Unreal Engine - Completed - Threshold Road [v1.0] [Absent.Dogma]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, despite the wonky controls and slow story beats the atmosphere is dark and unsettling and the scenes are decent. I find myself coming back to the gallery which I usually don't do for games that I played through.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is very unusual in its plot and atmosphere. Originality is her only positive attribute.
    The rest is either terrible or not so good.

    Let's start with the plot. It is purely nominal, reminiscent of Outlast. Moreover, there is practically no tie in the game. You're immediately thrown on the map and given control of the heroine. The control is absolutely unfriendly, but you can get used to it.

    Next, at the very beginning, you are given a choice of where to go, giving 2 options. Thus, the developer wanted to make the game non-linear, but he didn't succeed. There is only one right way. If you move away from him, then in the future there will be no matching of the actions and words of the heroine (For example, if you didn't go to church at the very beginning, then you cannot have a recording on recorder with the head of the church. But the heroine in any case, in a conversation with Hannibal, will mention that she has a recording (from where what if she didn't go to church?)).
    Of course, there are several endings, but mostly it's the original ending and the endings of the loss. It's not bad, but not wow.

    The dialogues are boring and not interesting. The story itself is very secondary. Yes, the author managed to create an atmosphere of psychic surrealism, but there is nothing behind this atmosphere. The design of the environment is sparse and reminded me of Monolith Bay in some way. The characters are dummy characters, although the NPC design is generally satisfactory, but they are not clearly spelled out. We don't fully understand what motivates them and why. Yes, there is its own "Game of Thrones" or something similar, but no one will explain the clear motivation to you, either directly or indirectly.

    You can say that this is not the main thing for a porn game, and I, in principle, can agree with you. But the dev wasn't just making a porn game, but a game with an application for something more.
    As a porn game, it doesn't work very well. The main characters don't look sexy. If you want to watch adult content, then you need to wander around in the same boring environment, or go through mini-games. The scenes themselves with a bias towards rape and BDSM. In my opinion, they aren't attractive (and it's not about fetishes, but precisely in the staging of the scenes).

    Mini-games are a thing that should be banned by the UN convention as a means of torturing people. I'm serious.
    It's cool that they are unusual and diverse (the developer is great here), but it's not the friendliness of their player that spoils everything, which is why you want to throw them after spending 20 minutes on the passage. I don't mind the difficulty, but when you understand what you need to do to get through it. When the dev clearly explains to you what you need to do. There is also a problem with this, which is a plus with diversity.

    To sum up, the game turned out to be atmospheric, but boring, poorly playable and not interesting.
    I wouldn't recommend playing it for everyone, only if you are an ardent fan of the atmosphere of psychedelic, dismemberment, BDSM and rape.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game in the horror / corruption line, and a nice change from VN / RPG shovelware.
    - Dev has a unique vision; game is horror genre, and Dev spent time doing the worldbuilding for it and creating a unique visual feel with NPCs. It is genuinely and uniquely creepy
    - Unreal 3D world, dated at this point but nice change from RenPy/DAZ
    - Minigames are actually difficult, require planning, and cannot be skipped... more complex than how fast you can mash keys
    - Game is actually complete; a major accomplishment of its own
    - "Gallery" is actually playable and appears to include items that aren't even in the game
    - Dev includes walkthrough, wish more devs did this
    - No dialog skip. Probably a design choice, but hinders replay.
    - First PC is a journalist, whose vocab and grammar should be top notch, but dialog sometimes sounds ESL. Perhaps a design choice (she is going crazy, and with other NPCs it makes sense) but distracted me while playing
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is mostly walking around and getting lost. I play over 30 minutes and there wasn't even a hint of action, so you'd hope the story was good, but, sadly, it's not.

    I had no idea what was going on for the entirty of my playtime. Creepy woods, cult, Outlast 2, journalst is all I got.

    The game is also not very user friendly, nor does it have any QoL features.

    To top it off, the main character is not very attractive. I wanted to like this game, becuase it has so many good tags, but I just couldn't. 1 Star
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    I dont see too many finished 3D games made with Unreal engine, so i was willing to try it out and see what is cooking here. Well, but simply, the fucking steak is burnt. The game is rough in every sense of the definition.

