Unity - Completed - Together Again / Slave of Passion [v1.0.3] [Pink Tea Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very nice little game, easy trainer and its not drawn out for to long so its not really a grind, the story start and endings are good as well, sure i wouldent mind if it had gone on for a bit more like option to make her pregnant, marry her, meet the parrents and so on but i guess this was ment to be a short trainer game and not that heave on story.

    If theres one thing i dident like it was only the visit to the club where your forced to share your girl in either a 3 some with a girl or a dude, ofc i picked the F/F/MC so it wasent to bad, so personaly i dident see any NTR in the game which im happy about as well.

    Girl 4/5
    Great art and a nice build.

    Animations 4/5
    Very nice animations and plenty of them.

    Trainer 5/5
    Easy, not a grind and pretty fun.

    All in all a great although somewhat short game and well worth trying out.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I have complicated feelings about this game. The game is very competent in the slave theme. I liked the possibilities it presents, and the minigames, the dialogues, are great too. But my problem was just the part of the girl who has mental health issues, abandoning medications and medical treatments... I know this is a game plot... but it still leaves me with conflicting feelings... From Either way it's a solid game.
    Likes: mc247
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Decent game and good looking art, the wait time for the next sex scene is kind of annoying, but the worst thing is it just feels wrong, when I treated the girl right all game to make me go to a bdsm club and give me the option to either have a 3 way with her bully or a 3 way with another dude, the endgame just felt out of the left field, I'm giving it a 4/5 but only because I'm turned on by group sex, sharing, swapping etc, but in that situation it just felt wrong, just flipping the game on it's head like that and story coercing me into those fetishes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome game!, it's definitely more of like, Teaching Feelings but like with the features and stuffs that teaching feelings would supposed to have, i like the story too, 10/10, and the animations and stuff, i can say this game is well made
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly wholesome, but please don't take it as anything close to a realistic scenario.

    People with mental health issues should seek therapy and medication first, a reliable support network second, and bondage and sexual slavery third - BDSM can be therapeutic, but it is NOT therapy.

    This might seem unusually preachy for a 5/5 review, but it goes to say how convincing the premise is.

    This is a great experience, if a little bit grindy early on, and I recommend it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I loved Teaching Feeling, and this game is clearly inspired by that. This game isn't just a copy cat though, and I think it's as great as Teaching Feeling! While Teaching Feeling gives off the feeling of sadness and pity, this one has the "We're both fucked up and we'll be happy here" kind of vibes and I absolutely love it!

    This game has four types of slave types, and my only complaint is related to this. I got the Princess type but in scenes she'd either act Timid or Keen, which throws me off to be honest.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It's impressive how good this game is. I was absolutely invested.
    Sadly I didn't know Slave of Passion existed, so I only know of Together Again, I might play Slave of Passion some day.

    The writing in this game is so good, that I felt immersed, I genuinely cared for the well-being of this girl and I genuinely wanted to help her overcome her insecurities. I was engaged into seeing more of the story and see where it takes me. How much can things develop. There's a lot of things here that were not my taste but I still managed to enjoy them in the end. I am learning to like new kinks :D

    Some aspects can get shockingly dark though, making the game deserve some trigger warnings (instead of just the tags). I guess I had seen worse but it only stands out for me because of the immersion, I actually feel bad for the girl. This is ironic since this dev has presented darker topics in their other games, but I just felt like this one was so much more immersive.

    I wish the outfits appeared on the sex scenes, I really liked some of the outfits but it's sad that all I can do with them is look at her wearing them while standing still. I love the design of the gothic outfit. It made me really happy to see this since she mentions she has always wanted to wear something like this, but she was unable to due to how strict her background was

    Note: I reviewed this a year ago, and had to rewrite some of it and fix it because I didn't like how I was not descriptive enough. I apologize if there's other flaws with this review. Here's some trigger warnings based on what I vaguely remember References to suicide. Attempted rape and human trafficking. Kidnapping
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty wholesome game. The bdsm kinks are a bit unexpected but in the end its a girlfriend simulator. Art is incredible and the game runs smoothly. It's a short play (3-4 hours) but is a good experience.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    A high quality trainer, but feels a bit bland and hollow.

    Good, clean UI, with nice art and animations. Also a solid length, with a good amount of content and variety. However, character and gameplay progression feel unresponsive and arbitrary. Like the game's checking off all the trainer boxes, but doesn't know or care why they're there. The plot sets out to deal with some heavy themes, but its all superficial; after the introduction, they're never relevant. The characters have practically no personality or presence. There's a lot of player choice and different interactions, but they never feel meaningfully different; the various endings seem pretty interchangeable.

