RPGM - The Wish [V0.28] [The Sex Game's Stories]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It takes a long time to achieve objectives, but once you start to know the mechanics everything goes faster. For me it is the biggest drawback. However, the mechanics of getting to advance the relationship with the girls and the morbidity that generates to finally get to advance, I like it. However, that only through corruption you make a girl stay with you is not very real. It is easy now that I have so many points in the characteristics and advanced so much with the girls to rate the game well. Now I have another perspective on it.
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  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Well i'm here for a real feedback.

    1.The grind is realy here but it was serverly cut since the start of the game make a 1star feed is somewhat a wrong way to help the game to gain in visibility and if you played 6h, you can have at least 1 stat (strength, intel or meca)
    i have i think one of the longest try in this game with 200h i try to help him.

    2.The story is somewhat out after the intro i totaly agree but with the intro you know what you have to do and if you don't want to go in the cave for reach the end it's up to you.

    3. the cave my worst nightmare ^^ but like i said the dev try to reduce the difficulty like the switch in the last update (before 1area was 5 floor now it's 4 ) and you have to go on the 10th area to have "the end" i don't want to spoil what you will have it's not my role

    4. the potion making is easy if you go in the cave on daily basis like i said i grow on the hardest mode and now i find it easy to have potion (any potion are easy but the corupt one are more rare it's logic)

    If you have time to play i recommand to play it and not to judge to much it's a game for fap but you need some exictement before if you dont want to spend at least 20~30hours don't judge

    and for the bad english like mine i tend to remind you the dev is not native if you want to realy help suggest him some changes it's more effective
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  3. 1.00 star(s)

    the vagina banana

    I played this for 6 hours. I like grindy games. I did not like this.

    --- The good---
    -- SCOPE--
    There have gotta be like 20+ women, tons of systems, twelve stats, big map, 50 levels to the dungeon, tons of job options. It's genuinely impressive.

    Decent, simply because RPG maker has nice default assets. Some weird music choices though - the school has this RPG maker horror music that makes no sense for the setting.

    ---The bad----

    --GAMEPLAY - RPGmaker. The most basic, stock RPG maker systems have been hammered into this game with no thought for balance or entertainment. It seems to have been forgotten that a system should be more than pressing space repeatedly to be fun. You don't even get a combat ability beyond "HIT IT" until level 6.

    --THE GRIND =-
    This game is made to waste your time. I've gladly played shitty HTML games where you press the same button 500 times and they pale in comparison to this slug of a game.
    Here's one example: all potions require 100 monster essence. You can get this by killing monsters, which each give you ONE. So you spend 30 in game days killing monsters until you finally scrounge enough for a lockpicking potion. You mix it, wait five real world minutes for it to brew, and are rewarded with 1/100 lockpicking points.
    It's all like that.
    Even the levels in the dungeon are designed to make you have to walk the longest possible distance, so you can hit as many random encounters as possible. You'll be trying to get down to floor 4 but you have to zig zag through 17 miles of slime infested passage seemingly designed like the small intestine.
    This all might be somewhat better if it weren't for the fact that the game has no

    There isn't one. It starts with a fairly detailed, poorly written intro. So you expect corny but still fun story but there just isn't one. You press the talk to woman button and get +1 friendship out of 1000. There's no teasers for what's to come, no feeling of gradual corruption or growing intimacy, just a button which raises a number and presumably a video if you get the number high enough.

