I thought that error was caused by me messing around with some of the files so I never reported it.
But did a quick check and you can fix that by opening the core.ryp file in notebook and adding define knowledge_reputation = 200 to the group of reputations and then overwrite the file. You'll have to reload the scripts with the shift + R and after that it'll give you 1 point to knowledge without crashing.
##Core reputations stats for main character
define slut_reputation = 200
define heroic_reputation = 200
define knowledge_reputation = 200
define reputation = ""
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I thought that error was caused by me messing around with some of the files so I never reported it.
But did a quick check and you can fix that by opening the core.ryp file in notebook and adding define knowledge_reputation = 200 to the group of reputations and then overwrite the file. You'll have to reload the scripts with the shift + R and after that it'll give you 1 point to knowledge without crashing.
##Core reputations stats for main character
define slut_reputation = 200
define heroic_reputation = 200
define knowledge_reputation = 200
define reputation = ""