Ren'Py - Abandoned - Time for You [v0.26.0] [Zero2HeroGames]

  1. 4.00 star(s)



    I'm so conflicted on this one.

    Story is interesting. Sometimes you can't tell it's you're high or dev, but overall it's nice.

    Writing. A lot of unnecessary things and cliche. "I hope he/she didn't notice", "I shouldn't have this thoughts, he/she is my ***", "Are you that hard because of me ?". No, because of that fridge over there !
    A lot of MC's thoughts, instead of dialogues with ladies. Especially in early stages. It's okay, when it's story related, or smth important, but almost always it's just a chitchat. It gets better later tho.
    On the other hand, dirty talk, especially with Selena is really hot.

    One of the most stupid moments in the game is when Selena decided not to have sex with MC until he make up with Ellie. What the fuck ?
    Also, yet another story where asshole (or not) father threw MC out and he didnt see his family for some time. YET Selena and Vanessa almost worship him, they didnt try to see each other, to help MC and didnt stay in touch. WTF #2 ?

    The other thing that was annoying af but toned down later is ELVO and his "screen time". It' a robot who supposed to help you but instead of that he's permanently in Sarcasm/slash/Asshole mode, insulting you and making what dev think funny jokes. Ex: "Who knew you could be such a little bitch. Now shut the fuck up and get to work.". It could've been okay if it was one time thing, but that's basically all this little shit is doing.

    Excessive usage of screen shaking effect at early stages.

    While renders of the ladies are nice, dev went a shortcut. Each location has several rooms and 90% of the time it's just blurred background and female model standing in one of her poses (there are ~4-6 for each char-r I think) in front. Not cool, but acceptable.

    Animations are pleasant. But while Ch. 1-2 will take 4-5 hours for people who dont skip, there will be only 1 sex scene. Dev promises a lot of lewd content here at F95 in description, at the game. But I call it a bullshit until Ch. 3. It isn't completed yet, but for 1-1.5 hours there you will get like at least two times more action than in both previous chapters combined. So far one of the best scenes is at the end of Ch.2, IIrc it was bonus for collecting Time Fragments.

    There's music (it's ok, but some tunes too narcotic or just giving a bad vibe) and moaning. Dev even voiced over asshole robot a little.

    If all the game could've been like Ch.3 in terms of sex content, rewrite or remove some facepalm moments I would've gave 4-5 stars easily.

    While dev's ambitions quite laudable, I'm skeptical on this regard. 12 chapters ? Till what year ? 15 months since release, 2.5 chapters were made (1st like intro, really short, 2nd is very long and well made, 3rd atm like 25-33% of ch2 duration). Let's say ch 3 is completed till the end of the year. 18 months for 3 chapters, 72 for 12. It's at least 5 more years of development. I understand it most likely not fulltime thing atm and for sad and unknown reason dev has very few patrons. Idk how many folks will stick for that amount of time, plus there are always things like burn out and irl shit hits the fan.

    You guys desperately need more backers and more communication with the players, paying or not. Know what ? Imma give you 4 stars and slap that Like button. If you're gonna release all 3 chapters in Steam till winter, gonna buy it to support ya.
    Also. I'm swimming in Steam quite a while and there are things that people dont tolerate there. Like phone wallpapers paid DLC. Small advice from the side: either make it free or delete it.

    As of now it's 3/5 from me. Good luck with development !
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A lot of work has gone into this game but the lack of quality/polish killed it for me.

    More specifically:
    - Very slow transitions.
    - Awkward UI.
    - Low quality renders / animations.

    If the dev reads this I want to say good job and I like what you're going for. It's just not quite there yet for me.
    Likes: fz
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Straight up boring game.

    I can understand the sci-fi time trip scenario being a somewhat original story ( there are others that are better ), this one does a poor job of trying to tell it.

    Story : 2/10 The story is not really engaging, just a lot of puzzle stuff that get's annoying very fast. Makes that whole thing feel like a kindergarten project.

