I'm basically on about loop 20 of doing nothing but repeating to get XP to try and eventually get to proceed, and looking at around 50 more loops (I've basically stopped playing at this point since I have no interest in doing loops with 0 new content, so waiting for next release). Everything seems to always be locked behind needing higher skills (lock picking, especially persuasion) but there are no good mechanisms for going and getting higher levels, other than repeating the loop and resetting a crazy number of times. Either this needs to change so you can get XP deliberately or (preferred) the XP levels need to be adjusted way down so you can more naturally get them. Not sure I am doing the right things here, but I can't find any way to proceed which is not blocked by ability level walls of several hundred XP, when gain is 10 or 1 for each action.
Also, we need a more elegant way to handle the repetition. Yes, we do have the built in skip in renpy, but that still means you are clicking the same thing over and over and over. We need a way to skip through what we have done many times and get to where there is a new choice. Otherwise the premise goes from interesting to grind.
While we are on this, it would be nice if there was less clicking. Hiding the options for the scene behind the clapper causes lots of unneeded clicks and slows things way down when you are trying to go faster during repeats. There are also needless submenues, such as the "go to" in the school that has only 2 options anyway. It would also be nice if things with nothing new in them for the loop could get an icon, such as you knowing the library computer has nothing new, so you get an icon to show "I already know everything here, no need to check again" and/or not having menu options with nothing under them (like the "research this topic" at the library computer when you have nothing to research). Some stuff could also be better arranged, such as making sure the things you need all the time in CAS conversations (like checking for powers) are on the top level and things you don't need as much are in the sub menu (like What's in the Next version).