Well, since it's pretty clear that we're not getting a real translation any time soon if ever, I bit the bullet and dove into the land of MTL. Of note is the fact that the AI MTL is infinitely better than MuninKai's if you want to understand the story, and the few UI elements that aren't translated aren't really a problem. All the skills ARE translated, if poorly, in the official dev MTL, and it's not like the game is particularly complex in that area. If you played Key to the Egg, you'll recognize most of them right away.
I suppose I'll dream about a real translation in the future... However, I honestly won't cry too much if the game doesn't get one. It's the first game they made with a genuine complete downer of an ending. There are no real good ends in this one. Even if he does some surprise in the next game or a future game where it turns out that Mari was kept alive in the Egg somehow, she'd still come back to a completely changed world long after her family and friends all died long ago... There are also quite a few plot-holes around this game and the overall timeline and stuff that you could drive a truck through if you think too hard about it all.
I normally don't with H-games, but the dev tried to bring things in a more serious direction with the overall story through all of their games, and I don't think they really thought about things all too well in terms of how it all works.
Leaving aside all the subjective things that I don't like about this game...
This game is also objectively worse than The Key to the Egg in a lot of ways. All of its systems are extremely stripped down. Lilium's skill tree is a stripped down version of Serafina's skill tree, and on top of that, Lilium gets skill points all the damn time just by completing missions, so you'll end up filling it up before you're even halfway through the game if you do any kind of resource grinding to stock up on all the gear and keep a good stock of consumables.
On top of that, I'll have to assume that the game was balanced around the Hard difficulty, which I haven't tried, because on Normal, unless you're a literal monkey, you'll never lose or have any kind of trouble as long as you make sure to keep on top of gear upgrades, consumables and all that jazz.
I've seen more difficulty out of Acerola and ONEONE1 games... and THAT is seriously saying something...
That said, if you really look at the number of scenes and enemies, this game has the most H content out of all of Hasoyua's games... but they're not as accessible as they are in some of the other games, at least until you beat the game, at which point you can choose to enter free-play mode which lets you replay a lot of the missions to get the girls raped/bad-ended/whatever. Honestly, it has a lot of stuff... though it definitely feels like the city area is seriously under-developed and kind of pointless.
I suspect Hasoyua had a lot more ideas in mind for this game, but eventually decided to cut things down before it went out of hand... and the end product ended up being pretty mediocre.
Honestly, at this point, my favorite of their games is going to be Serafina's game. Because it not only had a good variety of H-content in it, but it also didn't completely penalize you for going full slut. Indeed, outside of one very specific fight, there's no real downside for slutting it up to the max with Serafina... Here though, much like in Seed of Evil, you have to mind the "Polution/Corruption/Whatever it's supposed to be" level and all that. Though admittedly, this game is a LOT more lenient than Seed of Evil was in terms of the effects of sluttery, aside from the bad-end scenes though.
Again though, you have to intentionally lose to get those, so it's not like it's a big deal. I think this is the first Hasoyua game where finishing it as a virgin is not only entirely possible, but entirely too easy too.