    The game has an interesting premise and a set up for a good mystery horror story, cant tell you how good that is, considering i could not bear playing this game for long. I dont let small annoying thing in each individual game get in the way of my enjoyment, but the fact that i cannot skip text and it goes so fucking slow is an actual deal breaker for me. Im a fast reading and that is how i like to read, but the fact that i cannot change the text speed or skip forward, in a game centered around A LOT of dialogue is just straight up criminal. Plus, the dialogue is dull as all hell, it is not engaging.

    When i played the game, it felt directionless. Like there really was no purpose to what im doing, it felt like im stuck in a loop of fetch quests and conversation so i can get more fetch quests. There was "stealth" in this game, but im using this word loosely. In essence, this game feels too linear to be a sandbox, but too sandbox-like to be linear.

    I only spend like 3-4 hours playing this game, before all the small inconveniences and overall dull enjoynment of this game made me quit far quicker then i expected. After all, if i dont enjoy playing a game, why play?

    There is a lot more i could nitpick, but i dont feel like doing a lengthy review for a game i barely played. If you dont have standards for quality of life for video games, i believe you can enjoy this game.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I always wander around for a few hours every time I try and find some porn content and barely anything happens. I can never figure out what to do to get porn or next part of the main plot. All these years later and I can't find the ritual site so I have to assume it's a glitch and not appearing as I searched the entire map.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay... Threshold Road

    The project itself doesn't look very presentable, both in terms of gameplay and graphics, but it is capable of transporting us to times when this was the norm and could be considered incredibly beautiful.

    The gameplay is quite tedious; lot of dialogues that are dull, and skipping them takes a lot of time. However, the main feature of this project lies in the constant repetition of the same actions: run and talk, run and talk, run and talk , hide, sneak up and again

    Perhaps the story could have been interesting, but the delivery of all this only evokes boredom, and the monotony of everything happening may lull you to sleep.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Oh man, this is a hard one to review.

    So I have mixed, but mostly good feelings about the game.
    *Minor Spoiler alerts below*
    So the story starts off with a journalist who travels to this unknown mountain area after hearing stories of different tribes of people basically living in cults. She comes to what was once the head tribe of the cult clans and tries to get an interview. Sounds interesting, and it starts off that way, but it quickly gets confusing. The English in this game is quite broken, so it's kinda hard to follow along easily because you have to decipher a lot of the dialogue. Also, the mc switches her views around so much.

    So after getting an interview with the preacher of one of the cult clans, he asked if she would attend a ritual they do to show outsiders how their way of life works, she accepts for the story she's writing, so she attends. Somehow, the cult people drugged the air? And she has to be an actual participant. She is tasked with cutting a guy's balls off so he can achieve "purity". She does so, then passes out. She later wakes up in a cave, talks to a cult guy who seems to be like a fortune teller, and tells her to meet her destiny. After a while of escaping the cave, she decides to go back to the church for some reason. It kinda doesn't make sense to why she doesn't just leave, but whatever I guess.

    She heads back to the church, basically gets drugged again, then she has a train ran on her by like 40 cult guys. Doesn't quite make sense either. She wakes up once more and you have an option to believe that the cult is meaning well and that you're now a part of it, or that this is all batshit crazy and you're getting drugged and raped. The game offers a few dilemma choices like this throughout the chapters, but they're fake. No matter what you choose, it leads to the same outcome. So after that part, she is officially conducted into the cult, basically becoming the clan's cumdump.

    The story is quite all over the place as you can tell in my description of basically the intro. The characters are also really strange. The preacher looks like a starved malnourished homeless man, the cult members looked like they were bred from incest(probably were), and everyone else looks deformed. So it's definitely an ugly bastard type of kink. The coolest character is a guy you'll meet at the beginning and he'll become a recurring character throughout the game, which is Hannibal. He's based af. He hates the cults and preacher, he doesn't give af about sex, he's a Chad.

