There needs to be a Trump incest game


Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
The only problem with things like that is they only really work for the people who live in that country.

Parody porn is great when people know who the people are and while some outside of America may have heard of Trump, we have no idea who anyone else is close to him.
Everybody around the world knows about Trump. Here in Austria and in most other European countries he is in the news on a daily basis. The main difference is, that, while the American populace is divided about him, outside of America everybody knows he's a psychopath, a narcissist, a notorious liar and a danger to the planet. Even the right wing populists here are not happy about being compared to him. His reputation in Europe - with the possible exception of Poland - is en par with Kim Jong-Un's.
In general parodies about Trump are well received in Europe and very common in European TV. Everybody knows and talks about Trump after all. A porn parody however would make people puke instead of fap here. The idea of watching the Trump family's sex life is just extremely gross and repulsive.


Forum Fanatic
Jul 4, 2017
The main difference is, that, while the American populace is divided about him, outside of America everybody knows he's a psychopath, a narcissist, a notorious liar and a danger to the planet.
It's amazing that you know what all those millions of people in Europe think.

As a Brit he's seen as more of a joke here. I don't know anyone, not even the media, that thinks he dangerous.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017
Most dangerous things sometimes starts as a joke. Underestimating him can cause unexpected and very bad results even if he's (or looks like) an idiot. But I sincerely wish he's just a joke.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Support Rolando Dumbo and you shall see that.
they want something for the sake of porn and lols, not a porn game that is basically a hit piece. which from what little time i spent on your forum it seems to be made for the sake of making fun off, which you know the media has overkilled and that shit is boring now. making fun of trump isn't funny anymore, it's sad because that seems to be all people do with their lives and so you pitty them for not having anything better to talk about or do. also before someone trys to paint me as a trump support I ain't I am just sick of facebook and youtube being full of these stupid over the top hit pieces of him and anyone who so much as says to the media hating him that they are going a bit too far. and my guess is if you make a porn game doing the same you won't have much success cause most people are over it and you really narrow your demographic. but that is my opinion you do what you want.

a meme

Sep 26, 2017
Everybody around the world knows about Trump. Here in Austria and in most other European countries he is in the news on a daily basis. The main difference is, that, while the American populace is divided about him, outside of America everybody knows he's a psychopath, a narcissist, a notorious liar and a danger to the planet. Even the right wing populists here are not happy about being compared to him. His reputation in Europe - with the possible exception of Poland - is en par with Kim Jong-Un's.
In general parodies about Trump are well received in Europe and very common in European TV. Everybody knows and talks about Trump after all. A porn parody however would make people puke instead of fap here. The idea of watching the Trump family's sex life is just extremely gross and repulsive.
Someone from Austria who thinks he's the voice of Europe. Déjà vu.
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Game Developer
Mar 1, 2018
they want something for the sake of porn and lols, not a porn game that is basically a hit piece. which from what little time i spent on your forum it seems to be made for the sake of making fun off, which you know the media has overkilled and that shit is boring now. making fun of trump isn't funny anymore, it's sad because that seems to be all people do with their lives and so you pitty them for not having anything better to talk about or do. also before someone trys to paint me as a trump support I ain't I am just sick of facebook and youtube being full of these stupid over the top hit pieces of him and anyone who so much as says to the media hating him that they are going a bit too far. and my guess is if you make a porn game doing the same you won't have much success cause most people are over it and you really narrow your demographic. but that is my opinion you do what you want.
The whole point was grabbing Trump's situation and putting someone else in his place. The reason why the protagonist is someone supplanting him is not because of some weird conspiracy theory, but to make it a game where you choose to do anything you want. Therefore, the protagonist can do whatever without suggesting that a real person did it.