    The end experience is fighting a game that actively wants you to waste time, then being rewarded for your grinding with the same png of a fox ladies face you saw 6 hours ago. Maybe there's a hidden gem in this game but if you have to grind for 6+ hours to start finding the good part of a game it's not a good game. It's the video game equivalent of eating raw flour and hoping it will become a cake in your stomach. Don't play unless you hate having time to do fun things.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll try to be as objective as I can.
    In this review I do not evaluate the technical problems I have with the game. The game is extremely laggy for me (fps in the menu go to 30 and in-game drop to 2-3 fps) I tried different tutorials (reinstalling rpgm drivers, tried different RTP, tried applying the latest nw.js...),, but nothing help (sometimes only for 1 minute and coming back on 2-3 fps). Must say its second game where I have this problem, most of rpgm games I play went smoothly (for example genesis order, last sovereign, harem in another world etc.)
    - GRIND
    I dont complain the grinding part (well i used save modify tool to avoid this), because the start is too slow. But the atributes is ridiculous (start with 0 - MC is uselles in all way, no strong side) maximum 100-200) in towards girls requirements
    * STORY
    But what I missing in this game is story, well on start is story about wish crystal and foxie dialog, but after that, only go to dungeon and thats all? I played approximately 1 hours (I would play more but the damn fps drop) and dont hit any story line, only girls discuss without text (only "1 hours later"). The story started but nothing for continuing (or I dont hit that). I think the story has potential just need better guideline for players other way is it only openworld and sometimes you hit the road.
    **** GAMEPLAY
    Walking, exploring and fighting is nothing new, against other rpgm games here. Later in game you can summon a companion which can help you in dungeon, how it is with skill and magic I cannot rate dont hit that in game.
    Well I am afraid I hit only few videos but its relatively fitting to scene in game. I think on realporn tag is relatively good video cut (sometimes I miss the sound from video). I am not big fan of realporn tag, very often the scenes have another guy and dont fit the whole game (only in case of shape/faceshifting), and author in realporn tag very often only cuts videos on parts and according to scene in game. For me is much better images/animation created by author himself (like in masterpiece "acting lesson")

    Well, I dont throw this game to the junk. But it will need many story and guideline updates to be good to play. The good story line can eliminate the grind problem, because it can be designed to explain game rules, lead players what to do and gaining items for easier/smoothier gameplay. (For those who read and not only skipping text to play and wank).
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This is the third time I download the game in an attempt to see if there has been any change on the horrible grinding system, usually i don't mind some grinding even if it takes hours, but man its just boring, you can spend hours killing monsters (which to a certain point just becomes repetitive) and actually not meaning much to the actual game. Honestly the worst thing a grinding game can have is a boring grind system. This is not a review as a porn game, but as a game in general, just boring.
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Freundin aus Denken

    Had to install RPGM cheat engine to try and see the Sweetie Fox scenes but even with cheats it was still grindier and jankier than the worst HTML game. A lot of work seemingly went into this but at this point it might be best to start at an earlier point in development. Too many girls without scenes. The RPG elements aren't even that bad but combine that with a weird time system and weirdly specific ways for things to trigger and you need to put in like 100 hours to get somewhere. Just play Final Fantasy and better thought out porn games in the meanwhile. I can somewhat see the vision dev has and it could become a great game but right now it feels pointless to play.

    EDIT: After posting my review the dev immediately messaged me obviously appealing to my gaming competence. Like I already said repeating events multiple times a week to advance one step out of 12 for one character out of 30 is a bit bananas especially when you add systems upon that like grinding stats, killing monsters in the cave or earning money. Many of the game systems would need to be speed up as the sum of it just feels like an insane grindfest for very little reward. Especially when many of them don't interact with each other that well. In general skipping time to make an event appear is one of the main gripes I have with many games on here.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just a little complicate to understand how it works (especially the fighting/drops/experience thing), but after that, one of the best game. Good gameplay, map and excellent videos quality and actress.
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  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I wanted to give this game a chance I love the concept...but holy fucking shit it's highly un-enjoybable. Unless you like spending 40+hours grinding the same 2 currencies, don't even bother.
    I'll resume my gameplay so far:
    Grind, Grind,Grind,Grind,Grind = 1point out off 400
    10hours in, I have close to no points in 3-4 out of the full list cause levelling most skills goes up by 1 fucking point. 2-3hours of grind for 1 fucking point...
    Save your time and either wait for the full game or I don't encourage it but hack it or cheat and save yourselves hours and hours of fucking grind.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Awful grind for very little reward. It's ridiculously repetetive and doesn't repsect the players time at all. The worst experience is when you grind for money and buy gifts, then give someone a gift they don't like cause you don't really know anything about the characters and you just lose the money and item. Also the parts where it says you need corruption and you grind it up but it's still not enough and you just end up losing friendship points cause there is no way to know what the limits are.

    Avoiding this one from now on. Feel I spent way to much time with it already without fun
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The amount of grind is beyond insane.

