Unity - Completed - Third Crisis [v1.1.0] [Anduo Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    There's over 100 reviews, but keep in mind that almost all of them are from before the game's full release (May 19, 2024). To keep it short, I do believe the game is worth playing. My review will focus mostly on negatives, as they're more telling than a list of the same-old positives.

    I'll start off with this: it's the epitome of a Western Patreon hentai game. If you've played enough h-games, this sentence tells you all that you really need to hear. On that note, we should be thankful that it actually reached a full-release (despite having an obviously rushed ending). Being this type of game, it released in patches over the course of a few years - and you can tell. It gives the impression of not having been fully framed from the beginning or having been framed but having seen random changes every major patch, with the dev not tying previous iterations and new sections together all too well. In other words, the promises and projections of things to come from the initial stages of the game do not deliver and/or provide payoff well in the latter parts of the game, likely due to poor planning or knee-jerk changes. This is mostly shown with the game-mechanics, but also prominent with the ending payoff of the story. You'll see a mechanic added to the game, then you never see it again. You'll see a mini-game used in one section, then never used again. You'll expect ABC to happen in the story, then the story swerves off to XYZ. You'll be a seventh of the way through the game, then it'll add a new one-dimensional character to the main-cast who then takes time away from the already established crew. You'll reach the climax of the game and think, "wait, that's it?" The side routes feel the same way as well. They feel like wasteful, random padding used to add h-scenes to the game and so it can pivot the story in a random direction without much consequence. This all comes back to the initial point of how it feels like it wasn't planned well in the beginning. If it was, we shouldn't see things seemingly come-and-go and we shouldn't see other randomness. Everything should nicely tie together and feel seemless from beginning to end. With proper planning, the game would feel like a more full game while using the same content and characters.

    Next lets address the endings. A bad ending ruins a game, book, show, movie, etc.; as the ending is paramount to the story. The common statements of "it's the journey, not the destination [that matters]" and "in the end the journey is rewarding in itself" are horseshit. It's absurd to use that as an excuse to justify a writer's lack of follow through on anything as well as his/her inability to keep narrative coherency. This game not only has several bad main-story endings and several bad side-story endings, but they all feel like the dev just wanted to finish this game after years of work so he/she rushed them. Hell, the Karen/Jenna resolution (you know, that main goal of the main story) takes place during a time-skip! It also doesn't help that the story feels like it spins it's wheels despite progressing...

    The next big thing is that the game is wildly tedious. Almost every mission is a fetch quest with the same structure. Worse of all, they all require you to slowly walk back and forth from point A to B and it's just so damn boring. Combat starts off promising, but becomes so unpleasant (in part due to terrible dungeon design) that you genuinely should use the "skip combat" button for the sake of your sanity. Many h-scenes require you to go to point A, do "thing," the walk back to the hotel to sleep only to rinse and repeat (the bar scenes and x-cross being the worst offenders). It's so much blank padding, its so boring.

    To finish off my negative ramblings, I want to mention something regarding the characters and story. You play as a self-proclaimed lesbian (later cop-out bisexual) but you spend 80% of the game getting dicked-down by men and male stand-ins. One of your closest allies is a gay man, yet he spends nearly the entire game fucking women when he has an h-moment and is written to genuinely be into fucking Jenna and Jewel. Why did the story spend so much time emphasizing their sexualities whenever the content outright goes against this? And don't give me the "oh, the pure route doesn't have this! It stays true to character!" excuse. Bitch, nobody plays an h-game for the pure route unless said pure route is the primary source of h-scenes (in this game its not). We're a bunch of degenerates who are here for the ass, tits, and clits. The un-pure route is the main route, so if you're going to write gay characters then commit to the bit. One last thing with Jenna, but once she takes her first dick she flips the switch and goes full slut. It's not a gradual fall into degeneracy but a full-blown nose-dive. It's a bit absurd. This leads us to one of the story issues (the main story, the "unpure" route), it's fairly hard to believe that Jenna truly cares about Karen whenever she spends almost the entire game lustfully getting fucked by various people. Yes "yOu CoNtRol ThE bUttOns yOU prEsS," but this should at least reflect itself in the story. There's a reason why so many h-games have lust meters with thresholds that, once reached, alter the story (this one has one strictly for the pure ending in which you need a lust rating of 0, otherwise it changes nothing). However, this goes back to the very first point in that it would require proper planning of the game. Something random to add, but I genuinely have no idea why this game doesn't have the "cheating" tag as almost all sexual encounters are outright cheating.

