So far it's only one slave and she mostly interacts with you, as the Peitho part of the game isn't very far along. You also earn money via a blowjob minigame.
Well, that does mostly answer/imply that it's basically exclusively for males

Still, it's hard to know where to place this game atm...
It had a bit of a rough start, got back up, faceplanted, gave it another go, walked straight into a wall, jumped back up again, and it's kinda been doing that ever since. Granted, I didn't follow it too closely. So it might have done some really cool stuff.
Like: The maledom path I've seen is just fucking spectacularly well made. (Bit random to have hyper inflation... but hyper dicks were here since day one. The new artstyle toned that down to make them more impressive. Did help with the "big" characters actually being big.)
Trailing off here. But, as I had pointed out during a livesteam: (And touched briefly on above) The lesbian content is very... "budget" to put it plainly. Like: One of the first scenes is lesbian. But, it doesn't have a finish... and this is shortly followed by a full on, animated straight bukkake scene. Like... you just stumble on or is railroaded to "the good shit" in the straight route. But have to go out of your way to find and unlock the lesbian ones. And they're just... there. Pretty much always without a finish to it. It's just far less oomph to them. They're harder to get. And also reward less. I personally hope that trend changes. As, would be cool to be able to go full on lesbian. Even if I doubt that'd be a route xP Especially with the tag removal. But, even if it doesn't happen and just turns out to be a side thing: I do hope we at least get two animated ones with a finish, that have enough oomph to compete with the male ones. As I'd love to see how it would look if they went all in like in the male scenes.
I am a bit hopeful. This game has pleasantly surprised me in the past. And it has really nailed many scenes so far.
But... porn games as a whole got a worthless track record in this department... but I've already gone on long enough here.
I am excited to see where it goes regardless. Thanks for the insight so far.