    Insert Vaas Montenegro's quote about insanity.
    Grind is what awaits you in this 'game'. Vaas's quote describes exactly what you will be doing here, doing the same things hundreds of times for many hours in the hope of seeing a scene with a character.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much grind too few contents.


    I was attracted by the overall idea and the fact that the dev used RPGM that for me (an old pokemon fan) is always funny, also actress used in the preview seemed to be grate, so the potential was big and was there, BUT.
    BUT the game as it is now is worthless, the amount of grind is on a ratio of 999999/1 respect on overall content, you need to grind for personal stat, you need to grind for girls stat, you need to grind also just to pass walkthrough steps, also using cheats (beaucose as it is now Patreon it's not an option for me) that are foundamental to skip at least some of the useless grind you could spend hours repeating the same action with a character (thet needs to be done in specific time and day to add useless complexity) and than discover that ther are just 2/3 videos and that's it.
    For me to start working this game will need to cut the grind by 90% and have at least twice the content or reorganise the actual content, if for a character you don't have material to put in it just don't put that character and focus on developping the others.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Grind is unbearable, chances are to shill you cheats through the dev's subscribestar. You can expect to see scenes roughly by the heat death of the universe. Realistically I have 5 and a half hours and I'm no where close to seeing a nipple let alone sex. Good news is it's real porn so you can just look the videos up on your favorite site and have a better time. About the characters you're meant to suffer the grind for; nothing. No one has any real dialogue. Occasionally someone will say "Hi" but that's it. Even completing quest steps won't get you anything, you likely won't even be able to tell you did since nothing changes and the quests seem pointless since they are tied to friendship not corruption, corruption being what leads to sex. Honestly just play anything else.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Fortunately I didn't trust the other reviews because I liked what I tested so far in V0.22 but there are some flaws.

    => There is supposedly nothing to see but even before playing, I watched the videos of the videopack and I saw a lot of women pleasuring themselves alone with and without toys. There are also plenty of sex videos but only with 2 women.
    => Skills offer many bonuses. At the beginning of the game when I wanted to go straight into the cave, I got explanations about the tools at the entrance and a message that said to visit the city before going any further, so I visited all the places that looked important. After more than a month in the game (1 or 2 hours in real life), I was still lvl1 but my attack had gone from 35 to +- 100 because I had the strong at the max as well as the intelligence and the mechanics skill. As for the other stats, I don't know but they had also increased and I had bought all the clothes.
    => For the other skills, it's more complicated to level them up because you have to make the potions but since I start on the 11th floor and go to the 17th with the double rewards, I start making more and more potions each time. But there is a problem when I open the chest on the 16th floor and the 17th, the one on the 11th and 12th are already open.
    => To know what to do, just follow the walkthrough and to find out where the women are, you have to look at the agenda. For information, it's a shame to get only 1 for every 50 friendship points. I also have a problem here because I found a soul stone in the cave whose description says that it gives additional information to the walkthrough but I can't see anything.

    For the least,
    => Love points cannot go higher than corruption points.
    => Travelling with the car isn't great and if I forget it while moving, I have to look for the place where I left it. And some quests don't work if it's not near me.
    => There are 3 skills to handle spying and lockpicking. 3 for 2 is not right, if at least there was a 3rd action to be done that uses vision and lockpicking at the same time to get 3 for 3.

