Just to make something clear, Nina is the older sister. Don´t get too attached to one outfit of many.
Oops, I didn't know. ^^
That's why it's not a good idea in my opinion, as I said in my previous long feedback, to make a title screen with the girls wearing their future outfits, would they be just "one of many", like you said. I'm goint to take as an example this loli outfit that Nina is wearing :
If it is indeed one of the outfits she will wear as her brainwashing is progressing :
- Then it kills for the player the element of surprise.
- Even more, if you're INDEED planning to make Nina a loli slut, then you're spoiling her future right from the start !
- Some people who don't like lolis might go away from your game.
And if on the contrary you're not planning to ultimately brainwash Nina into a loli slut, then people who like this fetish and expect a hypnosis leading her on that path might feel deceived.
Plus, it leads to false ideas, just as you could see on this topic : lolis are often the younger characters in a game, so we assumed that Nina was Lisa's little sister.
Anyway, whatever you're planning, it's best to keep it secret even if you can tease us with some hints, of course.
I will insist on one point : one of the big appeal with hypnosis fetish is trying to guess, as we read what the therapist is saying to her victims, what paths she is planning for each of them.
Will Nina become a prostitute ? A cum junkie ? Will she be so horny that she will have the need, whatever she's doing or wherever she is, to masturbate each hour of the day ? Will she fall in love with her sister ? Will she be a dominatrix toward her sister or Susan ? Will she stop at Nina or help Thompson to corrupt her mother ?
And Nina : will she indeed be a loli ? Will she become maybe even nastier than Lisa ? Or maybe be brainwashed into asserting her confidence by totally changing her pure looks and becoming a goth/punk talking dirty non-stop, smoking and strap-fucking innocent girls in porn movies ?
You see ? Possibilites are endless because, thanks to that "magical" hypnosis, we don't have to think too much about logic and realism : we know that if Lisa is told to want big fake breasts, then we won't have to wait 10 updates to make her consider that option.
Right now, we don't know what you're planning with Nina and that's perfect. Just let us discover it, step by step, through Mrs Thompson orders during her therapy sessions.
Something different, now.
How many time did the first part ask you for making it ? And do you think it would be the same for part 2 ?
I'm asking for a rough estimation about the release of part 2. Not because I want to pressure you into giving us an update, but because I want to know, between each of these updates, if I have to wait about two weeks, one month or more and if I have to thoroughly survey this topic.