    I know what you're thinking: you just talked mad shit on this game, why are you giving it a 4/5? Well its a soft 4/5 but regardless, the game is still a good time. The porn is great and, like I said, I was going to focus on the negatives (I could've kept going, hell I didn't even get to the list of game breaking bugs). The content is a mile wide and a foot deep, but that mile wide of content is fun to experience. Should you play this game? Yes, I think you should. Hell, last Steam sale I bought it despite all of my issues because I think it's worth it. For a Western Patreon hentai game, it's pretty great.

    I'll end with one positive. Even with this game re-using a lot of scenes (especially with the side-routes), the hentai is significantly better quantity and quality than most h-games out there. Not only are the scenes numerous, but the collectable "pinups" - which is mostly fan-art - is a welcomed addition and I would love to see more games implement something like this. Yes the hentai has some issues, such as "Lady" (the white hooded woman) having no h-scenes at all and Karen (despite being a story-critical character) having very minimal h-scenes, but the positives heavily outweigh the negatives.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excellent. I would like to thank the developer for simulating women's desires well in the game. Thanks to this game, I have became more sadistic and dominant with the women I deal with IRL.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Walking simulator. Shit combat but it's skippable. Scenes are animated but repetitive. Polished UI. Noticeable loading time between map change compared to other RPG. Even with the skipped combat, there are too much boring fetch quests/clear-report back quests. The early quests are just forcing you to sleep walk sleep and walk back again wasting player time for no reason. From the guard to the tribe leader, it's the same thing.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best hentai game you can find!!!!!!!
    The stratigical gameplay is fun, the hentai gallery is big and soooo good. Characters are unique, the story is good. I discover it few years ago, it was so cool to re-discover it
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite possibly the best porn game you'll ever play. I've been playing every update for over a year and its only gotten better. The fact the game got completed is irrevocable proof we are in the best timeline.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is well thought and tactical parts are nice, but it's bugged and there are fights I can't win because some enemies become invulnerable for no reasons.

    I wanted to follow the lesbian route but the game didn't let me, in this it is a bit disappointed.
    Dialogues and story are top tier. Art is excellent but too cartoony to be really sexy imo.

    I would have given more stars if I had been able to play without the buggy fights.
    Likes: mc247
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Combat 2/10
    Combat is pretty mediocre/bad, it seems promising at the start with being able to knock enemies and damage them, prologue also showed enemies having unique skills like trapping area and each enemy has their "beastiary"/ description in the log, but as you progress throughout the game they abandoned enemy descriptions/ unique elements of enemies. There are the plant enemies which can aoe damage, pull you or explode, and the fiends which are just melee enemies, the guards are also just range shooters/c4 throwers/melee knockback. At the start of the game I was wanting to play more combat, but at the midpoint every combat encounter is just so fcking dreadful and some fights take too long. THE BOSS fights are unique though and pretty well designed (although it is on the easy side but eh..)

    Customization/Gear Game/Equipment 2/10
    The range (amount) of weapons are pretty low, maybe there are 3-5 weapons for the MC but each of those weapon are unique towards their gameplay so there is that. The equipment also is more on the "cosmetic" side (even though they have stats but those stats barely matter in combat). The good part about equipment though is each armor for the MC (and a few armor for the party members) has their own unique design that you can see on their portrait which is nice.