    Besides all that I've written though, why give it four stars? Well it has a lot of charm, the dev clearly put a lot of time and effort into the game, despite it's weird choices, the sex scenes are pretty hot, once you decipher the story and overlook strange plot designs, it's not that bad. But the biggest, best part of this game, is definitely the atmosphere. Music and sound design is top notch and creepy, you can get very immersed in this fucked up world quite easily. Biggest con of the game though, is the mini games. I'm not gonna go into too much detail about them, but they are a PAIN in the ass. It took the blood away from my boner and into my head just to figure out what I was supposed to do, because the English is also kinda broken in the mini game descriptions.

    But after solving them, I got a huge dopamine rush, so it all worked out in the end I guess. I'd give this game a download, it's definitely a wild experience, you won't find peak porn gameplay like this anywhere else.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    This is one of the worst games I've ever played.

    Characters NEVER stop talking, we have to sit and watch characters talking (in VERY SLOW lines of text) for most of the game.

    But when we FINALLY have the chance to play... the gameplay SUCKS! Stupid mini games, boring mechanics and a character that walks as slowly as a 3 legged turtle.

    The sex scenes are decent, but they RARELY happen! This game takes itself too seriously, it wants to tell us a story, but I zone out after SO MANY cutscenes (which usually consists of characters talking while doing their idle animations).
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    At first I was kind of excited to try the game. It checked off a few tags I liked so I figured "eh, why not?" Boy that was ... well something.

    Ok first problem I had was the MASSIVE file size for a porn game. 12gb when I was extracting it to SSD. The concept of the game is good on paper, the atmosphere is horror for sure, and I admit I was pretty paranoid scouting the area after meeting hannibal. That is when the game started to go down hill for me.

    The game is boring: game play has interesting curveballs that change up how you talk to people, but the sex scenes are so slow and boring. The worst offender was a mini game where you need to collect 6.0L of spunk, each man climaxes roughly 0.25 L. The only thing that segment milked was my time. Then there was a puzzle (if you want to call it that) where 6 guys are kneeling and you have to go through long animations of kneeling, sucking dick, suck it again, and then deciding if this is the right guy to fuck.

    Massive file size, boring gameplay, great atmospheric OST,
    Would I recommend it? Not really.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly I would rate this at 3.5 stars, more than just an average game but not completely to my tastes just yet.

    The people? If you call them human, are very... ugly is the only way to describe them.

    The large open world doesn't seem to serve a purpose? How far along do we have to go in order for all of this empty space to be given content? Or was this an intentional move?

    Either way it only serves to pad out time getting between the story beats, this is a grave error especially for a game that has choices. This means that you have to put up with constant walking in frankly unpleasant scenery.

    Replay value may be increased if these things were improved. Yet I still find myself playing this game every so often, as if it is a constant curiosity what might have changed between when I played last to now.

    So GodSpeed Developer, keep it up. You're doing good enough to keep me curious.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    While it is obvious that much effort has been put into the game it ultimately is just weird. I honestly don't know how to describe it, lsd dream emulator set in the setting of a dark souls hollow with a side dish of puzzle. The chick looks like Michael Jackson with tits and the story utterly incomprehensible.
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Pretentious Goblin

    tl;dr it's a trippy Slav-jank horror adventure game with themes of free-use, drugging, BDSM, insemination and violation of the female MC by groups of monstrous males, with dubious consent.

    - The English is pretty bad. It's enough to know what's going on in the moment, but often adds to the confusion of the already weird plot. Though I doubt most players are really that invested in the story, cleaning up the text would help with immersion.

    - Some segments take too long and are too repetitive. I understand the point is to reinforce the free-use theme by showing the MC getting a "train" run on her, but there should either be more variety, or the player should be able to proceed once they've seen enough.

    - Occasional maze-like level design that the player can get lost in, and get frustrated.

    - It didn't feel like the game gives the player quite as much influence over the story as the various prompts claim. So, pretty much a Telltale situation. Maybe some dialogue will be different and some interactions will be different, but in the end the game consists of a linear sequence of locations and some possible Game Overs.

