Dumb question I know, but is this mod only adding around the current content (meaning no new story line). Or is it more than that?
I have been trying to understand what it does compared to the original game
I really liked the premise of Tyrant story and really wished the author continued it. Especially with Alexis

(was ready to make her my fav slut!)
Hello there!

Not a dumb question. I hope I can help clarify the current objective of the mod as things stand right now.
There are some new scenes, via fan-art and my personal renders. And there are variations on the original scenes, called the Twisted scenes, where the Corruption only images were used to create Love dialogue versions of the scenes, and visa versa with the Love only images were used to create Corruption dialogue versions of those scenes. Expanding the original game's content with it's own assets. The same sort of thing was done with the NTR scenes and the Darker Paths, creating 4 variations to play through.
However, I have specifically refrained from continuing the main storyline because Saddog has never officially abandoned the game. And when I reached out to him earlier this year and he shared with me some assets which I was able to share with community
here (with his permission and at his request, which was cool of him), he mentioned he was still working on the last 2 updates for the game. So I am waiting to see if he does come through and release those 2 updates and where the story goes. As such the ones that I do add are carefully planned out around the periphery of the main story, where hopefully those updates won't feature new scenes. Once they have been released, then I can look at the possibility of adding endgame content that is in line with the main story more.
Right now, after the 0.9.4b "Official" Mod update is completed and released, I will be starting work on the Patreon Special Renders Add-on. Which is taking the Patreon Special Renders and adding them in-game in some fashion. It will be a longer project and I plan to release an additional scene or two(maybe more) as hotfixes while working on the add-on. So I do have a lot of upcoming content planned while we are waiting to see if Saddog is able to come through with his updates. I really do hope he is, as an official ending would be best in my opinion.
I'm sorry this got a bit long, but I hope this helps to clarify where the mod is and what it's goals are for now. I hope you are doing well and if you decide to try the mod, if you haven't already, you are able to find something in it that you enjoy.