Unity - Too Much Light [v0.6a Full] [Shine]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    My thoughts in order of importance:

    1. Not enough sexual content. (Sex/Foreplay/Teasing)
    2. Great looking females overall: (Face, body, physics)
    3. Maps look ok, but a bit empty
    4. Not many NPCs and quests
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    -Nice looking MC
    -Decent animation

    -Zombies are too fast and take too many hits, it's like 5-6 headshot to kill one. They only have a grab attack*
    -Some perk are unreasonably price, odd or shouldn't need to be bought (Example: dodging cost 2 points, the final sleight of hand perk is a small health regen for not taking damage for a while and making headshots lethal 25% of the time cost 3 points)
    -Barely any sex animations, there 1 for the normal zombie, 1 one for the strong zombie and believe that's it, unless you can give Not-Norman Reedus a BJ in game.

    *You can reload when flipping out of a grab and the zombies usually give you a good second afterwards to shoot, repeating that is how I beat the last mission.
    Likes: Agapf
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    *crying* wery gud game but can be better
    dev is gud
    graphics gud
    gameplay almost gud
    scenes gud
    water not gud
    shooting gud
    light too much
    forest gud
    underground very gud
    progress gud
    didn't have many ends tho ;(
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Soooo, I still have no idea how such projects get funding and 5 star rating. This game is just a mess.

    Graphics is probably the only positive aspect of this game. Game looks good and doesn't lag(often). The problem is that prefabbed assets are still prefabbed(doesn't matter if they were free or bought) and have nothing to do with the developer, but he at least chose the good ones.

    Gameplay is as always as bad as it could be. Personally, I see no originality in an "open world" filled with empty houses and zombies that you need to shoot. And oh, YEAH, shooting is AWFUL. Firstly, the enemies are bullet sponges and need like 10 headshots to die. Secondly, the shotgun(the only weapon I was able to try) is absolutely useless because it just shoots through enemies. Why, the hitboxes in this game are random? and oh, by the way their eyes reflect bullets, have fun!

    Animations are "interesting". The only time I saw them is when I got "gangbanged". There is no animation for this in the game so I was just getting infinitely grabbed until I got under the map which was enough for me.

    All in all, this game may have some potential.
    CORRECTION: This game HAD some potential for like 5 seconds after the start until you see that there is a missing texture on the boots you are wearing, really sets up the mood, eh?
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Zombies lost arm can't be shot...and they are really bullet sponge. Load game with lose everything you had before, excpet the gun you puchased, and health is not recoverd either. Crosshair is off set, kinda difficult to hit enemy at close range. Character is pretty good tho, just the gameplay...not very enjoyable.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    My opinion and rate for this game is great, gameplay still being work on but as demo come out I'm sure to follow this game. It have interesting gameplay and good graphic as well.

    I recommended to keep eyes out for this game in future, it would be fantastic!
    -I give this 5/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    As of version 0.4a this game is already a mind-blowing visual experience with no equivalent when it comes to 3d. The only reason the previous review had a bad experience is because they tested the 0.4b version of the game which was a buggy build (and advertised as a buggy build by the dev himself - you would have known it if you followed his patreon).

    Anyway here is the review.

    - AAA graphics, sounds, and animation work.
    - Masterpiece of game design. Everything feels polished and has a purpose.
    - The gameplay is fun, original, the shooting feels great.
    - Super sexy heroine model, highly customizable.
    - Decent amount of sex scenes with many fetishes.

    - None. The dev listens to feedback and usually implements all reasonable requests within weeks.

    Seriously thanks Shinekuku for this great game and please guys consider supporting him to help this project. Even 1500$/month is way below the typical salaries of a software dev especially one so skilled with Unity. This game has the potential to become a masterpiece and I have no doubt it will , given how actively it's updated and how clear the vision from the dev is.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Is there like some type of service f95 game creators can use to buy positive reviews? And if so can someone hook me up with it? Cause goddamn this game isn't even a 4, much less 5 star game.

    First quest is kill 20 zombies, here's 50ish bullets. Fun fact, takes 10 headshots to kill one. No no that math does not add up. You have to do the secondary quest to sneeky breeky around grabbing 50 metal scrap to bring back to get ammo to actually do the main quest.

