If you get +5 lust it means that you choose the wrong option. Read the instruction of what to pick carefully.That's what's supposed to happen but I always end up at 100 lust even when I hit the right colors. I'm assuming that if you hit it you don't raise your lust. Sometimes when you hit the color it pauses but increases lust. Other times it immediately puts up another color to hit and still seems to increase lust. Not sure how it's supposed to act. Seems to me that if you have max pts for self-control it should be easier to have self-control.
Edit: According to WT v 0.10 it takes 4x to clear it. Granted I am not good at mini-games so I have come to strongly dislike them.
The 4x is the number of times you have to do the yoga course to get to the minigame. The minigame consist of 5 rounds.
It's not so hard once you know the trick.