    Minigames: 3/10
    Blowjob minigame sucks (peitho route), hacking (match game) is mediocre/passable. Dancing minigame rocks but there are occasional lag spikes which ruins my combos.

    Mission Structure: 5/10
    Most missions are fetch quests, they seem like padding towards the game, kill enemies in the area to progress, standard stuff.

    Story: 7/10
    Story is fine/decent enough for an H game. The true ending/ pure route is pretty nice, but you'll miss out on 90-95% of H content so yeah that's a challenge in itself. The story also has an alternate route for every choice in the game either you go full slut route or go pure route where you avoid 90-95% of the h scenes to get the best ending of the game. Standard stuff, but if you go to the haunted mansion basement you'll get fcked by slime girl and that does not count against pure ending/perversion increase so there is that. The game may feel draggin on as you play the game. Originally I plan to play the game on the pure route then go H route but even with skip option the game just takes too long to progress with many paddings and all. I just unlocked full gallery and called it a day.

    H CONTENT 9/10
    Wide variety of kinks for different folks out there, VERY LARGE AMOUNT of CGs with many different scenarios. N I C E. The artstyle is also pretty well drawn but a minor nitpick is the sprite art wherein the dev failed spectacularly and most sprites look bad/ cheap asset.

    Bugs: First 20-50% of the game is pretty smooth experience. When you get to the mid game up to the late game you encounter many bugs that the dev failed to optimize/fix prior to release. This are just not minor bugs (some are minor but some are gamebreaking). One such bug is instead of 3 action points your party members sometimes gets only 2, another one is certain journal entries cannot be saved in the tower. You get them and once you load a save game they are gone (pretty annoying if you're planning to get Lore collector achievement/ocd type of person). Another party member is also bugged (others say it was fixed in latest patch) making her weaker than what she is supposed to be.

    ALL in all despite the harsh criticisms I'm pretty proud of the dev for finishing this game, specially since he has consulted with this forum in developing the game. I just hope he improves on the less "savory/polished" aspects of this game and make a better game next time. The character arts are all top notch but the sprite art sometimes does not fit the character/ is pretty bad overall. Same for this game, this game has a lot of good in it, but the bad parts ruin the integrity/ quality/ experience of the game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    It's good. Kinda. It's hard to not feel salty given how much the first half promised and how little the second half managed to deliver. The endings are "Let's-get-this-over-with" level rushed and the setup with Karen/Wildfire sort of fizzles out in the end.

    Also playing this is really cumbersome. It feels like they tried to make an RPGM game in unity with all the downsides but none of the responsiveness. Maps are too big, quest journal is not very helpful and there's a million other things to criticize.

    But in the end the journey is rewarding in itself. I just wished it had been better. The story deserved it.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First thing you notice when you launch the game is that a lot of work went into development. It's a very polished game with lots of mechanics and lewd content. I love how corrupted the town of Carceburg is, and how the heroine gets more and more slutty as the game progresses. I love all the comments you get depending on your current attire.
    TLDR: This game hot
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. And.... And that`s all you need to know before playing.

    Good sides
    -Many ways to corrupt the main character. And no disgustind screens "In development"
    -Love this arts

    Normal sides
    -Gameplay. Just usual RPGM with non standart battle.

    -sound design
    -battle system is boring
    -gray stubs instead of people are annoying.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    this one kickin! this game is a masterpiece, one of the best of course with the visual graphic, story, art etc, its all perfectly good and this is the first game that makes me "okay, imma buy this game on steam" truly worth every coin and time i spend on this game.

