RPGM - The Wish [V0.28] [The Sex Game's Stories]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Based on 0.08

    So game still has the repitition but after hearing Dev reasoning, I get it. It's for bug testing purposes and since the game is a beta/alpha, it's kinda the point to ensure quality albeit tedious for us, this is soley for the purpose of early access. If that's not for you then find another game. Dev is very upfront with interactions and I am making this review to clarify why things are the way they are though a warning in the OP could serve the same purpose more effectively.

    As for the game itself. Story is good, progresssion is muddled but not impossible to understand.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    lets be fair: v 0.06
    you have to grind far to much. you get 1 to 5 items from monsters, but need like 1000 for potions to progress the game, but those items are also for increasing your chars level because monsters dont give you any exp.

    terrible battle-system -> no skills only attack or use heal item

    terrible porn -> its just real life porn videos, nothing else (not sure about copyrights) (its better to go to pornvid sites)

    terrible details -> for example: you get stuck when hit by a car while being forced to hear a car horn (you have to restart the program), work and homework force you to wait like 35s with space pressed (fast forward), you have to feed 1000 potions 1 by 1 to the woman in the game,

    terrible developer -> seems to think that the game is the best, while also saying that he is a beginner, hasnt even played his own game, talks about future features as an answer for critique of lack of fun in the current game, while saying he is beginner as an answer for critique for any gameplay problems, hasnt even played his own game, seems to be more intrested in geting money from his patreon

    conclusion: TERRIBLE
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    so much grinding. It takes more time to move forward in game. I gave 4 hours but all I did was killing monster... If I want to play MMORPG there are better games why spend so much for this game? This doesn't feel like porn game and as long as dev fixes this I don't think I will give another chance.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Just another poorly made cash-grab, with a huge about of grind if you actually survive the first fights, and no indications on where to find or what to do to progress with the girls scattered around the map, found 4 or 5 and not sure I found them all.
    No originality, lots of bugs, and a very tiny spine for story. Save your time and just move away from this piece of trash.