Bit of a thing to report;
-The Password screen on the Peitho Route lets you move and interact with things while it's up and you can move around, go to your room, etc. with it still open.
Besides that since it's another small update there's nothing else to say really, except that was a few too many penis rocks for what they awarded and the dark ones can be annoying and linger too long on the screen sometimes, it's like they park nearby and stall which would be fine if they weren't invisible anyway, there's no sense of danger it's just a waste of time at that point. Also some of the decorations around the Hidden Base have weird collision, namely the poles near tinfoil man, and that wall looks like it's too close to them so you're inclined to go way high and get partly stuck if you're using Mouse to control.
I'm always short on time to play games lately so that's all I got. I'll see if I can do more over the weekend.