    Overall, a nice enough experience, but it just felt like going through the motions.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Non-steam BBcode degen game reviews format. "My reviews & scorings explained”. W.I.P Will not include this sentence in reviews once my review format is finalized and blog updated.

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    Review format:


    Adult patch required?


    One-handed playability

    Why is this even lewd game….. too busy doing stuff in game to do anything
    Degenerate scenes/moments are too short to even bother
    Handsy, you will be alternating between playing and fun
    ✅Mouse only

    Very broken translation or horrid MTL..wait for better
    Bad MTL but playable
    Solid MTL with manual polishing
    Proper translation with few issues
    ✅Very good translation


    Degeneracy level: (kinks amount/variety, scenes amount/variety, other degen features)

    Not much to it, few kinks, otherwise barebones (not even gallery room)
    Scenes are great, not much else
    Lot of scenes but low variety
    ✅Few scenes but lot of variety
    A lot of scenes & variety
    Lot of everything and good degen extra features (proper gallery/cheat room, “stats” screen, various interactions)
    Few kinks. But game is oriented into pet/master-servant play. So BDSM tendency and most scenes are fairly typcal ones.


    Gameplay / enjoyment:

    Dreadfully boring / unenjoyable
    Rather do something else
    Had its moments
    ✅Quite enjoyable
    Tons of fun
    Finished it in one go pretty much. Fairly short, but kind of sweet. Essentially, it’s little animation-based trainer game. Where whenever u progress in story you can train in more manners. Make your slave work, punish, award accordingly.

    Difficulty & The grind:

    The “auto” gameplay. You don’t do jackshit.
    ✅The stroll. Fairly linear presentation.
    The sport. You get lewds fairly easy and often, thus keeping you busy.
    The balance. Some lewds require a bit more effort but is worth it
    Noone cares. Some lewds are pointlessly difficult to achieve
    There are better options. Too tedious for lewds..rather play something else
    Too grindy
    Some grind
    Minimal grind
    ✅No grind

    Game length & Re-playability:

    ✅Short (~3h)
    The Median (~10hr)
    Long enough (10-30hr)
    Long (30+ hr)
    Very long (100+ hr)
    Didn’t even finish it
    Finishing it even once was miracle
    ✅No point to re-play
    Nostalgia or jolly co-op
    Few runs fun enough to try all routes/variations and unlock everything
    Tons of replayability value
    Meh.. one run was good enough. You can get some pseudo variation endings.. but honestly I felt that this game is more of 1 fun 1 run.

    The setting / characters / development:

    Nothing worthwhile. Plastered setting and rando protag.
    Running mainstory & character with some backstory, but is just filler content for lewds
    Mainstory & FMC char is actually solid enough for some context
    ✅Proper storytelling & development for a lewd game
    Story has setting but is useless whilst FMC “development” is solid. Or opposite.
    Did enjoy it as whole package. Running “story” was enjoyable, FMC I liked, and her “development” was fun
    VN/Trainer type of game. Cute little depressed girl with some issues… and “you” character that is fairly simple. Either be cunt or sweet. Or alternate.


    CG / scene quality & Voice acting:

    Your eyes/ears will rot off
    Fairly bad
    Nothing special
    ✅Some aspects are good
    Overall quite good
    No actual dialogue voice acting, but sensual sounds were hot enough.

    Performance / Hardware requirements:

    Stick a cable in your potato
    ✅Can manage modern low spec
    Average PC make-do
    Have "gamer pc" to an extent
    High-end PC
    NASA PC because game is most likely optimized like garbage or just ultra-high end set-up game

    Total score: 6/10

  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Great trainer, completely worth your time in you’re into that kink. The girl is cute, animations are very decent, dialogues and story are enjoyable and sex scenes are voiced, which is very nice. Another thing I really liked was that all the gameplay revolve around sexy scenes, so the atmosphere is very erotic.

    The game has six different endings, but dialogues and scenes offer two choices: the love path and the slave one, only the last scene has six variations. The game includes cheats (on the load game screen), so you can try all endings without grinding.

    The game is a bit short, but to be honest, I prefer that to a stupidly grindy game with a gameplay who has nothing to do with sex.

    The only thing I didn’t really like, was when I went through the “princess” route (all praise, no punishment): during the cut-scenes, she was still acting like a masochistic whore, which wasn’t suiting to her personality.

    Everything considered, a very enjoyable game with good wank opportunities!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    A fun, but short game. Which is unfortunate, because what is here is very good.

    Basically a trainer with two distinct paths; "lover" or "slave".

    Cute art and animation.

    Sex scenes are very Newgrounds/"Meet n' Fuck" style.

    Like I said, fun to play, but I wish we had more depth here.

