Sorry, but I see nothing here, thus far, to justify more time.
No continuity between clips, which are all gifs.
Awful optimization. The size is appalling, relative to the amount of content.
No effort into characters or narrative, and what few lines of narrative that does exist, are troubled by poor sentence structure.
It is just massive grind, after one paragraph of context.
Perhaps you do have genuine intent to develop a rich sandbox game. The framework seems to be there. However, there is nothing of value there now, and the fact you state from the drop you want "the community" to decide what should be there already, makes me feel you either have no plan at all, or are just looking for a path to monetization. That may work, to some extent, for College Daze, but that is because he created a world and characters first, and he didn't have any of the issues listed above. In my perspective, this feels either delusional, lazy, or both. Perhaps you will prove me wrong, eventually. At the moment, however, I am not optimistic. Good luck.
(I put this here, rather than in the "reviews" section, because it wouldn't be good. I have no desire to start a new dev out with a bad rating.)