RPGM - Completed - Tina, Swordswoman of Scarlet Prison [v1.03] [shinachiku-castella]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    3 hours into this game.
    This game is such a chore.
    H-scenes are really good but the process of getting them is annoying, since almost all of them are "side quests" that you have to find by wandering around the town; and I have to do it twice since there are 2 main characters
    story and combat are meh.

    not worth playing.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I finished this game a while back. I wanted to wait until I got all the h scenes, but I pretty much got them all and already made a score based on the main story anyways.

    • High leveled, competent female protags
    • Can avoid many h scenes by choice (including the prologue)
    • You regain levels despite losing it all at the beginning
    • Levels are obtained through story progress for the most part
    • Sympathetic NPCs
    • Intimidating villain
    • The story advances by your choice and takes you to the location
    • No combat with weak enemies (instant death by touching them). Only bosses and cutscene enemies have you control the combat
    • Great music
    • Foreshadowing was shown in the opening cutscene and contributes to the final boss so story reasons it makes perfect sense why the final boss is a joke
    • No VA hurts this game
    • Despite the title, there are 2 protagonists and the awkward moment is when the second girl is hotter than the main girl
    • Lust level can still go up despite taking the non-h route and vice versa.
    • Most h scenes are obtained by going out of your way to not finish the story.
    • Cecille can get more levels quickly due to the hentai bias pointed her way.
    • Cecille cannot advance the story and you need to use Tina.
    • Some hentai scenes get locked out if you try to keep one girl pure and the other fall. Some of Cecille’s scenes are locked as a result. The brothel scenes with Cecille force Tina to fall to lust.
    • Tina is given more opportunities to escape hentai scenes unlike Cecille.
    • Some backstory is locked without going through some h scenes
    • Can’t change equipment except accessories.
    • Other party members are not permanent so getting their h scenes are harder (one is post-game and one is obtained via story progression).
    • You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
    • Lust actually doesn’t change the ending. Lust only gives you access to more h scenes.
    • Ending is open ended despite killing the final boss

    I'm just sitting here waiting for the sequel now.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A wonderful game for those who are looking for the gradual corruption of the main characters without unnecessary headaches, with the denial of pleasure from forced sexual acts. The narrative is gentle towards the player with options to skip entire chapters. I never questioned the game because my script with the poisoned pie and the guard broke, but I got everything I expected from the game in full. Yes, the drawing is peculiar, but you get used to it quickly and the dirty dialogues in the game do not emphasize this aspect.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    We're all familiar with the premise. Strong woman hero gets a curse placed on her and has to enter a perverted town where she's corrupted overtime. There isn't much to say on the plot. Gameplay, if you can call it that, you switch between two heroines and return to the same NPC(s) assigned to that hero. H scenes, where the game should shine since the other two aspects were very basic, lacking if you'd judge it by other media standards, was also basic. There's a lot of scene reusage with long strings of text.

    If you're new to this site and want to play the definitive definition of a mid hentai game, select this. If you've already experienced a few titles around, skip this you've already played something so shockingly similar already.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    "Tina" is a remarkably fun game.

    *Most* H-JRPGs are tedious grindfests with rare, boring, and cliched sex scenes which reek of zero actual dating/sexual experience behind the writing, and have utterly atrocious MTL.

    Not "Tina", however.

    *This* game, tho it does have repetitive elements (including not having enough artwork to carry its often long sex scenes), is a fairly quick-paced and focused dive into debauchery and degradation, with some scenarios that may be completely wild and "out there", yet are generally at least a bit clever, and occasionally humorous, in their execution.

    The game cheerfully (and wholly disrespectfully) ass-slaps the attractive, highly endowed, and scantily-dressed sword sisters, scarlet-haired Tina and ashen-haired Cecile, and the grrls LOVE it!! Of course, they don't initially ADMIT they love it, to themselves or to anyone else...