    Renders : 5/10 The female characters graphics are ok, could be improved.

    Writing : 3/10 Tries to be to humorous, get on with the story. Actually improve the story first then get on with it.

    ANIMATIONS : 1/10 Two second loop animations are far from quality, they are cheap and lazy. They are not any sort of representation of sex. Players expect at least a little bit of realism, and that does not do it at all.

    Playability : 5/10 Long explanations of what should be simple tasks.

    Overall the game is basic, uninteresting and has a cheap feeling to it. I would suggest getting better writers and trying harder to make it more interesting.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Tragic Princess


    From Vanessa to Mandy to Ellie, the models in this game will certainly stimulate you. An example is Vanessa. She's my favorite because she's a grade A milf, but her features are very believable to me and not too exaggerated.


    Sandbox type, not real big on this type of gameplay, but it's very manageable, meaning it didn't make me wanna pull my hair out. Not to many bugs on my end, so far everything has ran smoothly up into this point.


    I initially hated this game at first because of the damn mini games lol, but once I got a hang of things I found the detective work enjoyable, I stop needing walkthroughs and everything was fine. There's a mystery/sci-fi feel to it, the MC is involved in time travel as are other members of his family. Some people were confused/still are, but every detail regarding the storyline was available to the players unless you skipped over it. This game isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's mine and that's all I care about.

    Good Luck the rest of the way Zero2HeroGames.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    There's a lot of incoherent (on purpose, but sadly not in a good way) scifi whimsy in this porno game. It's primary drawback is thus twofold:
    >There is only so much surreal jollity this type of game/story can have before it feels stupid and out of place (the latter especially so considering the 'landlady' premise).
    >Postmodern self-awareness and randomness thrown into a plot for their own sake, and not as extensions of a coherent meta-narrative, are annoying schlock that impresses the sort of person for whom creativity amounts to 'letting your imagination run wild'.

    The 'story-driven' story itself is banal. Whacky/unusual plots are not inherently better than "tropes". Most great works of literature are full of tropes but noone has ever criticised them based on that fact... or if they did, were ignored.

    The sandbox is bloated with 'creative' features that suck. Apart from that it suffers, like a lot of sandbox porno, from arbitrary order-of-action requirements, lack of proper hints system, ridiculously excessive amount of steps for mundane and basic tasks, etc.

    The only good things I can say about it is the renders are cool and some of the minigame ideas are entertaining in theory. My primary rating criterion for porn games is gfx and h-scenes, and I'd happily give this a 4/5 for that, but the unavoidable drawbacks make that impossible as of the current version.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Ah sorry, didnt play long... i cant stand games where the MC is 90% of the time doing inner monologues with ZERO important or interesting content in it...

    I came to Vanessa, they are throwing just two sentences to each other but the MC does about 50 lines monologue with nothing in it... skip skip skip skip until actually something is said, sorry cant stand this.

    After this annoying start with an ultra annoying tutorial and ultra annoying conversation to mandy to get to her name, and the endless monologues at Vannessa's (and before, there are inner monologues all over the place), i stopped.

    There is only one chance for a good first impression. And this game blew it. Most games i play through the start even if the start is not good, i have a little patience. But after over half an hour reading nonsense dialogues and monologues, i had to stop here.

    Yeah models are looking good, aaaaand thats it. Dont know, maybe this game is getting better at some point and the monologues will stop eventually, but i dont think so... nonetheless i cant go past these endless monologues to go to the "good" stuff. But reading most of the reviews... there is not much good stuff in this game as i see it. And i dont see the point in playing a game where i have to skip 90% of the written stuff.

    But the endless monolgues are not he only annoying stuff... the interface, the phone, the minigames... uff, everything annoys me here.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Time for You [v0.21.0] [Zero2HeroGames]

    Time for You" left me with a mix of anticipation and ultimate disappointment. Initially, the game had me hooked with its intriguing blend of a lighthearted tone and a hint of mystery. It embraced a unique, somewhat "weeb" vibe that piqued my interest, promising a narrative that could take me on a memorable journey.

