Oh man, this is a hard one to review.
So I have mixed, but mostly good feelings about the game.
*Minor Spoiler alerts below*
So the story starts off with a journalist who travels to this unknown mountain area after hearing stories of different tribes of people basically living in cults. She comes to what was once the head tribe of the cult clans and tries to get an interview. Sounds interesting, and it starts off that way, but it quickly gets confusing. The English in this game is quite broken, so it's kinda hard to follow along easily because you have to decipher a lot of the dialogue. Also, the mc switches her views around so much.
So after getting an interview with the preacher of one of the cult clans, he asked if she would attend a ritual they do to show outsiders how their way of life works, she accepts for the story she's writing, so she attends. Somehow, the cult people drugged the air? And she has to be an actual participant. She is tasked with cutting a guy's balls off so he can achieve "purity". She does so, then passes out. She later wakes up in a cave, talks to a cult guy who seems to be like a fortune teller, and tells her to meet her destiny. After a while of escaping the cave, she decides to go back to the church for some reason. It kinda doesn't make sense to why she doesn't just leave, but whatever I guess.
She heads back to the church, basically gets drugged again, then she has a train ran on her by like 40 cult guys. Doesn't quite make sense either. She wakes up once more and you have an option to believe that the cult is meaning well and that you're now a part of it, or that this is all batshit crazy and you're getting drugged and raped. The game offers a few dilemma choices like this throughout the chapters, but they're fake. No matter what you choose, it leads to the same outcome. So after that part, she is officially conducted into the cult, basically becoming the clan's cumdump.
The story is quite all over the place as you can tell in my description of basically the intro. The characters are also really strange. The preacher looks like a starved malnourished homeless man, the cult members looked like they were bred from incest(probably were), and everyone else looks deformed. So it's definitely an ugly bastard type of kink. The coolest character is a guy you'll meet at the beginning and he'll become a recurring character throughout the game, which is Hannibal. He's based af. He hates the cults and preacher, he doesn't give af about sex, he's a Chad.
Besides all that I've written though, why give it four stars? Well it has a lot of charm, the dev clearly put a lot of time and effort into the game, despite it's weird choices, the sex scenes are pretty hot, once you decipher the story and overlook strange plot designs, it's not that bad. But the biggest, best part of this game, is definitely the atmosphere. Music and sound design is top notch and creepy, you can get very immersed in this fucked up world quite easily. Biggest con of the game though, is the mini games. I'm not gonna go into too much detail about them, but they are a PAIN in the ass. It took the blood away from my boner and into my head just to figure out what I was supposed to do, because the English is also kinda broken in the mini game descriptions.
But after solving them, I got a huge dopamine rush, so it all worked out in the end I guess. I'd give this game a download, it's definitely a wild experience, you won't find peak porn gameplay like this anywhere else.