Version Reviewed: v0.1
Overview: A woman is missing and all you have is your magical time stopping watch.
Story: You are a firefighter fed up with the paperwork so you quit your job to become a, well, something. One day a person from your hometown gives you a magical stopwatch and asks you to find a missing girl. Obviously the MC declines the quest because he doesn't know a damn thing about the girl or finding people, but the girl insists on giving him the stopwatch anyway. He figures out he can momentarily stop time but v0.1 ends pretty soon after that. There is also a side story of a girl who has turned to prostituion to make ends meet. Also, completely out of the blue there is a sex cult/sorority that makes you sexually assault an initiate. I'm guessing there is more planned with them, but in this version it's just wham bam thank you mam.
This first version is very short. Even reading everything you can finish in about 15-20 minutes.
Gameplay: It is a VN, but there are some stats for each girl you can raise or lower with your choices.
Sex content: A sexy cheerleader with multiple options and the weird borderline NC hazing thing is it. But that's a lot more than most 0.1 games.
Graphics: (Caveat: I played the compressed version). They seemed pretty well done. There is of course that park bench next to a tunnel that is clearly a default asset, as well as the cafe and so on. The characters aren't terribly memorable yet, but since the story was so short this may improve with time. I have no complaints.
File size: I don't normally talk about this, but the developer's release of this game is nearly 3.5GB and contains all of 20 minutes of VN. This is not sustainable. A compressed version is less than 5% of the size and still looks fine. Shipping oversized poorly compressed assets is a rookie mistake.
Conclusion: It's a bit too early to form an opinion about this game, but it has potential. The time stop thing could be a lot of fun. It's also quite generous with the sexy stuff. I wavered between 4 and 5 stars but decided to be generous because the game didn't waste my time with pointless filler.