So, here's hoping the quality of content in this demo stays consistent throughout; loved the art in Third Crisis, but I have to echo the sentiment that the quality was all over the fucking place with TC. This demo is one HELL of a good first impression though: I absolutely LOVE the MC (timid, sexually inexperienced and awkward girls with poorly faked confidence is my favorite type, judge me all ya want), and the handful of scenes are pretty great.
I'm hoping for more bondage/held captive content, or hell just more of the MC getting toyed with for her inexperience, so if they can deliver on that, this is already on the road to greatness. Idk why, but the timidity really makes the MC so much more attractive than Jenna from TC, who even in the non-brainwashed scenes seemed like a braindead slut with zero personality. Maybe I just stopped paying attention too soon with TC though, could be me.