Ren'Py - The Tyrant [v0.9.5a] [Saddoggames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    If all you require for your wank material is a basic scene setup ( like "here's a guy fucking a girl" or "this chick's getting blackmailed into fucking that dude") and some okay-ish renders this will probably work for you.

    (even then you could get your "fix" elsewhere with less time wasted)

    If not, this is basically the kind of "bottom of the barrel" in terms of writing that makes most stuff I'd otherwise describe as such seem like masterpieces.

    Calling the storytelling illogical and characters inconsistent would be a complete understatement. Both are at best incoherent.

    As for the basic premise:
    So we are to believe that there is this law enforcement agency that gives a guy major plastic surgery to send him undercover into a criminal organization instead of sending someone who already looks the part.
    - Fair enough. Suspension of disbelief is still intact at this point

    Next up, because he doesn't give a fuck about either his job or his family he brings his family (a wife and two daughters) into it and has a bunch of violent thugs at their home on a daily basis.
    - Wait, what?

    Then, because nobody in the agency gives a fuck about the job or the family involved, they let his son return home after a year away... and because that's not enough he doesn't even get proper a preparation for what is in store for him... which in turn leads to him immediately getting a beatdown by his father.
    - Now the writer's just taking the piss, right?

    And for the cherry on top: The gang's hideout? Yep. It's in the family's fucking basement.
    - Aaaaand... logic has officially left the building

    As for characters and dialogues:
    To fit with the general storytelling that's already on the level of a rambling lunatic we get to decide to act either kind of like a regular person or like a complete and utter dickhead. Of course, to fit in with this clusterfuck, I decided to act like a complete asshole because... you know... fuck those guys, they're obviously just all aliens on their first day on earth trying to imitate real people without having the slightest clue of how those act.

    Anyways... within a day I had the protagonist call his mother and sisters sluts on multiple occasions, grope, prank and slap them... and by the evening mom was giving him a tipsy handjob on the couch... all the while his relationship with them didn't suffer from it. at all. Obviously. Because that's how people work.

    And people in all seriousness are giving this thing full marks. Full marks!

    This is why we can't have nice things.

    Visually it is okay-ish. I've seen worse and I have seen better. The quality of the renders is about average for western VN style porn games with 3DCG, which is to say... not great.

    Navigation/"Gameplay" is clunky but that's mostly owed to it being made in renpy so that is to be expected.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game, but not a great one in my opinion. Renders are good (I like mom and big sis especially) therefore I hope to see more content with those two characters. Story wise, I can't quite put a finger on it, but something has been bugging me from the start, maybe it's the concept of the game that makes you feel like your in a loop after some time.
    Other than that, it's interesting to see what the updates will bring. Oh and one more thing, I'm not sure how I feel about the "minus point" system. I like my points to be as they are, and have control over the charters I want to.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.26...

    Story premise for this one is far fetched and totally unbelievable... Plus it is yet another in a long line of Family Sex themed visual novel/games...

    The visuals of the characters are alright... The backdrops are alright as well...

    The script is ok, as I did run into some spelling/grammar errors... The plot revolves around a male protagonist who is a son that is returning home to be with his family (mother, father, and 2 sisters) when he finds out everything has changed... Here is the point where the immersion and believability of the story go completely bonkers and over the top... The father is doing an undercover operation, involving thuggish and violent criminals, and somehow has convinced the rest of his family to play into the operation...

    First off, NO government agency would ever allow or even approach a family of any of their agents/officers in order to perform any kind of investigation and/or sting operation, like the one in this VN/game... Not gonna happen... And how does a father even contemplate putting his wife and daughters in that kind of danger? No father in his right mind would do that, if he had any love and/or compassion for their well being... The story tries to play it out as though they all agreed to do it, which is so much a load of crap... The immersion just gets thrown out the window... Also, the personalities of the family are so over the top, the father even punches his son when you select a protective choice for his mother, just to not ruin the role he was trying to portray... What? Because the son protagonist was never even informed ahead of time of any of this, and is just suddenly expected to play along?

    So the story mechanics of this VN/game focus on how the protagonist involves himself in this completely nonsensical scenario... With the option to screw his family over, by using them for his own devious purposes... Or try to figure out a way to fix the situation, and help his family... So of course, there is cock blocking, NTR, and all the other things most readers/players hate the most, in these types of VN/Games... Then why not top it off with a little bit of family violence, just to make readers/players even more angry... I know the author/s are adding/have added a turn off or dumb down version for the NTR, but that doesn't make the story any more believable...

    Overall, this VN/Game is so out there, I couldn't keep reading it... I wanted to quit after the father hit his own son (hard), but I tried to give it a chance, yet it was not getting any better... It just has so little believability in the story overall, that it just made me feel angry and frustrated... And no one should feel like that when playing/reading an erotic visual novel... I will definitely not be replaying this one in the future...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A nice game with a original ideea and a big potential !! I can`t wait for the final version and i hope saddoggames will keep a real story till the end. The game have a nice graphic and hot scenes . If you want to try something different install the game and have fun !
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game in gestation. There is a beginning of history, and it's not completely stupid. There is great graphics and great design. The women are well drawn. There are, however, many bug. I expect so much from this game, which makes me think of "Big Brother".
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm very picky when it comes to games with NTR and incest, the story has to be well thought out, written simply with more dialogue/interaction between the characters than dream/thought sequences, easy to play different paths and retain some IRL credibility. IMO 60% is story for immersion, 30% is CG for fappability and 10% coding for gameplay. This one has a great story with some of the best CGs around. The downside is that the script should be refined and the coding lacks in places. Nothing that the dev cannot fix and I can see it getting better over the different versions. Saddog has shown he can make a good game with the Legacy so this is one to watch. If it goes in the right direction it will rank with the best.
    Edit: 25 Feb 2018.
    What a mess this has become. From the initial demo to v0.3 it has turned on its head. The story has gone completely illogical and unbelievable and the game mechanics are all over the place. The only saving grace are the very nice renders. Dev should get a writer and coder to put some order in this chaos.
    Edit April 2021.
    The game has improved and loose ends tied. It looks dated now. Play for Nicole, but play the Mod, it's a better version.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Hot, i'm big into Ntr and there arent alot of games out there with it, and not only does this have it but even without it it is still one of the hottest (THE hottest imo) game out there. The fact that there's an option to turn it of shows consideration by the creator. 5 stars!!!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot is fairly original. You come home after a long absence and find your whole family's dynamic has changed. You come to find out it's due to your step-father's undercover investigation into a local gang's activities.

    Part of the dynamic involves the gang leader taking advantage of your mother.

    Fairly original plot, good art, and a number of choices. Particularly like the NTR that's here.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Soooo many options to choose from, just plain fun to try them and see the results! Nice graphics, plot so far etc. I try the love route first, lets see where can I get with it. Some corruption would be fun too but I want to man up grow up and defend my family first before trying new things with them