    However, as I delved deeper into the story, my excitement began to wane. The most glaring issue that I encountered was the game's pacing. It felt wildly inconsistent, swinging from one extreme to another. After enduring a seemingly never-ending string of bizarre events within my sister's office, I suddenly found myself back at home, as if only an hour had passed. Yet, those moments within her office had felt like an eternity. This inconsistent perception of time was disorienting and made it challenging to fully engage with the unfolding storyline. It left me feeling like I had missed crucial plot developments or that the game's narrative structure had broken down.

    Another aspect of the game that left me feeling uncomfortable and uncertain about the developer's intentions was the introduction of lewd content involving family members. This content was not only unexpected but also lacked any clear explanation or justification within the game's context. It felt out of place and jarring, leaving me wondering about the intended tone of the game. Was it meant to be a lighthearted adventure with a touch of mystery, or did it want to venture into more adult themes? The lack of clarity in this regard was a significant drawback.

    The plot had initially held promise with its intriguing elements like time travel and shadow realms. However, these elements suffered from a lack of adequate explanation or context. I struggled to grasp their significance and how they tied into the overarching narrative. This lack of clarity left me feeling disconnected from the plot's core and made it difficult to invest in the unfolding events.

    The in-game phone, which was supposed to serve as a navigation tool and quest interface, proved to be needlessly complex and frustrating to use. It added an extra layer of confusion to an already convoluted game. Instead of enhancing the gameplay experience, it became a source of irritation.

    One aspect that continually pulled me out of the game world was the developer's self-insert character frequently breaking the fourth wall. These moments disrupted immersion and made it challenging to remain fully engaged in the storyline. It felt like a jarring intrusion, rather than a clever narrative device.

    While the character models in the game boasted impressive design, the disjointed storytelling, jarring pacing, and unclear themes detracted from the overall quality. "Time for You" possessed the potential to be an engaging experience, with its unique premise and style, but it ultimately left me feeling frustrated and disconnected from the storyline.

    In conclusion, "Time for You" started with a promising foundation but suffered from numerous issues that significantly hindered my enjoyment. Addressing the pacing, providing clarity on sensitive content, offering better explanations for plot elements, streamlining the user interface, and reducing fourth wall-breaking moments could vastly improve the game's overall quality and player experience. Without these improvements, "Time for You" risks alienating players and failing to live up to its potential as an engaging gaming experience.
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  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Art is okay, the gameplay is however focusing on too mundane boring things to be interesting. At least around the start, which I didn't get too much further from. The lack of interesting hook or promises, the location navigation, and the gameplay became annoying to the point of quitting it right away.

  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The vast majority of the concepts in this game are tired and overused. The only real innovative thing done here is the robot sidekick, who was kind of charming at first, but then became a nuisance very quickly. I come back for the renders and the loathing of leaving a game unfinished. That's it.

    The story is a fine concept at first, but it gets lost in all the noise. A young man returns to his family after his *totally not dad* slips into a coma after researching something he shouldn't. The MC's *totally not mom and sisters* are lost without a strong male figure in the house and gush over how nice it is to have the *totally not son* home. Then some time travel stuff happens to save the future and whatnot. A robot sidekick shows up to help you. That's where we are after a year of development. My problems with this story are numerous.

    1. How many games are going to roll with this "household" bullshit? We all know what landlady is code for or what roommate means. Use step-mom and step-sister or something. It's the most popular type of porn in the US for a reason. It also doesn't break the rules for these sites.
    2. Why does every mom in these games do yoga? I get it, yoga is sexy or whatever, but it's getting so old. Why does she always need help with "more advanced poses"?
    3. Another good looking dude inexplicably can't get laid so... the mom decided to help get the son sexual experience? What's the logic?
    4. The MC has no spine. "O-okay what e-ever you say!" is pretty much his whole personality.
    5. One sister totally in love with brother but younger sister mad because he abandoned her. Don't worry. She comes around to also want a sexual relationship with him.

