Unity - Too Much Light [v0.6a Full] [Shine]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has alot of potential. The only thing i didnt like are the unimplemented mechanics like the infection level and no melee weapons as I think they will be my favorite parts in the future but besides that the gameplay is good and the variety of enemies is good so far. I think it could do without the hunger and thirst mechanics to be honest and focus more on other things. But great job dev looking forward to how this turns out in the future.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    What can I say, it's an amazing game but there's too many bugs, things that need to be reworked and/or changed for it to become a good game, since it's already a decent one.

    First, there isn't a tutorial. It's alright, since it's easy to figure out stuff if you played like... Anything before, but there's some problems that arise because of this lack of tutorial:

    1.I tried not to embarrass myself (I'm sure I will) and tried looking everywhere, but where do you even sell those items that the zombies drop? I didn't find where I could sell them, so I just opened the wallets to get money since that was the only way I found out to get money.

    2. First time I didn't get used to how fast the zombies are, as well as how tiny and hard their heads are to hit, I got used to it later, but... I couldn't even complete the first mission since I runned out of bullets, I could use the wallets, come back and buy more, but since it was the first time I played, I had no idea I could do that. It was the first mission so I thought it was locked so I had to restart and be more careful next. The game doesn't tell you that it doesn't save automatically, so if you die, you start from the beginning.

    I think the zombies could have some variation like, some move slower, ones without a arm, leg and etc. This could strongly apply to the first mission to get used to the game, but that might be just me. It wasn't that hard to get used to the game or anything, but could be a cool 'implementation' to have.

    The game doesn't have so many bugs, but they are there. Excluding some random crashes or problems with loading saves (sometimes you can't move. Your gun just disappears sometimes, rarely.) the game actually doesn't have a lot of bugs.

    If you dodge close to walls you can glitch, this happened a lot in the sewers. This also occurred when I was outside, but it was only one time, tried to do it again but couldn't do it.

    If you face off the boss from the sewers and die (It's truly something weird that you take damage even if he jumps several meters away from you) sometimes your save glitches. I don't remember if the game restarts automatically, but whenever I 'restarted' my gun would disappear and I couldn't move. Other times the girl would be naked, but her clothes where there in her inventory, I couldn't take them off, but could duplicate them for some reason. The sewers boss would jump, I took damage and couldn't move once in a while as well...

    I'II leave it at that honestly. It's a amazing game, I found out after seeing a video and just loved how the gameplay flows and the theme of it, but that's it I guess. There's the erotic animations and all, but I didn't come to that, weird, huh? It's just my opinion, but I feel they focused a lot on content instead of fixing and polishing what the game already has to offer.

    Is it worth downloading and playing? Totally, but I don't think I would play for it.

    I just remembered that I didn't talk about the positive points of the game lol. Love the animations, fluid and beautiful. I do like the gun and how this cutie holds it, it's truly satisfying when she shoots. Her model is excellent as well, I do wish there was more clothes though. If it's a Daz mode, there should be a lot already. He used a lot of assets from others, but did a good job blending everything together.

    I say this again, it's a great game, could be the best one around if the dev didn't disappear (If he's okay then that's what it matters, since he can continue it whenever he wants.), but there is soo much to polish here. It's worth playing, but not paying.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Okay, Too Much Light...

    Shooting is quite dull and uninteresting.

    Enemies look rather funny and clumsy.

    There's no point to the clothing; it's just a collection of free models added to allow dressing the character. There's no meaningful context to it

    Bugs are also present, and some of them can even break the entire project.

    The running animations are beautiful, which can be commended if they were made by the developer.

    The dialogues are rather dull , which makes it hard to maintain any interest in reading them.

    Sexual content is very scarce and monotonous and doesn't evoke any interest. The character improvement system exists but is as useless as everything else and is limited to a few skills.

    Graphically, it's still on the level of 2014, quite meager with its problems. However, this doesn't stop the project from maintaining a decent rating
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoy this game a Decent bit for what little is in it. I really look forward to see how far this game goes. Hopefully it does not get abandoned like most games I have enjoyed .
    The water does however drop frame rate sometimes. More enemies would be enjoyed, adding voices would be nice. If I knew how to voice act I wouldn't mind lending my voice. Maybe in the future.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Interresting idea.

