Corruption doesn't mean "become a degraded submissive slut".
Frankly, I'd say this is incorrect. You can argue all you want that the word "corruption" *should* stand for more, but in *practice* it does largely denote a form of submissiveness.
Tags rarely mean exactly what you think they ought to mean, and they don't always translate well between languages either. For example, in Japanese the closest tag to the "mind control" tag is the "sennou(brainwashing)" tag, but in practice I find them far from equivalent, with "sennou" content being *far* more likely to be relevant to me than "mind control" content.
Also, as for this particular game, it's not true that the protagonist's corruption is exclusively of the submissive form, as there are a fair number of scenes where she takes a dominant stance, though it's mostly a bit of a compromise, with the protagonist both dominant towards some characters and submissive towards others.
Personally, I find I enjoy both to some extent, and don't even care that much about the distinction (after all - the submissiveness of one character is the dominance of the other; and, unlike seemingly most people here, I find no need to identify myself with the protagonist of the story), but your difficulty seems to be that you are both trying to identify yourself with the protagonist and dislike submissiveness...