    On and on and on. Everything in this game is a bored and recycled idea from other games. Hundreds of other games. Time travel is also getting worn out. I think I've played like three or four new games this week that revolve around it along with numerous old ones played in the past. It turns into a sandbox in sections and you have to find trinkets for rewards and solve puzzles to progress. The sandbox is very restrictive at times. There is also a phone that is so cluttered and poorly implemented. It has links that take you to external sites. A lot of them. Everything about this game is cookie cutter.

    The characters. Oh boy. I mean, guess? They are the same as every other incest tagged game. Two sisters and a mom that all look to be the same age. The mom is strange looking. Her face is very gaunt and she wears a lot of blush so her face looks very strange. She of course has a massive butt and bust. The older sister is actually pretty attractive. I don't know what it is about strong eyebrows that get me but they do. However, for a mid-twenties girl in good shape, she has some really saggy breasts. The younger sister is pretty but too cool for school and hates your guts. There is a girl you meet in the beginning that's cool and the model looks good. Even the crazy chick is hot. The MC is also a good looking guy, but he has the confidence of a wet cardboard box and is made to be a sub. Also, minus points for putting him in that ugly ass shirt. That's the biggest draw of this game: the visuals.

    I thought I liked this game. But it's quickly gotten on my nerves. The dialogue is clunky and not realistic. I swear 90% of all dialogue contains the name of the character being spoken to. The grammar isn't bad but I don't think this is a native english game. The updates are managed so poorly. I remember several updates that happened in the same room about the same event because the scene was dragged on for way way way longer than it needed to be. I'm sure I have gripes that I forgot, but the gist of the game is: This is like every other game on this site. It's a carbon copy with no imagination.

    Play it for the renders, but sex is little and far between with a lot of puzzles and text in between romps. For a game with so many high ratings, this one is truly a disappointment.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Bobby Boucher

    Story: 4 1/2 out 5 stars

    Renders: 5 out of 5 stars

    Animation: 5 out of 5 stars

    Gameplay: 5 out of 5 stars

    I didn’t think I would like this game before my first play through. The previews in the overview and early on in this thread indicated that this would be a grindfest. But I was wrong I stuck around and I’m glad I did. I thought Elvo was obnoxious and he still kinda is but he’s growing on me, just like this game did. It’s a sci-fi thriller type game that features gorgeous women all around and a lot of options. Thanks to the Developers for all the hard work and effort and best of luck.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Time for You [v0.21.0] [Zero2HeroGames]

    This is a good game in broad terms. Decent renders, animations, writing, etc. The game is a mix of a hidden objects game, puzzles, VN and Adult game. The interface spams you constantly with objectives and hints that break the fourth wall and hence the immersion of the game. Meaning the game, reminds you constantly that you are in a game thinking that doing so is cute, but its actually bad. So my problem with this game is the execution and the pacing, too many puzzles not enough adult scenes and the pacing feels arrhythmic. Also the chapters are super short. Might check it out, in a year or so to see if it improves but I'll probably forget about it because I am not into puzzles or mini-games (specially the interrogation one). I'd say it is at least a tiny bit inspired by Danganronpa and Zero games, so expect weeb vibes.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating as of v0.21.0

    I would call this game 3.5/5 stars, but the reviews tipped a bit lower so go and take an extra half back Zero2HeroGames.

    Yes this game is a bit of a discombobulated mess, but at least the dev is trying. Instead of a generic "you live with your landlady and two roommates" story there is an attempt at a time travelling mystery. Instead of an empty sandbox there are some hidden little details and secrets in the environments to try and make exploring fun. And lastly, the game is interactive with the mystery clue dialogue minigame using items you find in free-roam.

    The game is porny, campy, fun, and not to be taken seriously. For me that's just fine. Not every game needs to have a serious hard-hitting reality story with a cast of deeply secluded characters just baiting you into revealing their past traumas... supposing you can navigate the 20 decision deep choices maze to get there. Sit back, turn off your brain and enjoy.