    I get same animation many time, really need to add fews more pls.

    Combat is okay, game is a bit hard so interresting.

    Hud of dialogue is not awesome, we get easly tired of reading. But really good beginning keep going like it
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    GG Jack

    While I will congratulate the creator on the quality of the 3D models, textures and animations, there are a few "flaws" to this 18+ game which I believe can be fixed but don't allow me to rate it any more than 3 out of 5

    1- The game lacks some sort of "Non-fighter Strategy" for the highest difficulty, where you can avoid engaging the zombies yourself partially or even entirely and still have a method of victory.

    For example, there are a lot of dialogues where it seems she could offer a blowjob to the leader but that isn't so forthright as to happen even before the first mission or there is mention of a Brothel but that hasn't at least been implemented yet.

    An idea would be the option to work in the Brothel with a storyline and variety of sex scenes of its own for money, not only to buy weapons, but to hire mercenary NPCs that follow you around and kill the zombies in your place.
    Additionally, if you have little to no clothing and there are no zombies around, those mercenaries could also grab her and fuck her suddenly while it is safe, halting the movement of any enemy that might spawn while it happens.

    2- Gameover back to menu screen is actually quite annoying.
    Either return to the base or, better, have her be captured and brought somewhere with a scene of its own where she can be ganged and then try to escape, with the option of skipping the escape attempt and teleporting back to base.

    3- Your clothing conditions should affect how NPCs interact with you. While it is still very early on, in later stages of development, they should comment on her clothes, avoid looking and talking to her or even sexually harassing and finally fucking her in public.

    4- Sex statistics and "reputation" with consequences on how she behaves and how NPCs treat her could also be interesting. If she is fucked constantly and gets addicted to sex and the survivors know how much of an easy target she is, they would treat her differently.

    5- "Press I for inventory", please? Simplify the inventory management. Just add an I keybind where we can open inventory and equip... or unequip... clothes.

    6- If after sex she doesn't get up within a few seconds, enemies should just grab her on the ground and fuck her again, preferably in a different position.

    7- While this is limited by time and the amount of work needed, the biggest issue with this kind of game is the limitation in the variety of sex scenes. Lose in combat just a few times and you've already seen almost every single sex pose. More than new areas and new enemies, having a few enemies with dozens of variations to the losing sex scene is much more impactful. If every time you lose to an enemy, fall and get fucked there is a new sex scene for several times in a row to the same enemy, that is much more interesting than having a few dozen different enemies each with 2 or 3 sex scenes of their own.
    If you manage to add a really considerable variety of sex scenes, in every corner, even with just very few maps and 1 or 2 enemy types, this will already be a lot better than having it have a loooong story with several maps and single time events but only ever the same few enemies with the same 2 or 3 sex scenes per enemy every time you fall to the ground and they get you.

    I will absolutely raise this rating if in the future enough of these get addressed, though. It is a really good game when it comes to some absolutely core features. While the issues mentioned are related to gameplay or quantity of content, both can and most probably will be addressed with time, yet in its current state and judging its current state only, it is a 3 out of 5
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Johanna Jane

    Core gameplay is pretty solid. Shoot at zombies, preferably in the head, and if they grab the player character, they do lewd things to her.

    Three different difficulty levels with different backstories and even different outfits is pretty interesting. The Fashion Model playmode is quite challenging.

    There are "deprecated" gallery scenes that are actually quite good. It seems the developer decided to go in a different direction with how the H-scenes work and is starting them from scratch. The new H-scene system has promise, and I look forward to more animations and more enemies being added.

