Thank you for your comment. I understand and appreciate what you're saying- however, I feel I must disagree with you. I, personally, feel that what
@derkamoep, and myself said was not out-of-line or as you put it "kink shaming". At best it was "kink questioning"- shaming would have included phrases such as "Ewwww, what is wrong with you", "Ugh, you sick and depraved degenerate", "I hope that you burn in Hell for liking [insert fetish here]" or terms like, "sicko", "freak", "pervert", etc.,. As we are all a part of this wonderful community- aren't we all just a little bit of a freak and pervert?
Furthermore, what you're suggesting sounds an awful lot like censorship- on an adult site of all places. Are you telling me, as well as other users, that we are not entitled to an opinion or entitled to voice said opinion? In some cases, it is my sincerest hope that somebody actually responds with a counterpoint- giving a little bit of insight as to why that particular kink "floats their boat". By telling me that I'm not allowed to question or comment on games, comics, apps, whatever this site has to offer is extremely limiting to my freedom as a user- I have never attacked anyone or another user for their opinion, belief, gender, kink, sexual proclivity, or anything like that- I have just made general comments or asked simple questions (some snarky, some not). I strongly believe that other users should be allowed to do the same. A few Devs have actually responded to things that I have said in the past and told me the "how", "where", and "why"of what they decided to create and why they did it or other users responded with similar information. Tbh, I don't get or understand the popularity or appeal of Futa- it bewilders me that some people are into that, but I don't start a hate campaign against them because they created a game, made a comment, or reviewed a game that contained that content. I may say something sarcastic, not out of spite or with malicious intent, and so far have not offended anyone or been asked to apologize for anything that I have said- which I would do the instant that someone informed that they were indeed offended.
If we're prohibited from saying what we think about a game, based upon its title, its art, it's story, its contents, its screenshots, other user's comments about it, etc.,.- then are you going to prevent us from leaving bad game reviews as well? Would this not be considered "Game Shaming", "Dev Shaming", "Content Shaming", "Story Shaming", "Art Shaming"? This is not a perfect world, not everyone gets a trophy, and "safe spaces" really don't exist- it's a fairy tale.
Thank you.