    The story and gameplay flow do get interrupted too often, especially by the little robot guy, but that seems to be calming down in recent updates. The mystery minigame also has some questionable logic and could use some tweaks, but I do like the idea of keeping it interactive. And finally, the renders and scenes are hot.

    It's worth a download and a try, and I look forward to the devs future updates.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The renders are good but with so many mediocre games on this site, that's all it has. Who honestly thought it was a good idea to try and add some robotic sidekick into this game like it was a sunday morning cartoon? Who thought it was a good idea to make the least lewd choices the "correct" ones? Porn games aren't supposed to be like real life. No one plays porn games to be disappointed. And the story is just nonsense, trying way too hard to be a mystery when I just really don't care about anything regarding that mystery. Way too much time is spent doing irrelevant things that have nothing to do with actual lewd content.

    To the creator, I would suggest working on your animations and completely re-evaluate why you're making a porn game to begin with. It doesn't seem to have much to do with showing actual lewd content, and that means there's a serious disconnect there.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Expected much more from this one. All those models look pretty and renders are good. But all distractions from the story are really annoying, especially Interrogation and Find Items mini games. The story itself isn't good at all.
    Also, so many unnecessary thoughts from MC. I wanted to read everything but ended-up skipping a lot.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    So far, really really liking the dialogue between the girls and the MC. I could do without the robot and other girls that aren't related to the family but it's not too big an issue. It could become an issue though if this would further take away from the sexier scenes between the MC and family. Great first impression though. Sexy models too (daughter excluded). Hope this game gets finished in the way the developer invisions.

    Another thing that would be great is a VN style mode for people that aren't interested in playing the game but who are in for the story. I get these sections help pad out the project a bit since there is only so much content that can be created in a timely manner but having options for people that are just in for the porn need this especially for repeated playthroughs.

    5/5. As long as the game doesn't get cancelled.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    After seeing the models, I wanted to like this game so bad. I really did. Unfortunately, this game is a discombobulated mess. So much detracts from the flow of the game. What I want out of a good VN is simple. Nice looking models, kinks, animation with a good flow. By good flow I mean one that tells the story without giving you too much time to cool down.

    Unfortunately, this game cools down the action in every possible way. The interrogation mechanic, annoying inner monologue compounded by another inner monologue from a robot that you just want to throw in the trash the moment it is introduced into the story, a mess of a story are all ways this game goes off the rail. The whole time your trying to pursue these relationships, while the game is taking you off in meaningless wild alternate reality tangents. This is one of the reasons I don't like sci fi or fantasy back drops from these stories.

    What a wasted potential.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    About 5hours of playing and just 2 quick sex scenes that didn´t do anything for me. Was expecting more because of all the five star ratings. It's a start of a game that has potential. But now it's very early.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has potential but sadley story is weird Minigames suck
    I understand dev doesn't want to make this a son moves in with mom seduces her and falling love game like some other mother /son games For me only good thing is renders
    Maybe make the minigame a side thing Or just give us a skip button for them But make it if you really want to try them avaible in the menu with a reward
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Playing this is pain in the ass.

    The interface has buttons with almost no contrast between text and background. Among gameplay buttons in the phone there are many intruding buttons of various sites, like instagram etc.

    Too many words all the time. Tutorial scenes happen like for hours after the start of the game; the girl leading tutorials has idiotic grin and blabbers a lot. The screen shakes vertically (vpunch) like every minute.

    The story has no sane or veritable detail: dancing thief, mystical disappearance, mystical memory loss, mystical resentment, mystical storing stuff in MC's room, mystical lies from everyone.

    The mini-game "find the clues" has no reasonable connection to what's going on.

    It's all so nagging I didn't even get to start to discover actual scenario, but was bored already. The game feels like a large heap of trash where you don't find anything interesting even after hours of searching.

  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Well written and looking to be one of the best for the genre. Compressed version has more compression loss than usual. MC is sometimes too much of a pussy but not so much during important scenes and not that bad compared to other stuff.