I may be a pirate, but I do like to support projects wherever possible. So... if someone could pass this onto Znel, ... some bugs:
1) If the rate of pleasure gain is too high, she will get locked into an endless orgasm that doesn't stop until she passes out. So what happens is she reaches 100 pleasure, pleasure starts to drain, but... pleasure then stops draining and starts increasing again. But... once the game "would have" reached the orgasm point, it resets. This is especially annoying when the max arousal bar starts to increase (the tiny multicolored bars next to the pleasure meter) and then gets reset as well. And as the orgasms is where she gains submission and other effects, this makes the game really annoying without cheating.
2) Duration of Serums is related to framerate. So the screen says 120 seconds when you initiate it, but if your framerate is higher than 60, the duration is lost faster. Similarly, if you lock it to 30 fps, serums effectively last for 240 seconds. So my monitors are 75hz, so I lock it at 75 fps. Every 4th real-time second, the game consumes 2 seconds of the duration (so every 4 real seconds = -5 duration seconds as its 1.25 seconds consumed per real-second).
3) Lactation promotion lasts for 60 seconds. Only serum that does that.
4) You cannot insert anally when the vaginal secretion sucker is applied, despite only the labia being covered by the device.
5) The suction texture never disappears for a session. Waited 10 real-world minutes and it hadn't faded. But everything else in the game fades over time (ie cum, saliva, fluids on ground, etc). But, exiting to menu and going back to game, it does disappear.
6) It is a real pain to attach nipple suckers. You can be hovering the device over the nipple and it just won't attach. The other two devices are really easy to attach. Wish there was a button we could press to force apply the object and then it re-orients itself properly (as needed).
7) The pump deactivates the moment you remove a liquid container. So I removed the milk container, while it was still room for squirt, but the pump turned off the moment I grabbed the milk container. So lost a whole bunch of squirt. Might be nice if the squirt went into the lines, and just waited for the pump to turn back on.
8) Her body clips into the pubic hair mesh, when she struggles while you tickle her enough. Looks really weird.
9) Similar to #8, but if a dildo is penetrating her vagina, and she struggles while being tickled, the dildo mesh briefly appears around where the pubic hair is.
Some suggestions:
-> Have her ask you to empty her breasts, when filled to the max of milk. Maybe at specific submission level.
-> Have her ask you to remove / turn off the breast pump, when she is out of milk.
-> Have a full-body orgasm effect, when hitting the highest intensity orgasm.
-> Have a taser burn mark where you apply the taser, that lasts for a bit. Hitting the same spot, deals a multiplier to fear damage.
-> Have an arousal meter that goes down some during an orgasm, but otherwise causes her to blush (face, breasts, vagina, etc), visibly wet vagina (soaks panties), and vaginal leakage. Then this arousal meter determines how potent the orgasm is. A visual indicator would be very useful for this to provide better feedback to the player.
-> Have the nipples leak a little milk, if at maximum capacity, to give a visual indicator when to milk her.
-> Have her audibly complain when you equip a specific device again, if it caused her discomfort. ie The Taser.
-> Overlarge dildos. Like 12 inches+ in length. The kind of thing "siswet" often uses. Causes a lot of pain, discomfort and fear for females that aren't ready for it.
-> New serums:
A) Stimpack = Restores health at +1.5hp per second, rapidly lowers fear and sensitivity, and causes wounds to disappear.
B) Waterworks = Severely increases amount of pee/squirt is released during an event.
C) Dehydration = Prevents squirting/pee events.
D) Gaping = Removing a dildo, penis, fingers, whatever, causes the hole to remain agape based on the size of object removed.
E) Lubrication = Increases pleasure gain from vaginal/anal from normal sized insertions. Allows you to do larger insertions with less to no penalties.
F) Enrage = Acts non-consent even at maximum submission. Causes the male to reach orgasms faster, as they are constantly trying to tighten up, resist, or dislodge them.