    Another fun fact is that the second and last main quest involves you heading down into the sewers to clear up an infestation. You flip the switches and BAM guess the game forgot to tell you this starts a three wave horde mode which altogether has 50+ zombles. Hope you packed literally hundreds of bullets cause with 95% headshots it took over 400 bullets to clear.

    Aside from being tanky AF, zombies can outrun you thanks to your limited sprint bar, and aggro for an incredibly long time and distance.

    Pro-tip: The initial grab animation zombles do barely does any scratch damage, and if timed right, your stamina recovers faster then you lose it. On top of those, being grappled while reloading doesn't stop the reload mechanic, and breaking free from a grapple gives you a 1-2 second grace period. It's not enough to manage to start fleeing if there anymore then 2 zombies, but it's enough to pop 5-8 bullets into a zombie before being grappled again. Yes, being grappled by zombies is actually the most efficient way to play. Not only that, in the case of the sewer hordes, it's also the only way to win since otherwise you'll just get stunlocked trying to flee or kite.

    Porn wise there's a scene with the gun dealer, a couple animations you can watch after getting a game over, and a defeat animation from the zombies. Supposedly there's a second one with "strong" zombies, but I've cleared the entire map and every zombie appears identical and has the same sex animation. So either it's broken, orrrr it's patreon exclusive content.

    Cause yeah, we've got a single enemy type, a fetch quest, and two extermination missions baybeee, so there's totally enough content in the game to justify locking additional content behind a paywall for a WiP game. Patreon will also give you the benifits of cheat mode to help you ignore the flawed game design and bugs, as well as the only two outfits aside from the default.

    Nother fun fact-the game still gives you a quest to do one of them, even if it's the public build so have fun searching the map for it and then giving up only to come here and find out it was never in the game in the first place.

    On the positives for the game, the models and animations are pretty decent. The character customization is a bit eh, but if all you want to do is change the players eye/hair/skin color it's aight.

    On the less positive, there's some straight up glitches that are glaringly obvious. Stepping in a beartrap means you have to save and quit because it's quite literally impossible to escape. A full stamina bar can't break it and you can't recover it quick enough to keep going. Also I'm not sure but I think it also is just straight up glitched? It looks like the progress bar for freeing yourself actually stops prior to your stamina actually running out. Also I guess exiting the session,whether to main menu or restarting the game causes you to lose all money. Woopsies!

    Another glitch is checking the arcade machine in the shooting range which soft locks you when exiting.

    I realize that in comparison to the other Unity/3d WiP games this looks like Michelin Star quality, but just cause everything else is so crap doesn't mean this game isn't also pretty heavily flawed.I mean that's the only reason I can think of for why it has such a big score.

    The models and animations are good, but there isn't a whole lot of content with them, the game has glaring design and balance flaws, as well as some serious and obvious glitches. I'd give it a three with just the flaws and good models and animation balancing each other out, but the paywall for QOL via cheats and actaul content when the game itself has so little knocks it down another star.

    Don't get me wrong, I hope this succeeds and shapes up to something solid, but these reviews are fuckin crazy man.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Too Much Light performs with the surreal advantage of not taking itself overly seriously. Outwardly a game about surviving the zombie apocalypse; it reveals itself to be a pastoral dress-up shooter with slightly zany character interactions. The music choices are excellent, animations are fluid, clipping is almost a none-issue. Going by taste, this one has my personal favorite 3D female model to date. While there is no plot yet, something about the strangely wholesome atmosphere of it effects a soothing touch that I can't get enough of. The project is yet in it's infancy and I'm really looking forward to see it mature into fuller forms.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has restored my hope in Unity based games. The game play is solid. The animations are pretty good. Would love to see some different enemies. Over all the animations, sound, and game play are on par with the better Unity/UE games available. I look forward to seeing what else is in store.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Some people think Unity isn't capable of great animations, and this is counter evidence to the case.

    The game works well. There still needs to be a lot more content and polish, of course, but the fundamentals are all there. The controls are reasonable. The shooting isn't difficult. I felt like I was back in Der Riese for a minute.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Frequent Updates, great graphics and animations, developer responds frequently. The shooting aspect is especially fluid when compared to similar games like bioasshard. As long as the developer keeps doing what they are doing I can't see anything going wrong with this game. Very excited to see where it goes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good game! It's still early stages but the feel of the game so far is well above average. The main character looks good and animations so far are great.