    10/10 from me
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the game that introduced me to this website. If you are into female protagonist games this one is constantly updated and has a little bit of everything for everyone. The main story is okay, but the depth of content is fantastic. Please consider supporting the creator if you are able.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    While the gameplay can feel kinda clunky, the game's wide range of options is insane and make each gameplay unique! There is several routes to choose and all of them are filled with high quality art!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I just wrote a very detailed review and then refreshed on accident, FUCK. Here's a short review instead:

    This game's really good, has great artwork/animations, a fun story and a wide variety of characters that all look fantastic (especially the MC). The TRPG-style battle system is pretty cool, but has a lot of softlock potential, so make sure to save before your battles.

    Only downside to the game is that it has padding, like needing to walk back and forth instead of being able to teleport, or needing to go to bed to progress a side story. This game has A TON of content, so padding is extra annoying, and extra unnecessary.

    The game, as of right now (version 0.57 Steam), is not finished. If you want to see the true ending to the game, it isn't out yet. I will probably be returning to the game when it's completely finished, since it really deserves the attention.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best game I played so far, everything look polished, animation are great and story is too!

    Concept is somewhat close to RPGM but more fluid and many submissive stuff, pretty fun

    Only negative point is that many animation does not adapt on what you are currently wearing
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    solid game overall. wasnt a fan of the combat but they didnt fill the game too much with it so i dont mind

    art and scenes are really well done. the corruption is just a little too fast paced for my liking. think i was 1-2 hours in and the mc was immediately agreeing to fucking strangers with a smile on her face
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Entertaining game, probably my favourite H game. At least worth giving it a go if you are undecided but you will not regret it. The rest of this review is just bulking the character requirement., so no need to read further here unless you like reading ramblings.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Juicy Blueberry

    It is a game with a lot of great potential; even in development, I have already seen a lot of high-quality erotic animations. The art style is also very well-drawn. The world map is big but not vague, enabling you to interact with different characters. I also love the freedom to customize your characters; NPC will react differently based on your dress.

    First, I was just playing for the lewd stuff. However, as I continue playing, I feel the plot is also great. Overall, I think this game is one of the best adult games I ever played. Cannot wait for the next update!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Exquisite image art and a variety of sexual orientation, with Google translation (not better than anything).The battle is not difficult, the game is very easy to use, the game has a large number of animations and images, and it is also very rich in the choice of tasks and has a very low prices on Steam, so I recommend this game very much.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Great artstyle and scene variety, interesting plot and fun puzzles, troubled by numerous bugs and extremely tedious combat and quests that drag on for way too long


    - Awesome artstyle, a breath of fresh air from the usual
    - Scattered pin-ups make exploration rewarding and fun
    - Plot is not terrible, kinda interested me at times
    - Scene variety is great, lots of kinks and poses
    - Some scenes are animated which is really pleasant
    - Puzzles are not done in a boring way, they're simple but engaging
    - 'Lewd' choices are marked in purple, so doing a pure run is not something that requires prior knowledge of the game itself
    - Lots of content for a v0.5 game, though I will address this further in cons

    - Combat is very basic, yet the game has dozens upon dozens of combat encounters featuring the same few enemy types with no variety, lack of equipment variety also leads to combat becoming an extreme chore
    - Many of the quests are just tedious on purpose, forcing the player to repeat the same process numerous times for little reward
    - Game is very fucking buggy, achievements I got 5 hours ago keep popping up saying that I've completed them whenever I load a save. I've had Throb get stuck and/or get enemies stuck, rendering them unkillable and forcing me to restart the encounter, I've also had the UI bug out in a couple of combat encounters
    - Many of the party members are extremely one-dimensional and boring, with some feeling like their only purpose was to throw one-liners and or be used as porn-bait, could have been better off as normal NPCs, but for some reason became prominent parts of the game and kept interrupting any chance for proper dialogue with their catch-phrases.
    - A few small things like the save menu being clunky and ugly, skills lacking unique icons, and the UI just covering itself with oversized elements (Like during Jewel's dancing)

    Game would be easily be a 4/5 with a full release being a 5/5 if it weren't so buggy and didn't rely on lame combat encounters / stretched-out questlines in order to pad game-time. Shame.