more content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing. I need more. I really hope we get updates regularly. The characters were fun and well rounded. The art and animation was spot on. The girls are flirty. It had alot of playful moments that kept me interested.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty borderline in morality. Girls look very young and the heavy incest involved. However the game, the development and the teasing, as well as the female characters behaviors. It is just very hot !!!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    version 0.1.6
    Amazing renders, great dynamics with daughters and dad. The three daughters personalities are very distinguished - from the good little girl to slutty and bratty. Also loved the references to a certain game made couple of years ago... And most of all cunny!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    very well made. good story with an interresting development. could be seen as a classic taboo story but, with the second update, the script gets wilder and great. I really recommend this game even if it is in early stage. Can't wait to see the future uptate :)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders, good angles and simple but good animations. Story is ok - not too slow and kind of interesting, models are fine (just with a bit too big asses but for some reason many users like that better than realistic ones. at least there are no huge idiotic boobs labeled as "big boobs" as usual..)

    I would've given it a 4/5 stars if we hadn't been bombarded by a wave of idiotically ugly and uninteresting games lately, so - 5 stars from me.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Mrs. Joyce Harding

    I love games in which the girls are doing the seducing instead of the normal tropes we get in games like spying, sleep sex and the list goes on. What I'm really happy about is this game features a middle aged man as the main character, I'm ecstatic to be playing an adult and not a kid. The story looks good so far, there's some reading and sexy time with your daughters, I'm sold. I looking forward to me content and seeing how the story unfolds.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game ridiculously good, the story is pretty easy to follow. Famed boxer who had an addiction to sex and other things loses it all, including his wife and 3 daughters. Bitchy ex wife turned the kids against their father... or at least she thought she did.

    So from my perspective the story makes plenty of sense and I enjoyed it, there's some good and hot family fun available.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    matt driv

    Excellent girls look the right age hope the older ones have hair. Nice balance of tease n slut side characters best looking daughter game i seen ever. AMAZING RENDERS, characters look awesome. There seems very deceptive spite reviews for ulterior motives by the one star reviewers, literally ignore them the are deceitful charlatans- the renders are blatantly top grade rendering
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Another one like many, nothing special, boring and meaningless. The designs are very poor, and the renderings don't have much quality. And always the same, parents daughters (many). They think that the more they put in the game the more they attract. It needs to improve a lot the story, because it is horrible, the star is to give something, because they would have to put 0. It is well for a comic, but not for a game.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Seems promising so far. No real lewd scenes, but that's to be expected for an initial release, especially with these tags. The models are cute and the mc doesn't seem like a total puss or a crazy rapist, so I'm going to be keeping an eye on this one.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Maybe I'm still a bit hungover but I didn't see a problem with the designs I thought that they were beautiful. I already watchlisted this game, I love these kind of stories. The three daughters are hot and this is gonna be fun depending on the future releases of course. My only real con is the engrish, once that's corrected we're in business.