RPGM Abandoned The Void Project [v0.2 Bugfix] [ShikoGames]


Bloodborn Vampire
Game Developer
Apr 22, 2018
Why you make in this game the game over? I think this don't anyone toproced in game, becouse I think without game over this game will be cool and awsome, for corrpution I don't see it. Game Over make player angry. If you intention is don't her corruption in battle it kinda awfull to see game over without sex with consequence gaine her corruption, without this fucking Game Over.
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Oct 8, 2017
So much wrong. The character model (the figure you control) is stretched and doesn't fit the character art shown on screen. Also she has a few pixel about her head, you can see them better if you stand infron of an brighter object. Broken objects in the world repair themselves after using them. It seems there should be an intro, but there is none. Slime cave, left area you can walk onto an hole in the wall.

The fighting system is bad. Yes it's not the typical RPG Maker stuff, but that doesn't make it good. Enemies can sometime shit you after they died or before they even reached you. Ways, doors, level entrances and exits are below the character art.

The story doesn't make a lot of sense. Why should you rebuild the village? You don't have an reason for it nor it makes any sense. The only survivor is an old man you don't know, you didn't even knew that village. If there would be no other in the area it would make somewhat sense, but the next one is right after an short cave! The writing is quite bad. An example An villager talks to you and says that he doesn't even have food and an other text massage appears after this short conversation: "This person person seems to be hungry. Why not buy him some bread?" We could get the idea on our own.

The protagonist uses magic (without an visual effect) on an naughty child (it's an boy) and knocks him out and turns him into an girl. Why he/she lies unconscious on the floor you can interact again with her/him then the character model changes into an other boy. If you re enter the home he will be his normal, but still unconscious self again.

The system that people can see when you steal their stuff which changes how the world sees you could be interesting, but it's not thoroughly thought out. You can still take stuff out there chests with no problem. Also maybe the system is broken, because the one shopkeeper tells me already that he don't want to be seen with the kind of me, but no one saw me stealing the stuff and I even got messages for that. And I got caught stealing in the house of the two boys, after they moved into my cave. At the orc village you suddenly can't take stuff out of chests anymore without losing respect.

Some kind of questlog would be nice.

Personally I like it when the maps seems like they are connected with each other and have an inner logic.. There is an platform right next to the level transition, which looks like it would continue on the next map, but there is nothing on the next map! Or you can see fields in the other village, but there is no way anyone could reach them.

The shopkeeper you save is sometimes the mother and sometimes the sister of the boys. Even after you save her she lies on the floor while she talks with you. If you walk there again the boss battle is announced again but doesn't plays again. (It was was buggy, the mino teleportet back after you go to far away even when you still attack him), also she still lies on the ground next to some dead slimes after she came to your village. If you go back to their home the beaten kid still lies on the ground

Your character is only labeled as an actor in the menu..

The orcs don't give any money or exp

Why is there an living tree with green grass in an dark cave, which is part of an even bigger cave that is filled with lava? I recruited the orc there, he only spawns once you completed the shop building. After you talk to him then he just disappears.

The behind the doors of the orc village is no hole, just an wall. I can't give the wife of the injured orc the big potion she requests. You can walk onto the slum bridge and the house roof there. You can walk on the mountain over the mine entrance, because you can walk on the entrance. You can repeat the miner grope quest, which is incredible boring! She is already an slut and it's just the groping picture you get when the aggressive orcs attack you, just with an flavor text and cum added.

The red flowers doesn't appear in your inventory. I've build an house out of stone and wood with only 10 wood, seems legit. If you shop at the shopkeeper you recruited her face in the text box changes. Her longsword x3 is never added to the inventory. I never found her kids again.
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Jul 9, 2018
Another porn game ruined by battle plugin.

This Dev made the right choice in quitting early before wasting more of his life working on this.

P.S. I never tried the game.