    + Pretty unique premise and world-building. You might not care all that much about individual characters (especially when their dialogue is so sloppily-written in English) but you may be interested to see what the game shows you next.

    + Fever-dream atmosphere. For all its faults, the game pulls off an otherworldly and mystical feel.

    = The game has a very deliberate pace, some would say slow as molasses. I think it's a mixed bag because it goes well with the ritualistic themes of the game.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    nice game, sasha is really hot, i have just finished the game and hoping for new content, but be warned: this game shows really explicit content, but it checks out for me
    camera position is sometimes tricky but nothing that keeps you from enjoying the show
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Almost 4 stars, however there are very annoying things :

    - At some point in game, Sasha is tied to a cable and you have to endure a mini-game. You have to do it twice, it's very boring and irritating.
    - Some lightings in the Gallery mode could be better
    - Not well optimized, heats up the computer a lot
    - In many H-scenes you cannot customize Sasha's appearance like stockings or glasses or face tattoos
    - Broken english/engrish text, it hurts the immersion
    - A recently (May/June 2022) added new Main Character : the dev should focus his stuff with Sasha, then optimize the game then release a full version. And finally if he wants, he can add a new character, or just create a new game. Now isn't the best choice to add a new MC.

    Now the good stuff :

    + Different H-scenes and variations to animations
    + Some scenes include customization of the played character
    + The overall atmosphere of the game is well done
    Likes: M.Ed
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good game once I got the screen brightness dialled in. Looking forward to next chapter. Save system a bit confusing though. Walkthrough files very useful. It's a pity there are no events in the crypt, I feel that was a missed opportunity. Overall a very solid effort for a first game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If you are into submission/corruption/bdsm kinks, this is one of the best games on this site. The game focuses heavily on the tagged fetishes, so if you are into this stuff, look not further. The game is not ideal, yes - the plot makes no sense at times, it's hard to follow the dialogs sometimes because of the bad english. Animations are acceptable, but the variety is satisfying. It all feels clunky most of the time, but what this game excells at is the atmosphere, there is no other game in full 3D environment which makes you feel like you are actually there. It's so much better than all the generic unity render novels. I also enjoyed the mini-games throughout the game. I remember playing tech-demo of this game 3 years ago and it expanded so much since then! The only dissapointment for me was the lack of dp scenes, which should totally be there.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is now worth a high rating is here are some of the reason why;
    1. The main character is slow as in a fat kid rolling down a small hill is faster then the character run​
    2. Some of the basic animation is slow but I wont really give points away or add so hmm just a warning​
    3. The dialog its long and start randomly I for a game with no VA its hard to just get a 3 or 4 line of dialog, and on that point the dialog is auto so if your a slow reader good luck​
    4. Now the Story you are just drop in a forest? grasses mountain with nothing to get or tell you who, what, where, and why your there until you reach the church and even with that porn came first (note i only play for about 10 or so min and I just didn't like it)​
    5. The world is big like why do I have to go through 2 hmm 1 mile long road + with the slow walk and run speed I just can't if 30 or 40 of the game is just walking and trying to find stuff to talk to the people then i will pass​
    My overall though on it it need a lot of rework or just fix the overall game it self, its slow, I just got lost in the story right away, porn came in first then the story take a back seat (it feel so off, I felt so out that just following the game and the more I follow the more I just want to story there is now draw you in or a build up the moment you leave the church and on you own again they just no make it scarier now. On that note I don't care if the sex animation are good there more then likely wasn't make they them but talking for site or premade animation.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Not sure about this game.
    If this game had been made like 10 years ago. It would probably be a decent game. But today it looks outdated and the graphics are poorly done. The main character is hideous. And the story is too slow and boring.

    The dev should remake this game . I would give 5 stars if it was 10 years ago. Today is 1/5
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Empress Games

    One of the best games. It is one of my favourite games types. The female protagonist games, when the protagonist are very submissive is the best game in my oppinion. I like that I can play with the female protagonist, who become a sex slave, and a fuck toy, and I play the game in her view. The sound effects, the caracters, and the environment are made a very dark horrorsitic gameplay.