I just thought it's a good setting to do a sexy game - i.e. someone who's really powerful and is surrounded by hot women.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
Everybody around the world knows about Trump. Here in Austria and in most other European countries he is in the news on a daily basis. The main difference is, that, while the American populace is divided about him, outside of America everybody knows he's a psychopath, a narcissist, a notorious liar and a danger to the planet. Even the right wing populists here are not happy about being compared to him. His reputation in Europe - with the possible exception of Poland - is en par with Kim Jong-Un's.
In general parodies about Trump are well received in Europe and very common in European TV. Everybody knows and talks about Trump after all. A porn parody however would make people puke instead of fap here. The idea of watching the Trump family's sex life is just extremely gross and repulsive.
actually people who are properly informed know that he was the best choice out of the two shitty choices, as hilary is a globalist, and supports the current rise of post-modernism, marxism, and totalitarianism. which if that were to take over the government would lead to a soviet union 2.0 because that is where those belief structures went in the 20th century. where as trump best case is a smart guy who acts stupid to manipulate people and keep america the way he wants it, or he is a bumbling idiot who loves his country, either way he wants america to stay capitalist and not stray to far from what kind of nation it is. also to give you an idea of the consequences of communism, under the soviet union they estimate that under Stalin 2mil to 60mil people died, the number that is mostly used when people talk about it is usually 11-18mil. either way he more than likely killed at least double of the amount of people hitler killed and instead of it being a specific minority it was the countries own people, and yet we paint hitler as the biggest bad when he was a rookie compared to Stalin. so as far as I am concerned based on the events of history and the beliefs that caused events, trump isn't anything to worry about, because unlike hitler he likes living and people living and making lots and lots of money, where as hilter just wanted to murder jews because he hated them. you should worry more about the rise of social justice and political correctness which by the way was actually made up by the soviet union to police language and find out certain types that threaten their regime and kill them. trump is a capitalist, not a nazi, he doesn't hate muslims he just doesn't want to accept an influx of immigrants as that would destabilise the American economy and decrease everyone's average way of life. now i think we should get back on topic but if you want to keep talking about this pm me lets not clutter up this topic. although on the topic of porn game, people don't care, porn is porn, they know to separate fantasy from reality.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 18, 2016
The whole point was grabbing Trump's situation and putting someone else in his place. The reason why the protagonist is someone supplanting him is not because of some weird conspiracy theory, but to make it a game where you choose to do anything you want. Therefore, the protagonist can do whatever without suggesting that a real person did it.

I just thought it's a good setting to do a sexy game - i.e. someone who's really powerful and is surrounded by hot women.
okay, as i mentioned I was talking from what i gathered from the forum, which meant a lot of assumptions on my part, which i was mostly wrong. sounds neat though the way you put it there. I still want a game where you are the pres, doesn't have to be trump tbh but I have the incest fetish (fantasy obv, irl thats just nope, no, nah, no, hell no, biology is against it(genetic deformation etc. just look at inbred dogs, they are deformed)) so for me i would want the family element there.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2017
I want a Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Gay and Incest game. It's only fair, isn't it? LOL Oh yeah, with pregnancy options too! :evilsmile:
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Engaged Member
May 8, 2017
As far as I know except for the far right wing members Trump is considered as more of a joke by most people in Europe. It's hard to find his supporters here. But he fits all US stereotypes perefectly so I guess that was unavoidable with how pathethic was his opponent even tho in my opinion he's a huge threat for this planet. Putting politics aside such a game would be a blast. I wonder how fast it would be taken off the Patreon if it reached some audience:p This thread is a possible reason why incest games were targeted so I hope no other fetish with Trump will be mentioned:/


Game Developer
Mar 1, 2018
okay, as i mentioned I was talking from what i gathered from the forum, which meant a lot of assumptions on my part, which i was mostly wrong. sounds neat though the way you put it there. I still want a game where you are the pres, doesn't have to be trump tbh but I have the incest fetish (fantasy obv, irl thats just nope, no, nah, no, hell no, biology is against it(genetic deformation etc. just look at inbred dogs, they are deformed)) so for me i would want the family element there.
Have you checked Rolando4Prez? I'm relatively new and need loads of ideas for the series


Game Developer
Mar 4, 2018
Hey everybody!
I have some free time and I'd like to create such a game if people are interested in it. I was thinking about Akabur's witch trainer style with white house round room instead of Dumbledore's office. And the game would be focused on Ivanka's corruption. But I'm not sure about Ginny. Should it start like WT with Ginny appearing at the white house or should I use actual Trump as a main character? Also I have troubles coming up with ideas how to make Ivanka do lewd stuff. What should be the main reason for her to do that?
If anyone have any ideas about those questions and if we could come up with a nice scenario together, I would be happy to create such a game.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
This idea could have legs, especially in the Akabar style

Perhaps you could "train" Ivanka, or perhaps to cut her husband out you could hold the idea of her husband being in the closet as leverage to get her to do whatever, would kill two birds with one stone.

No matter what happens there needs to be a glowing red button marked "GRAB HER BY THE PUSSY!!"


Game Developer
Mar 4, 2018
This idea could have legs, especially in the Akabar style

Perhaps you could "train" Ivanka, or perhaps to cut her husband out you could hold the idea of her husband being in the closet as leverage to get her to do whatever, would kill two birds with one stone.

No matter what happens there needs to be a glowing red button marked "GRAB HER BY THE PUSSY!!"
I like the idea with "husband leverage", but it should have some story behind it, how and why did it happen. Any leverage would be good if it's believable.