    Tina is a game that knows what target it's supposed to be aiming at, and hits it very completely and relatively quickly, with the caveat that corruption games are generally better if they proceed a bit slowly. Tina mostly achieves this balance well.

    "Tina" is basically a *corruption-choice-based, gallery-collection VN*, tho in a vestigial JRPG format. There is nearly no actual combat here (the ending has boss battles galore, but you will have so many potions available by then , that even the main baddie ain't rly a pain, despite plot points) , which makes sense since it's mainly a text-box-guided game (and only marginally multiple choice, being linear enough that it gets the VN tag from me).

    The vast majority of this game (it's real meat and potatoes), is story/text-triggered scenes of our grrls falling prey to slow slides downward to utter (or, in some cases, "udder") degredation and debauchery, via rather obvious but inescapable-once-triggered traps of pure pleasure, which are portrayed to us through text and a few (not enough, imo) images.

    Unless outright avoided by player choice, these downward spirals of corruption result in gallery-viewable game-over scenes of the main characters being humiliatingly reduced from proud and mighty swordswomen, to permanently pregnant and barefoot broodmares, fully and happily sexually submitting to their new masters/husbands, after the endless and unexpected ecstacies they experience finally fully overwhelm their senses and break their wills.

    That the masters they submit to are usually old, filthy, and/or hideous, makes the girls' total surrenders even more humiliating. It is also probably fantasy fulfillment for those gamers who are not of the Brad Pitt set: being able to project themselves into the masters' roles, they can see themselves having power over powerful women, despite they themselves not necessarily being ideal specimens in real life.

    Eventually and inevitably, the women fully mind-break and enthusiastically submit to unending sexual submission and servitude, resulting in (actually very happy, tho quest-failed) "game over" scenes (well, very happy unless they then get their souls eaten, but that's another matter, and Tina does get offed offscreen by Cecile in the end of one of these scenes, but that's only one end of many).

    The game then very wisely resets progress back to the point right before that final choice was made, so allows the story to continue *while still retaining the game-over gallery unlock*, which is a very nice touch that not all gallery collection games have. In fact, it also very kindly unlocks those gallery scenes once you've reached the choice point, even if you (for some unfathomable reason) choose to not submit your grrls to the incredibly life-fulfilling but generally disgusting and humiliating entrapments that they eventually secretly crave surrendering to.

    Only 2 demerits:

    1) Needed more art for greater variance in the scenes. Most of the rather long sex scenes are the same picture held for something like 40 or 50 lines of dialogue that you have to click through. Then they'll have a no-picture bit of dialogue and then they'll often just put the same picture back up again for another 40 or 50 lines of dialogue. There are some scenes which will have more than one pic, but these will oft be of lower quality. LAZY art development. Honestly, it looks like they could have banged out the art in one long weekend, if it is CG.

    2). The gallery, WHICH IS THE ONLY EQUIVALENT OF A QUEST LOG, needs WAY better hints. You can accidentally end up losing quest items because of a lack of an actual quest log. Some of the translation is not great and they'll be telling you to keep going to the same trigger repeatedly but they'll accidentally mis-name it, so you'll think you'll have to go somewhere else. In a lot of cases, tho they have chapter indicators up at the top of the gallery, it's somewhat approximate and doesn't always tell you whether or not you really need to be in that chapter. The "Ehrke" quests and a few others on blue lines, are after-main-quest only, but the game gallery descriptions are vague on it, tho they technically do tell you (rather "Ehrkesome" you might say). More, you might not realize that you have to manually force the next chapter along (through a particular on-map point you have to click). Since there's no other hint system, you can easily end up running around the entire map and never knowing that there's a small hard-to-spot quest indicator somewhere on another map that you have to click before anything proceeds. Also, and very annoyingly, some of the quests don't really properly line up in any sort of sensible fashion. Some of these things not lining up are because you do not know you have to proceed quests in certain way, and in at least one case, the timeline sort of breaks suspension of disbelief, as Tina is supposedly mind-broke and stuck in a near-game-over as an uber-roofied perma-thirsty, bimbofied/brain-fried group-sex/DP fvcktoy in a brothel (Cecile needs to save her), and yet you can have her out of it at any time you want due to the game mechanics: makes no sense. Aaaand.. Cecile nvr actually saves her, anyway, tho Tina shows up for the final fight, which goes a little squirrely. The creators should have been more careful about how they constructed the quests.

