OK, I get that this was never supposed to see the light of day, (this being the current vers her on F95zone); might I ask how far short you are from a release of the current story state? I can wait to DL, if you would prefer...which I think you probably would.
You are more then welcome to play this version.
I just don't like unfinished days being publicly available like this because things can and will probably change by the completion of the day, this version was meant for subscribers and people who have paid for early access to get feedback on a few things.
As it stands right now, male route is unchanged from this, except the completion of the scene I needed feedback on and the rest of the day obviously
Female route is in allot of flux though.
During the holidays, and me getting sick.. twice. in less then 4 weeks... I stepped back a bit and looked at game as it stood now. male route, I have been happy with, female route, not as much... so I started talking with people, running poles, getting feedback, etc etc etc, mostly to see who is playing the female route and how/why they are playing it.
Honestly hoped for more woman to be playing it because that's the reason I added the female option.
But it turns out most people play it, while they wait on next update to have a different experience, but up until day 4, the experiences have been largely the same.
That's changing.
As of January first, I handed off writing of the female route to some one else, A woman to be exact. and I already started branching the stories back in November with this release (It was called Divergent update for a reason).
Now the overall story, remains the same, but the path to the end of that story will change, allot.
it can already be seen in this update, and honestly, it started in day 3, the cousin had a few things he could do no one else could.
but as I finish day 4, and work into day 5 some major differences are being added, by the end of day 5 the male and female routes will be completely separate.
There will obviously be some similarities, images will be shared where they can be, side story elements will be similar, but the main story will be told in different ways between male and female routes.
but that is not what you asked at all.
next update. If I can stop being sick, it should be out by end January, with day 5 coming hopefully early to mid march.
Edit: Day 5 is also steam launch.