VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Three Rules of Life [v0.5.0] [Red Dust]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    A boy who thinks about his ex every day - an ex who looks uglier than the new girls.

    However, because this is an erotic game, the plot forces him to meet many women in a short period of time.

    It's funny that when such a "pure" man meets a woman for the first time, the option that appears is often "peep or not?"

    Could it be that the player playing the MC will also be loyal to the "ex"? And not interested in the new girls?
    But when you start relationships with new girls...MC starts thinking about his ex again.

    The most ridiculous thing about this game is that the MC has the developer's preset thinking.
    Players play MC but can't choose to "get rid of her" and "move on" early, you will always think of your ex.

    MC wants to get back with his ex every day, but this game forces him to be around women, and even a few women take the initiative to seduce him, such as the female teacher who seduces him all the time.

    Now the whole plot is:
    - I like you, but I always remember my ex.
    - Because you love your ex, you must be a good man, so I like you too.
    - I fuck all the women, but I think about my ex all the time.

    A very idiotic script.

    It is recommended to remove the plot of recalling the ex, I will give it 5 stars, currently only 3 stars.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747

    Three Rules of Life clearly has its virtues:
    • The renders are beautiful.
    • The music is alright.
    • The girls are good looking (although not the type of girls I'm attracted to).
    • The writing is decent.
    • The UI is neat.
    Unfortunately, the generic (and rather implausible) story couldn't really captivate me - and since an interesting story is paramount to me, there's nothing left but yet another harem building VN I've seen so many before.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    That is a game about a MC, a high school student however missed a year or two, so he could make it up to the legal age to take part in that game and his girlfriend who looks more like a overly used plastic sex doll, and his best buddy, for some reason, trying to ditch his girlfriend.

    The game starts with getting a call from your best buddy, asking you to meet a girl he was supposed to meet due to some mystery. We got a short scene hinting that he is plotting something, but all does not matter because all you are gonna do is meeting her for sure. That forced scenario brings you and that girl together, performing some painting stuff and talks, lots of talks.

    Then you end up at a beach with that guy again, after some more talking. He has his own girlfriend and it seems you have a gf too. Probably one of the worst 3D models I have ever seen this year. Everything about her, from her skin to her body, everything cries a big "No". Then, unfortunately, the game forces you to spend some intimate time with her and thanks to Ren'Py devs, we have a skip button.

    Anyway, we meet that guy, the best bud again. Seriously, he is the most occuring character in that game. The game is actually about you having chat with that guy and occasional event with girls (including more talking).

    There is also a nerd guy, somehow trying to make you up with her sister by you pretending her boyfriend? Something like that. Because it has lots of dialogues that after a certain period of time, you lose the track.

    Then classic stuff, the nerd's sis appears to be a biker (wow, how original), you meet with her parents, talk with her dad, etc. More talking stuff.

    Graphics: 3/10 (3 for the backgrounds)
    Music: ?/10 dunno if there's any
    Story: 1/10 Encourages you to auto-skip
    Characters: 3/10 2 for the best-buddy dude and 1 for the random chicks
    Playability: 2/10 (If you have time to waste to reach the ultimate stage of depression)
    Overall: 2/10
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for 0.4.0
    Wow this is a great game, it has it all..
    • Amazing renders, the characters look unique enough that you can recgonize them at first glance.
    • Good writing, story is decent and no weird grammar errors.
    • Scenes are animated, and are animated well.
    • Fitting songs and soundtracks.
    • Allowing a little bit of "harem" although it looks like some girls don't mix together.
    • No "sandbox" grind BS like many games here
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders and models are great. Most characters are well written and have flaws. The story is pretty good and the writing is good as well. Only issues with this game is how quickly the relationships progress with the mc.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    A very well-written adult VN with a focus on story and character relationships with each character having their own flaws and personal problems to solve and overcome.

    The story itself has a good pace and enough interesting events and intrigues to keep being entertaining including romance and the occasional sex scenes which are well implemented into the story. As well as having dialogue choices on how to progress character relationships and certain events.

    The visuals are good with unique character design and pleasant-looking set-pieces with well-structured story scenes.

    Overall the writing in this game shines the most with characters behaving in a believable manner and having a well-written dialogue with a story that keeps you interested in further events.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's invigorating to play as someone that's broken and unperfect. In other games, MC's are gods on earth that can't do wrong. In here we see someone that not only has been through great trauma, but also messed up and did plenty of things wrong. That's why I'm adding a star I'd subtracted from a couple of weird renders. Don't get me wrong, most characters are really hot (Rose's probably the hottest I've ever seen in any game) but there's a couple that their faces are just... Weird for me. Specifically Naomi and Mira.
    The animations are really good but where the game shines is in the story. Every character has a story to tell and is going through something, some sort of challenge that's really life-like. Real things we go through, as abandonment, a tough break-up or not having parents support to do what you love. This is awesome and I wish to see this game to completion.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a very good game with well written characters and story.
    I've enjoyed every second of it. I cant wait to see what happens next.
    This is the game that i wont play for fapping, but for the story. Its nothing revolutionary, but a very good, touching storyline.
    This is a 10/10 for me without hesitation.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    superb one of the best game play so far
    For me its another great game with good story and deep plot. Its not as deep as some but good enaugh to feel empathy for characters and thats good in my books. Personally I like most Mira, Pink cheater and Golden Cheater. Best way for me to have a girl and bang two others. Mira is golden girl. Cute and lovely with noughty side. Those two cheating girls seem more noughty than they should be but are good in heart. Confused af to say the least which is why our MC has chance to bang them. Generally a really nice game to play around with.