    While those 2 issues are oft annoying, Tina is nonetheless still a great game with some truly outlandish and occasionally humorous outcomes. It does lose a star for the quest problems and a star for the art (tho the art it does have is often effective and evocative). Otherwise it would have been a five-star game for me because it gets down to what it's supposed to be doing and does it very completely and in an amusing way. So.. Still a great game, and recommended.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Every once in a while you need to play a game that reminds you of how a lot of the ratings on this website, especially for older games, are genuinely absurd. I've thought about playing this game for quite a while because of its unordinary high rating to review count ratio for a RPGM game that honestly looks pretty generic. Boy was I in for a surprise when the game turned out to be shit, even when taking it's release year (2019) into consideration. What's upsetting is that the main girls have wonderful designs that are honestly wasted on this game. I'm beyond disappointed.

    Gameplay: 1/5
    This is a glorified scene collector, which is worse than if it was just a scene collector, as if it was that then at least it would be honest with itself. The few bits of gameplay that exist are so brainless that it's more of a burden than a benefit. It is the one thing that no game should ever be: boring.

    Hentai Quantity: 2/5
    I feel 2019/2020 marks the period during which constantly reusing art for scenes became universally frowned upon. This game does that: artificially inflates scene count by reusing and/or slightly altering the same CG. From looking at the recollection room, you'd think there's a lot of porn; but in reality it's the same few CGs reused over and over again. X character might have 6 scenes, but 5 of those scenes are essentially just the same art. Having 2 FemCs is the saving grace for this game, as it forced the creator to have to have some diversity with the scenes. Even if there were a lot of actual scenes, the next two points would take any benefit from having that away.

    Hentai Quality: 2/5
    Listen, there are ugly bastards and then there are grotesque bastards. This game features the latter in such an in-your-face way that the girls could be drawn as goddesses and you'd still go limp unless you see yourself as said grotesque bastard. If that's the case then do some DDP Yoga, get a haircut, and improve yourself. Believe in the me who believes in you brotendo, you got this. The scenes themselves range from OK to not very good. I genuinely believe there are only two scenes of any merit in this game.

    Sex Text: 1/5
    Holy shit, get to the point. There is so much pointless text during the h-scenes that it kills off any interest that could possibly be there. There is no reason for so much fluff text. It adds absolutely nothing to the overall story or the scene. I was curious, so for one scene I held the fast forward button for nearly FOUR MINUTES before the scene ended. Four minutes of the same exact CG (which I had already seen in a different scene) and generic sfx.

    Story: 2/5
    To be fair, although generic the main story (and by this I mean the story framework) is passable. It's nearly a copy + paste of every other "lewd curse" game on the market. As with most "bad story games," the story and characters do start off well and interesting, but they rapidly come apart. How the story is handled isn't good as a lot of actions don't make any sense. Most character actions have no rhyme or reason behind them other than "to advance the porn," which even in an h-game is bad practice. The corruption is ridiculous as the main girls are hopelessly naïve (despite originally being depicted as the opposite) and the game resorts to idiotic plot devices in order for them to be corrupted. It mixes dumb plot with dumb reasons to get a dumb result.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a slightly above average female corruption game. There isn't much "game" to this, it's mostly just a walking from point a to point b to see a scene game. Which is annoying, this should really just be a VN.

    I completed about half the game before stopping FYI.