    The current version of the game seems quite short, but there is a lot of potential if it keeps on-track.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    No content, nor as shooter, nor sexual, only promises and bugs.
    Absolutely no optimations, pointlessly large map, boring, non interesting shooting, author has no idea how games and shooter works (other words horrible game design).
    Another "project" with huge ambitions and absolutely no resourses for that, or a talent or a knowledge.
    Another milker from naive subscribers and patrons.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played this game from the very first version, and the advancement is quite lovely despite the developer's difficulties due to the shitty war. I will try to describe the pros and cons of the game in summary:


    - The atmosphere of the game is very well performed. I like the changes occurring when the day changes into the night, and your strategy must change completely to avoid being caught up by zombies. It makes the game highly unpredictable

    - The shoot system has been completely re-made and now is much better. Despite you needing 9-10 shoots in hard mode, it is much easier to shoot to the target, and so the game is now better balanced

    - The hero. She is lovely and probably the best hero of any shooter games I have played in F95. It also seems that the DEV was inspired by herself to develop the hero; there are plenty of details in the movement, in the facial expression... she is really original and makes it unique.

    - The balanced difficulty while you advance the game. From a very easy shooter to a challenging game where you must save munition, use the healing herbs wisely and avoid being trapped by the zombies. It requires a lot of game skills if you play in Hard Mode.

    - The wide possibilities the game has right now. The world is open, and the DEV has full freedom to surprise us with some advancements.


    - The number of enemies types is quite limited. It would be good to have at least three types of enemies per zone

    - I miss more types of sex scenes, especially when the hero is caught by a bunch of enemies

    - I know that in the future will be solved, but the beat consequences are not implemented, and the game goes game over.

    - The game needs more AI characters and more missions. The world is developed enough to increase the number of missions, and it would be quite easy to implement (the hardest part is done, and now is time for embellishments)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I had last played this on v0.5e Max, and I just played the v0.6a Full.
    The game has seen many upgrades in various aspects, it's looking better than ever.

    But for now most of the content is still the usual H-scenes with the protagonist and Monsters.

    Would be cool if we got some content with the other 2 girls and the Monsters as well.
    Plus content between the protagonist and other men (and the other girls with other men).
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Nice Kitty

    Another zombie themed game on this site. So far, this game is very raw. But she does not lag, there are no bugs yet. But she's complicated. You can be surrounded by zombies from all sides. The graphics are good, the plot is still small and content. The animations aren't great, but they aren't terrible either. The main character's model is good. You can do customization in the future. There are several zombie-themed games on this site with an 18+ theme similar to the Resident game.
    The game is at least not updated often, the updates themselves are few in the description, but the project is clearly developing. Maybe there are more features on the Patron, but for now for this version 4 stars
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating up to 0.5e and up to earlier versions.
    Without a doubt, this is a high-quality game, you can see the creator's efforts to make it look as good as possible. If you want to play a hentai-shooter, this is the perfect choice. The shooting mechanics are at a really high level, as well as the animations and music and other sounds. Shinekuku puts a strong emphasis on quality which will result in less quantity as everyone knows. And that's the biggest problem with this game, updates are sparse and add little to the game(At least a visible contribution). None of us know how much the developer had to deal with the code or with errors, so be patient. And here I am asking you, dear reader of the review, do not write off the game just for this reason that you have to wait :)

    No one is making you buy a monthly membership.^^
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    At this point this game just reeks of the developer milking money off supporters by releasing half-assed updates 'adding a little content and taking a little content out.' One would expect far more progress given the amount of support this game had at the beginning.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I'd write up a long indepth review, but right now not in the mood. The three main reasons its a 1 star are:

    1] Extreme scarcity of loot, ammo, and ability to acquire money to purchase ammo and weapons.

    2] Levelling up takes forever, the perks are super costly and... most of them don't work. At all.

    3] Trying to avoid being grabbed by enemies is torture and there is only ever one sex scene and it takes like 9 pistol headshots to kill an enemy. Which with so little ammo, very long reload times, and the fact that body shots deal 0 damage, makes this totally unbearable.

    Maybe if they ever release a new build, I'll update my review.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Shannon khoo wen yee

    So much potential, but that's about it. progress is slow and pay walled, the dev need to expand the team if this game is to be ever finished. Alternatively, the dev is going to milk the whales and release some have assed 1.0 a few years later after everyone losses interest. Like much of the porn game devs before this.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, how to begin...

