No one will be as hot as Ashley was. Ashley was the best milf of the MrDots universe
Sure, If you consider a promiscuous single mom who neglected her daughter a lot and used to run away from her problems to 'cope' with the
stress caused by them, then yeah, she amazing, but reality and common sense will contradict you. Loved Ashley too, but she wasn't exactly a model mother or the type of woman you'd consider serious relationship material. Just sayin', not judging anyone for liking her. I'm a sucker for attractive busty blondes too, BUT personality wise, she could've been a lot better.
Why did the whingers not pay attention to Officer Justice? She is a smart girl. She realizes how stupid it is to complain about a completely optional and non canon scene. They even made the trigger to find that scene insanely hard to find without a guide.
This is Sunshine Love all over again. The developers want to do something then a bunch of crybabies start moaning and then start acting as if the game belongs to them and force the developers to change their plan.
Why don't
you pay attention to what was discussed here and who the audience is that MrDots is trying to cater to with this game ?? The scene you mentioned was a commission that didn't have any relevance storywise, nor does it belong in a
clearly non NTR and potential (??) harem game... don't matter if the shady Megan is an LI/fuck buddy or not.
As usual, some of you ppl don't pay attention to the tags and whenever you see a debate like this, you just butt in defending a mistake the
dev himself and his team admitted they made and will try to fix in the next update just so you can impose your preferences onto others. Try to follow your own protocolar advice and do this, "don't like it, move on", OR, even better, pay the dev to make a game just for you lot, and if Dots is ok with this, it's a win-win situation for everyone.
Click on her panties when her legs are open. I think it's when she has the dialogue, "A woman has needs you know..."
The guy who put it there, of all places, is a big pervert or a very cultured man.