    - Good CG, Female MC's are hot
    - Decent build up to scenes
    - Decent pace of corruption (i.e, show boobs, then hands, then oral, then sex etc.)
    - English is well done
    - Fetishes are well done

    - Should just be a VN. It's an RPGM scene collector type game without any really unique mechanics.
    - Corruption feels unearned. After a while the girls are just like, yeah let's let this old dude fuck me. This one is big, as with these types of games, I like it when the girls are coerced a little more into having sex.

    Overall it's a decent game, but after walking back and forth just to activate scenes (there's nothing really else to do) it just feels like your wasting time and it could have been a VN instead. But because of the good art, and decently done corruption, and it's a complete game, it gets a 4/5.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The corruption and the NTR is what I came for and I wasn't disappointed. The art, in my opinion, is great and there are a lot of routes and different endings depending on what/who you like so give it a try.
    Though, the game could've used more CG. You often see re-used poses/scenes.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    As much as I enjoy the corruption part of the game, I personally did not enjoy the sex scenes themselves. The hobos, prisoner, innkeeper and the kid were all just disgusting. Even though it gets a little better after Act 5, my biggest complaint is that the sex scenes drag out for way too long.. like even longer than a visual novel sex scene. They were also way too repetitive.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good game with lots of scenes and different characters. Story was alright.
    The art is pretty standard, but not bad by any means.
    The combat is a bit better than generic RPGMs as the only actual fights are boss battles, which are also really easy in this game.
    This game is quite depraved, including bestiality and shota, which is good.
    The scene quality is quite good. Unfortunately some scenes are a bit repetitive, but I think there is a good enough amount that it isn't too stale. I do like that there are 2 characters which you can unlock scenes for. There are some inconsistencies with the 2 characters as you can fuck this shota with both characters, but in each scene it says that he loses his virginity in each which doesn't make sense.
    Scenes are fairly easy to obtain, though there were still some scenes in the gallery which I wasn't able to figure out how to unlock. The gallery does provide some hints, but it isn't the best and I did have to consult the forums occasionally. I do like that when you unlock an ending, you are teleported back to the moment before so you dont lose any progress
    The game is decently well made and fairly well polished. I didnt encounter any bugs.

    Overall a B-tier game (8.3/10) and would recommend. Game took me 8.5 hours to complete.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great art and story! I hope more games will be made in this style and painting!
    The lack of censorship of the game itself was a very positive point !
    It was just a bit difficult to unlock all the events because there was no guide :cry:
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    There are some annoying gameplay quirks that pop up throughout the game, but by gum, this is just an amazing eroge.
    It does almost everything right, from the great progression to the delightfully horrifying (and arousing) endings for the main heroines. I don't have much to say simply because it's very good- the game tackles so many different aspects of fantasy eroge all at once, it's honestly crazy. It even has the obligatory 'weirdly modern, completely anachronistic modern area in the middle of a fantasy medieval world' that so many Japanese games, anime and manga seem to love for some reason.
    100% would recommend playing.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    i dont know why is this rated so high. at best it's 3/5. graphics are decent but scenes are boring. initial start of corruption had good ideas and scenes but i think as the corruption aspect went on they became way way more boring because the jump was too big to slut.

    i dont think the corruption aspect was done right, it had a lot of potential but it was actually mediocre.

    it's basically event-hunting with 2 different girls, each with 3-3scenes getting more corrupt, then if you get far enough you get new 3-3scenes.

    i rarely get bored in these types of games but i think this was just boring. snoozefest gameplay and corruption route is snoozefest too after the first couple of scenes. honestly i should have given it 2/5 but the quality of drawings are still okayish even if scenes don't always follow what's written and basically it's just 1-2picture.
  14. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.03

    Another RPGM game that has no actual gameplay, its just event hunting. Im here downloading RPGM games to experience gameplay, not to play a fucking visual novel.
    Only finished halfway through the "game" and atleast i can that the art is quite good, the story is decent and the corruption aspect is done well. But without any real gameplay, im not going to give this anything more then 3 stars.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    "A Must Play for Corruption Enjoyer and a Well Made RPGM in General"