    It is just at demo stage so far (v0.4a Maximum) but it has great potential. More mobs (preview of a monster/mutant hound in sewers) more clothes, more weapons and quests and/or challenges with customisation rewards will make this a fantastic little game. I saw completed games that are far worse than this on Steam so great job so far Shinekuku and keep up the good work (became a patron today)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all this game is beautiful, I really like the concecpt of it
    I love the model for the MC, she's perfect. This game has so much potential, the creator can do a lot of things and add even more lewd content. Just keep it on, you're doing great with every update!

    And honestly this is one of the best game I've ever played until now so I'm ready for next updates that will be more exciting and cooler!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    very very good so far, graphics are amazing and combat is tight. Would prefer more enemy types, someone in the comments said zombie dogs? Yes please! Having a 'bash' to get enemies off you would be a very cool feature.
    Saw here that the vintage clothes are patreon only, looked around for them for ages!
    The joker dude comes off a bit creepy, wasnt fond of that character. Would prefer the characters to have a more cooperative attitude with one another personally.
    Is there gonna be a reason to not get hit by zombies? This game somehow gives me 'overgrown genesis' vibes, stealing a card out of there book for that would be dope.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Now that's what I'm talking about! Cannot wait to see more! :)
    Not to have you lose focus in any way. But let's not forget them animations :3
    Everyone likes diffrent positions!
    Depending on where your going with it that is. Either way, this is turning out to be a great game! Not to mention I haven't come across any bugs to be honest. You where right on target with the shaders and hair. Boob size is a must haha. Keep up the great work!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the game so much! Shinekuku has an eye for detail, adds new content regularly and is responsive. I rate it with 5 stars and it is only in development yet. I am sure the game will turn out great.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.3(Fixed)
    if a German translation is planned, let me know, have good references
    ┅¦ $ € price ¦┅
    ☑ Pay whole price
    ☐ Wait until the next sale
    ☐ Free
    ☐ Give it back if you still can
    ☐ Don't even buy

    ┅¦ ☀ graphic ¦┅
    ☐ Very, very, very bad
    ☐ Very bad
    ☐ Bad
    ☑ OK
    ☐ Very good
    ☐ Really nice
    ☐ Insane graphics - breathtaking

    ┅¦ ☀ Requirements ¦┅
    ☐ PC from 1980 is sufficient xD
    ☐ Bad PC
    ☐ Medium PC
    ☑ Good PC
    ☐ NASA PC

    ┅¦ ✪ player ¦┅
    ☐ children
    ☐ adults
    ☐ For everyone
    ☑ Only for tough players

    ┅¦ ツ Difficulty ¦┅
    ☐ Easy
    ☑ Easy to learn, but difficult to play
    ☐ Medium - it works
    ☐ Difficult
    ☐ Quite difficult

    ┅¦ ۞ Length [To Time) ¦┅
    ☑ Fairly short (0-2 hours)
    ☐ Short (2 - 8 hours)
    ☐ Few hours (8 - 12 hours)
    ☐ Long (12+ hours)
    ☐ Infinite

    ┅¦ ❀ Story ¦┅
    ☐ There are none
    ☑ Bad
    ☐ Average
    ☐ Good
    ☐ Fantastic
    ☐ One of the best stories there is!

    -┅¦ ϟ bugs \ errors ¦┅
    ☐ The game itself is a big mistake
    ☐ Errors / bugs destroy the game
    ☑ Quite a lot of bugs
    ☐ A couple of mistakes
    ☐ No mistakes that rob you of the fun of the game
    ☐ None at all
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Been waiting for a game like this for awhile. Love that defeat means a hot cutscene but not death. The game is fun and entertaining, not difficult which is perfect I don't play these games for a challenge. The guns are also satisfying except for the shotgun.

    I really like that new clothes are already being implemented. Customization is huge in these types of games and I love changing out the clothing. I do hope that the Dev will be able to add the ability to change clothes during a sex scene.

    I'll keep my eye on this one for sure. Already became a patreon
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good as of v0.3A, cannot wait to see how far this can go, but for the bones it has now it is pretty solid. It has similar controls to the FPS games I play on PC, so not having almost any issues with combat despite having a direct comparison is awesome. As always though, would love more mob variations/types and character customization. Keep up the good work~