    3* (I guess?)
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    My review of Together Again / Slave of Passion [v1.0]

    The story
    The intro is actually pretty decent, with semi-realistic dialogue and many different choices that can lead to a quick game over.
    After that the story/dialogue becomes pretty unrealistic. She basically becomes your girlfriend 20 minutes into the game and you reach the ending after just 2 hours.
    Story choices boil down to [do thing in a nice way] or [do thing in a cruel way].

    The game loop
    At the start of the day you give her a task with either easy/medium/impossible difficulty.
    Then you punish or reward her with various options and go to sleep.
    Doing this gives you EXP and if she gains enough for a level you get a story event + a new task and reward/punishment options.
    Rinse and repeat until the ending.

    The sex scenes
    The sex scenes actually look nice, but they're ultimatey the same as your usual Illusion animation viewer.
    You can click Slow/Medium/Fast to view a very short animation loop forever and eventually get to press Cum to end the scene.
    Interactivity is present in some scenes, but barely worth mentioning and can't hold a candle to a certain other game known for its headpats.

    The UI/UX
    Nothing much to report here since the game loop is so simple.
    The UI however feels a bit sluggish due to input delay and low FPS.

    Additional performances notes
    The game doesn't use much system resources but is capped at 30 FPS for some reason and has short but major FPS drops while loading scenes.
    The game also doesn't support Fullscreen Exclusive or Vsync, so you may get very noticeable screen tearing on Windows 7 or Linux.

    Overall pretty short and mediocre game that reminds me of old Flash games.
    I like the premise of saving a suicidal girl, but story and gameplay just weren't there.
    Shortly after the intro I felt nothing but disappointment.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Sucking plot, but good grasphic.
    May be that game need a little less details and more interact ibnside H-scenes.
    I mean.. I love ideas like "suicide girl", saving them and whatever. Just that implementation a little suck.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Relative to a lot of other stuff on the site, this game has good art, workable dialogue, and a somewhat simple gameplay loop that works pretty well. I think it'd be fair to call this title above average, and worth checking out.

    Relative to other Pink Tea works however, I can say this game feels a little bit weak. The amount of interactivity feels kind of low - not much fundamentally changes based on your actions. The plot is also straightforward and serviceable, but you can blow through it really fast and I feel like it could have benefit from some narrative room to breathe in the beginning.

    A big theme of the title is that our heroine is an individual with her own demons and problems she and the people around her have been unable to fix, so much so that she's lost faith in her life... but she only really has one outburst in the beginning and then never presents any real difficulties ever again. It's not just a question of the whole thing being too light hearted either; your dialogue options usually boil down to "encourage her" or "totally destroy her self worth". Not a lot of nuance there.

    Ultimately, I give this a 3/5. It's worth playing, but I hope this is an indication of the dev still experimenting with unity and keeping his scope low, and not a move away from the larger plots with more dynamic characters that his previous titles have had.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    That's one amazing trainer game my man!
    -The art is very good and live motion'd. Much better than some stuck 2dcg games.
    -The story is simple and short and is more or less a good one. Kinda everything happens very fast, but yea, the game is short ...
    -There is some gameplay, since you have to make a choices which make affect, also there are's a couple endings.
    - The worst part and the onliest i have on mind for the game is that it's Unity
    ( i fukin hate them), and you can't get back from your saves to see what difference make your choices. So you have to start whole new game to get to some new choice and different ending probably.

    I hope to see a sequal or something simillar from the dev.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    A really nice BDSM trainer. Good looking game with some really nice 2d artwork and animations with a few exceptions (mostly few stills that seem a bit rushed/unfinished) Aside from the BDSM that may turn off some the real impediment to enjoying this game is the set-up. It's and odd and in all likelihood unrealistic premise, the idea that turning someone into a slave can cure them or at least help them deal with serious mental issues. There is however some sense too it and the game itself is internally consistent. Treat her more lovingly she reacts accordingly, treat her harshly the same, mix up harsh and loving treatment and she becomes bewildered and unsure of herself. The narrative itself is simple short and well done. My advice to anyone who enjoys the kind of content/kinks this game offers is to buy into the set-up and give it a try, i don't think you'll be disappointed
    Likes: mc247
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is such a great game.
    Good art assets and great story.
    There's good scenes from the early game, but it's also kind of a slow burn, which is rare in this type of games.
    Pink Tea never fails to deliver.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Sexy girl, good gameplay mechanics, not too slow.
    This is what a trainer should play like. Wide variety of kinks. Good sound effects

    I'd maybe make the scenes skippable faster.

    To make this game more epic, more characters should be introduced.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Game as excellent as others of this developer. Quite a few customization options, interesting "plot" and the uncertainty of the final result, whether the character is broken, passionate or somewhere in the middle.