    I want to appreciate quick how the 2 FMC gave us a different tastes, Tina is the more usual shounen-esque main character that is hot-headed while Cecile is so innocent in a way of trying to help people, both of them get corrupt with different people and even if there's the same guy that fucked them, the taste you get from each route is just different while still very hot. My favorite from both of them is involving prison and again I need to repeat how I like the direction for each of them, they gave me a different taste of nut. The RPG Gameplay itself is really simple, you only need to do usual battling if you fight a boss which is kinda rare and for the rest you just move, instantly killing enemies that block your path. Oh yeah, there's a 3rd girl after you complete the main story and it's a good ol 'NTR' vibe corruption and that one is done by a Gyaru-oh kinda guy instead of the ugly bastard.

    Rating Distribution:

    +1 Obligatory
    +1 Very Nice RPG Gameplay
    +1 Two of the Main Heroine Gave You Completely Different Tastes
    +1 The Bonus Heroine Plot Is Simple but Good NTR Corruption
    +1 It Just a Really Good Game and Good Nut if You Can Stomach the Absolutely Ugly Bastards
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Still the best of the best in terms of corruption JRPG.
    There is something about this artist's artstyle that makes all his corruption RPGs arousing.
    The scenes are hot and there's a decent storyline.
    Can't wait for the sequel thou its been quite a while since I heard about it.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    KiRA (Nahid)

    The game is rich in content. the story was also good but I think the CG was not enough. the same CG was used in a different scenario. otherwise, the game was awesome. I liked the game. the developers did a fantastic job. keep up the excellent work.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Personally i like the games where girl have sex with people that disgust them and don't want to have anything in common with these people but they can't do much cuz her body is perverted , if you like that type of games this is it.
    whole sotry is like 7/10 but it hit my tastes so i need to give it 8/10
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean, shinachiku-castella... what more is there to say.
    In fact this one might be the best work of his if it wasn't for one thing:
    Weird pacing.
    A little nitpick or two on the side: The corruption towards the last chapter seems kind of to forced and quick, especially compared to the progress up until then, whereas in some other scenes the corruption isn't very cohesive to the overall story/progress.
    Besides that just missing events in the Recollection are the only two things that bugged me.

    In the end I had a jolly f'ing good time with this!
    Likes: T800
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    My scoring & reviews explained HERE

    +for most part great CGI
    +main story actually kinda interesting
    +plenty of scenes
    +fair amount of various kinks (tho be aware that lot of focus was on “bad odours”)
    +some solid OST (and even some music with vocals )
    +Lewd helpers absolutely good (gallery room gives unlock tips, game recommends saves for different slots to get all scenes quickly, in-game tips from NPCs. Great guidance basically to get everything lewd)
    +Characters already strong and combat simple enough with few boss fight challenges a.k.a no grinding)
    +Erkhe sidestory scenes were nice
    +solid translation
    +2 FMC’s who to alternate between as both offer diversity for looks and personality and both have their own fetishes.

    -honestly for what game offered and how it offered I don’t particularly have any CON’s aside…
    -me being blind and not noticing marker on floor to progress 1 scene tree. (yellowi’sh/white sparkle on white floor… hard to seee)

    Most added to PROs and CONs. This is not exactly a corruption game… at first I thought if their moral code got altered or something… but it more like FMC’s were given a reason to do lewd things which lowered their moral bar and allowed them to melt into degeneracy. But still.. their story was fun, their scenes were hot, most of CG was solid, translation was pretty neat and game offered tons of useful guidance mechanics in order to get all lewd scenes without having to re-run game with guides and such.

    Think only thing I kinda missed in this game (which wasn’t really required but I like in H-rpg games) was that it didn’t have the characters degeneracy menu for various counters/stats and states of the character.

    So long story short this was very enjoyable hentai game created by the same maker who made Makina.