    Graphics: the game looks damn good! Even on low-mid settings i honestly can't complain much

    Optimization: AMD FX Quad Core 4300 3.8 GHz, 1050 2GB, 8 GB RAM and 0.5a max was running pretty smooth on low-mid settings, but 0.5d less so. However, as others said, it's better to wait for max version (or upgraid pc lul). Anyway, optimization is damn fine imo. Tho i have to admit that i got freezes quite a few times, but then again, i have my pc for quite a few years.

    H: I like the approach to H from 0.5a more tbh. The heroine is down and right then, without any fade-outs or anything she is assaulted, but the camera controls (and bigger number of animations) in 0.5d is better obviously. Also, in 0.5d dicks don't quite line in with the holes during the animations, Strong Zombie's animation justoutright refuses to play correctly lul, but, again, patience.

    Difficulty: I feel like the mid difficulty is the most right one. It takes...what, 4 pistol headshots to kill a regular zombie, idk-how-many-i didn't-play-with-a-rifle shots from rifles and just 1 upclose HEADshot to KILL the damned creature. Howerer it does't let you just chill, how the easy mode does: you still have to be quick on your feet or you'll be overrun and fucked (if you attract a group of zombies), bodyshots may knock down zombies temporarily, but you have to finish them afterwords still. It's like in zombieland: you have to make control shots
    And hard is...hard. Regular zombies can take up to the WHOLE DAMN MAG if your aim is not good. And don't get me started about 1vs group. You better run. Tbf, i only killed 17 zombies on hard and then switched to normal, which means i only used pistol, but still.

    Some other thoughts: I'll say them in rapid succesion
    I like how the gunplay feels
    i'm sad that the breast size slider is no more in 0.5d
    I don't know how to feel about clothing being move from customization menu to inventory
    VERY sad that i did not see cumflation in 0.5d, although it's supposed to be there(?)
    currently arousal serves no purpes imo, cuz i said every slutty dialog option and...nothing. It's capped at 30% for me. Also infection is ALSO capped at 30% for some reason and i can't get it higher
    Tentacles out there just be chillin'
    The boss-fight was fun. TOTALLY expected the roar to attract the horde of zombies or hounds but oh well.
    Having the ability to customise front and back parts of haircut seperatly would be neat honestly
    The heroine is cute
    The crouch doesn't work in 0.5a or d for some reason

    Conclusion: Pretty good game. There isn't much, but what is there is good and has potential! But i better give the rating for what it is and not for what it can be. The mini-games are fun too. If i could i would even support the creator on patrion but i need every last rubl i get. Godspeed to the creator and anyone who read it!
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Removed clothing customization menu, dev console doesn't work, crouching doesn't work, and animations are broken.

    Don't why why this newest update took 10 steps back and none forward. Doesn't give me hope for the full version.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4854126

    A porn game that fails at having porn. There is presently only 1 scene that I could trigger, a regression from previous versions. It has an actual game component but it is a poor man's shooter with no depth. Maybe there is hope for later, but as it is, this isn't a porn game and only a poor game made using store assets.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Showing tonnes of promise, the combat can be a bit janky at times, but is generally quite satisfying, which, considering how early in development the game is, is pretty impressive.

    Though it seems that 0.5c has broken more than it's added in the way of H content, so I'd recommend hopping over to the patreon and grabbing version 0.5b instead.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    We've got it...

    A 3D unity porn game is a hard challenge. Depending on the dev you can have, a too much technical approach, too much linear approach.

    This game has the good balanced and the sex included is delicious, effect with fluid are sexy, you can have different branch in dialogue.

    The project is one of the best in this game category

    I recommend all to help the creator by money, at least there is release and communication and a good dev spirit (seems the dev share our valor of lust)

    Pro :

    - Some dialogue, branch, quest system
    - Survival not too hard, interesting
    - Sex scene good
    - Fluid / Inflation, all my fetish

    Cons :

    - Graphical quality hard to set:

    I use 2 laptop, on the old one I had to change some settings to make the game playable, I would prefer a simple "Graphic quality: low" instead of deactivated all option. On the new one with 3070 all is perfect ofc.

    I definitively recommend to follow this game, quest system is working, shotting part, sex animations. I hope a lot of content will arrive soon !