I understand
wetwizard713. I see other devs that get an influx of supporters then let the game die with small updates and extended release periods. I could charge a dollar or two for each update and open up buy me a coffee or whatever to get periodic donations, then again I'm sure it'd get leaked somehow. I think one-time is a more honest approach considering.
darlic think of wet summer days. I already have 3 out of 4 games that have code written and renders made for ARNG that have a heartfelt storyline WITH watersports content, however, the watersports content is a cornerstone. I may not be able to market TS as adult with watersports because the game starts with a watersports enthused demon. The game centers around her possessing a man that owns an apartment to 'corrupt' others along the way, using him, for now but the corruption is in fact watersports. I'd have to remake a lot of things to differ those watersports based routes and dialogs at this point. The other games I'm working on share some of the same elements but TS is a little more naughty than those since they're more heartfelt (so more vanilla with the others). I appreciate that darlic. Maybe you'll be able to support me one day and I'd appreciate that.
I'd prefer not being tied down and also not letting anyone down so I don't want to create a paid tier system. For example, for 100 $5 patrons or supporters that want like 5 custom renders a month, that's 500 renders a month for them - taking away time for game updates. Then I may have to argue with them about not being able to create content (possibly illegal) for their pleasure. I don't have a threadripper rig or any newer RTX cards on any of my rigs (again I'm kind of broke right now).
I like the idea of buy me a coffee though where if you like it, just simply support me with donations - no commitment.
I guess through all this and looking at other threads about the same subject here and elsewhere that there really is nothing but hopes and dreams when it comes to this stuff.
I've spent HOURS sometimes on one scene doing animations with fluid sims, walking away and coming back the next day to spend HOURS on it again, so I guess it gets to a point where you're not having fun anymore and the thing you enjoy the most, that isn't giving anything back, becomes laborious.
I think of the approach to the lightbulb, however, so maybe I'm getting better. For example, I stayed up until 6-7 AM a couple days ago trying to figure out and successfully using Ren'py's UDD system so there's that. Now that I know how it works, I can effectively use it without wasting too much time (it was for a minigame).
Anyway, thanks again for the feedback. I'm going to take a break from what I'm working on right now and think about a few things.