    Reminder: Choices do matter
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a must play visual novel.

    I've played a ton of visual novels but this one is special. The main attraction to this game are the characters - there is a wide array of characters but everyone of them feels unique, which is not easy to do but this game manages to do very well.

    The characters alone would've made it a solid game but the mystery in the plot makes it truly great. Even though the character interactions are very emotional and enjoyable, the mystery make the game even more intriguing.

    The graphics and animations are pretty great too. Any game with one of the three - characters, plot or graphics - at this level alone would've made it a solid game, but this has all three, making it truly great.

    I can't wait to experience how the plot unfolds further.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best VNs I've played in a while. Three Rules of Life has exceptionally well written characters (including men!) and an immensely engaging, tragic story. The renders are nothing short of amazing and have probably the best lighting I've ever seen in these games. The music selection is also a perfect fit, turning emotional scenes into real tear-jerkers. It seems like the developer really has a story to tell and doesn't let the MC become a blank slate self-insert for the player. That takes guts and I admire him for that.

    Finally, I need to mention the love interests. Naomi is the first one introduced, and I knew immediately - everyone else was going to be just friends. No other game ever made me feel like that before. She is such a well sculpted character with numerous contrasts: confident but insecure, happy but traumatized, dedicated but prone to abandonment. Every line of story about her elevates the character further, making her so very real.

    Strongly recommended!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. This seems to fall in step with a couple other VNs I've noticed lately that are very adept at really delving into a mature and nuanced story. These characters have dimensions, and I've noticed a sign of success in these games is also including male characters that have depth and emotions...since in a real world, it's not just the MC, scores of hot women, and male rivals. Anyways, the female options are super cute and varied, so this game doesn't get too repetitive. Highly recommend if you're looking for something to get immersed in!
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    It looks nice and has a solid story but it's yet another faux harem that shoves you down multiple LI routes to pad out content and then forces you to start choosing between them. As frustrating as it is common.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome game all around. The characters are great and you look forward to know more of them, i like the freedom of choice in persuing them and to top it off the models are beautiful (i find Naomi a little weird, but taste is relative)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best porn games I've played, with engaging story, well-fleshed out and interesting characters plus a very high quality renders and sex scenes. I believe almost anyone will find something interesting here since characters differ from each other significantly, although when it comes to women they all are extremely beautiful and it's hard to decide who to chase after.

    What I really like is that our choices truly matter and although we have quite big leeway and can create a harem (at least in the current, 0.3 version) it still does have some resemblance of reality since we can't have them all. Some might consider it as a flaw since to see all content we need to replay the game and choose differently but for me it's a huge advantage over dozens of other games where our choices don't matter at all and every woman is ours and ours only no matter what we do.

    Writing here is also way better than in 95% of other porn games, the story is engaging and characters are likeable and intriguing which means that when we do face a forked path and we have to choose which woman we should chase after it's not that easy.

    Sex scenes and renders are also superb and there are only few games that can compete in that regard. Animations sometimes aren't perfect (it's visible during a tit-job where dick disappears a bit between tits, although it still looks great and is definitely better than a static image) but all in all they are of highest quality and this has become one of my favourite games already.

    To sum up, it's one of the best games on F95 and currently I can name only one title that is definitely better (Pale Carnations) and a few that can compete. I recommend this title to any porn game enthusiast.

    10/10 from me.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game with a lot of promise. Animations are excellent. I cannot wait for the rest of the game to come out. highly recommended. the rest of this review is filler to reach 200 characters. otherwise, I am very impressed
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I just came to find this today, luckily.
    writing is very good, it is quite immersive. the reactions of toons after I make a choice are interesting.
    + good graphics
    I'm looking forward to playing the next version.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 205999

    Great game. I'm really liking every update and how the plot is evolving around the MC and the LI. Great girls with a personality and the most important thing about this game, CHOICES DO MATTER. So yeah, 10/10 game, would fap again
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I did everything I could to do in a matter of moral choices in the game during the current version (0.3.0)

    The characters were well developed, the protagonist is not bad, each female character has a completely distinct personality from each other, the visual and graphics pleased me a lot, I did not find bugs, as I play the game with zero volume, so I have nothing to talk about the sound effects, moral choices have consequences and that is the factor that I value most within this type of game. I think if I were to mention something I did not like, I would say it was the ex girlfriend of the protagonist, both visual and how the protagonist treats the situation.

    Below will be my grade for each category:
    (10 is the maximum grade)

    Graphics: 10;
    Character development: 10;
    History: 9;
    Plot: 10;

    Verdict: I recommend and will definitely follow the next updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    For me its another great game with good story and deep plot. Its not as deep as some but good enaugh to feel empathy for characters and thats good in my books. Personally I like most Mira, Pink cheater and Golden Cheater. Best way for me to have a girl and bang two others. Mira is golden girl. Cute and lovely with noughty side. Those two cheating girls seem more noughty than they should be but are good in heart. Confused af to say the least which is why our MC has chance to bang them. Generally a really nice game to play around with.

    Reminder: Choices do matter