    I hope that all this will be corrected and I want to see the next versions.
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  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The previous reviews were getting old, so I decided to finally check this game: it can't be THAT bad, right? Sadly, although not always accurate in the details, reviews still reflect the state of the game: grindy, messy, and punishing.
    The Wish is really deceptive at the start - you are thrown in a functional sandbox with lots of characters, presented with many stats and ways to up them, and you can't wait to level up and have fun with the girls around you. And then hours pass, and you get nothing. Like many before me, I can see that there is a solid game somewhere, but it's buried under ungodly, devious grind - and I've seen a lot of grind before and don't mind it if done well.
    So please stay away, it's barely playable at this point.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Not really worth the time. A lot of grinding to get anywhere. A few pictures. Many pages in French even though English was selected in settings. A potentially nice concept, but far too many characters to interact with and not enough time in real life to get anything done. The time spent in the game is then wasted each time a new version is release.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    The game plays itself like absolute garbage. Normally I don´t like to just trash about the hard work of someone but if you work hard you should have something to show about it right?
    First of all the time management is the absolute worst it´s absolutely unbearable and even trying to make a working plan takes more work than the game is worth.
    Next you can´t just save your game you also can´t just open your menu maybe I missed something but once I started playing I was completely unable to open an item or equipment menu which made fighting the way to strong enemies close to impossible.
    Next there is a ton of characters but most have close to no content and worse figuring out how and when to find them is just pure cancer and the sheer amount of farming you have to do to somehow get these stupid friendship points up is beyond laughable.
    There is literally nothing good to say about this so my suggestion....don´t waste your precious time on this trash.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The most boring game, I've ever played. SO slow, SO grindy... Even when I cheated money and drops I played aboyt 30min and I had no sex scene. If you DARE to flirt with a girl, who is not ready for that you loose 10 (TEN) friendship points, BTW there is 1 point for talking and 5 point for right gift. It should be a porn game after all, but now it is a simulator of looser. I dont recomend it to anyone. A great waste of time.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    I tried v0.12 and the game has a lot of punishment compared to the reward it gives:

    _Time does not stop while you are on the pc, or the map
    _The save points limit you a lot, the one on the bed forces you to sleep until the next day, the other is in a cave, at the farthest end of the map
    _Almost all npc carry out their activities only from 9am to 8pm, this is bad considering that the clock is always ticking
    _The only fast travel are the feathers, you can only have 2 and they only take you to the cave
    _Making a mistake with an npc costs you 10 times what you earn, or more

    I would like to offer some ideas:

    _Stop the timer in interfaces (map and pc), and put legends on the map by default
    _Unlock the save option anywhere and anytime (simple is better)
    _Vary between hours, offer npcs that have day or night life. For example, the bar, the police station and the clinic could be open all night
    _Offer fast travel to any location, just using the map or a single purchase item
    _Balance the penalties with the npcs, if you gain 1 friendship point, you lose 1 friendship point, and so on
    _It would also be nice to mix the dungeon theme a little more with the game in general, that the girls' quests not only improve your relationships, but also give you experience and droplets
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This review concerns the v0.11 english translation only. I only got to -6 before I gave up.

    TL;DR: Poor implementation hampers what might otherwise be a good game.

    The Good: a few interesting ideas, decent number of characters, multiple ways to make money, people are on their own schedules, monsters changing every few floors is good., and the time system is okay.

    The Bad: Nothing is implemented well. EVERYTHING is grindy. Nothing is to fun to do. Every single action takes to long. All the menus are one or two levels too deep. Combat just becomes hit, hit, hit, hit, hit. The english translation is terrible.

    • focus on quality of life improvements
      • the game is too slow to play, speed all the jobs up, or fade to black, and skip forward in time.
      • All your menus need a re-think. Only the rarest functions should ever take more than two selections to get to.
      • have a fluent speaker check your translations for you.
        • Also change the days of the week indicator to: Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su in english.
      • improve your tutorial. I missed half of it. Maybe just bold the important info.
      • put a sparkle on the bag, since people keep missing it.
    • Grindyness
      • add a NPC to give out money and magic drops for testing purposes
    • Payoff:
      • combat wise... make the enemies more interesting,
        • differentiate the monsters more, give them different behaviours, and abilities, the bat and slime are basically the same.
          • Example: Give the bat some dodge enhancing spell, and the slime thorns (take damage on being hit by physical)
    Conclusion: not currently worth playing, not even to help the creator out with testing. Things just take too long. It's got some good design elements, but everything is hampered by poor implementation.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The first version of this game I tested was V0.06 and it was really impossible to play but here in V0.18 there has been a lot of change. The game has been rebalanced and even though at beginning the game is slow, once I have enough lvl I move much faster. I spent all my dropplets in xp up to lvl 30 and then increased the foresight.

    In any case, I find it ridiculous to put 1 star for the bug translation when it is indicated that this is in beta or by making false ratings. As the developer says, you only have to read the introduction to know where all the information about the game is. Every woman has a walkthrough and a calendar with where she is at each hour.

    So I'm changing my rating to put the maximum because I want to see more and the problems I had pointed out in my previous post have been corrected.
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